Chapter 32: Insight

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It felt good waking up in his arms and him just holding me and making sure that I was okay but I know it was too soon for all of this. We didn't have sex or anything he just laid with me.I turned around staring at his heavily tatted arms, they designs were very detailed. He finally woke up looking down at me. "Goodmorning Beautiful" he spoke. "More like a hot mess" I got up with a bad headache. "You fine in my eyes," he said. "Thanks, Kasey" I smiled. He got up stretching "You gotta chill out on the liquor mama," he said.

"I'm not an alcoholic, I just had too much yesterday"
"Yeah tell it to the judge," he said. "I hope you don't think I'm using you emotionally or anything," I said. "Nah, you good. I know its rough right now... no worries" he said.
"You want to get some breakfast? Movies after? He asked. I smirked "Seeing as though I have a headache we can order in and then go to the movies? I asked.
"Nah, I know the perfect breakfast spot that you'll love and I want to see acrimony, " he said. "So go shower do whatever you gotta do and I'll be back in like two hours" he added. I was taken back a bit he has no problem telling me what it is and what it's going to be.
I smiled "Okay"
He leaned forward kissing my forehead. "I'll see you later slim," he said. I quickly got in the shower


I've been feeling bad all yesterday about going beserk on Mia like that, it's been a while since I been in a predicament that I couldn't control my anger and what makes it worst is my son heard all of it. I told him to go to the car but he took matters in his own hands to make sure his mom was okay and I couldn't be mad at that but I am disappointed that he heard it and now he thinks I hurt his mom.

"Look, man, you know I'd never hurt you or your mom," I asked him. He nodded his head. "I just love your mom, okay and we just got into a heavy argument" I explained. "Then why was she screaming "Stop"? He looked over at me.

"You'll understand when you're older," I said. Junior has no idea what it feels like to love a woman desperately and how any guy looking her direction makes you want to go crazy.
"And if I ever hurt your mom, I give you permission to beat my ass," I said. He laughed. "I got it" he said. "Cool, well I guess I should apologize right? I asked him. "Yeah, she was crying last night," he said. I took the keys out the ignition making my way to her house. The door swung open and I was greeted by her with a displeased look. "Not now... Junior, come on its time to go to school" she said clutching on her purse. "I'm sorry... I was wrong" I admitted. She opened her door shutting it on me. I banged on her window "What? She asked. "What do you want me to do? I begged. "Leave me alone" she scoffed. I bit my lip "You look good in that uniform...I love a girl that ain't scared to work"

"Yeah and I'm trying to get there are you going to stop me from making my money too? She questioned. I watched Junior place on his earphones leaning back. Perfect!

"Hmm for some reason I think you want the attention," I said. She rolled her eyes "No, not that kind" I said. "Oh, really? I questioned

"That night I made you miss your date, you didn't even go on your date... you were with me" I chuckled. She didn't say anything she just looked down at her nails.

"You still hurt my feelings so"
"Gimme a kiss, I can make it feel better," I said. "No" she shook her head. I leaned over grabbing her face turning her towards me. I pecked her lips and she turned back around. "What was that? I asked. "Leave me alone" she whined. I turned her face again this time planting kisses all over her face. A smile peeked through her teeth. "Stop" she covered her face. "You know you love me," I said. "Let me take you out on a date? I asked. "Fine Dreux now can I go to work, please? She asked. "Yeah go make that money ma," I said. "Thank you" she said pulling off.

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