Chapter 58: U With Me? pt 3

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"That's fine," she said quickly with an attitude. "I don't know why you're getting so upset. I told you I had some shit going on-

"Because I love you" she admitted closing her eyes. Everything stopped it was quietness. She couldn't believe she said it. Ricky stopped what he was doing taken back. "I'm sorry, I just don't want anything to happen to you. I don't want you to die on me. That morning before I found out Ronnie died. I had a dream it was you.. I don't-

"Shhhh," he said pulling her into a hug. He was shocked to know that, that meant he was supposed to die not Ronnie. He kissed her forehead again. "I'll be alright but if anything happens," he said

"No, don't talk like that" she shook her head. "Please don't" she begged crying. "I never loved a man as much as I love you, I'll do whatever you want I just don't want you to go," she said. She wasn't even making sense anymore to him because she was so emotional.
"Listen to me" he grabbed her arms. "You take all the money in my safe. I'll text you my code. you take all the money you need put some money into Morgan and Jace's college funds and put your pretty ass through college okay? And don't look back" He asked. "No"'she shook her head. "Promise me," he said sternly
"You have to do it," he said.

"No, I'm not speaking that.. stop it" she said

"Josie," he said sternly lightly shaking her. His voice became very authoritative. "Come on, promise me that" he said.

"Okay, I'll do it.. but I don't want too," she said. "I'll call you," he said before He walked out closing the door behind him. Ricky was blown away he didn't know Josie loved him. A like, sure ..but love damn? He didn't understand how a girl like her could love a nigga like him. All the shit he comes with. She didn't deserve a guy like him and he knew it. He received a text message from the group message.

"A little traffic but I'm coming," Rudy said

He turned back around running inside from the heavy rain. He opened the door letting himself in. Josie was sitting on the edge of steps. She quickly stood up being caught crying. She wondered if he left something. He roughly pulled her by her waist. Caught off guard she hesitated, looking at him. They locked lips passionately kissing. Josie wrapped her hands around his neck. The kiss intensified to the next level, it was passionate yet hungry. They stopped resting their foreheads together. She caressed his face running her finger across his scar. Ricky didn't want to leave just as much as she didn't want him too. He kissed her again. He lifted her up as she wrapped her legs around him; he carried her upstairs. He kissed her neck, sucking and biting. "Wait, wait" she paused. "I don't think we should," she said nervously. She can see this becoming messy.
He kissed her again as she placed her down. He bit his lip "Don't wear this shit ever again" he slapped her thigh. Josie blushed "You ain't my daddy" she spoke. He walked towards her
unzipping the back of her lace jumpsuit. He watched it fall effortlessly to the floor leaving her in her black bra and panties. Ricky stared at her body licking his lips. She took her hair out of a bun letting it flow to her neck. She knew Ricky loved black on her she wanted it just as much as him. His phone began vibrating he looked at it placing it to the side. He walked towards her as he took his shirt off throwing it on the floor. She stared at his muscular frame and tatted body. Josie was ready but also nervous. She hasn't had sex in almost a year, not like she was that experienced when she was with Raymond that's why she had so much self-control. Ricky could tell she was nervous, he's been ready to have sex with her since the moment he saw her, he always wondered if she were shy or a freak. He was ready to find out. She laid on the bed he got in between her legs. He slowly kissed her some more making his way to her neck. She let out a small moan he placed love spots on her chest down to her stomach. He sucked and kissed in between her thighs getting her even wetter. He pulled her legs kissing in between those. He slowly pulled her panties to the side. He rested his mouth between her legs and the rest was history. She held onto the sheet while he devoured her like the last supper. "Ummmmm" she moaned. "Uhhhh" she ran her hands through his hair. 

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