Chapter 45: Unfinished Business

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2 weeks later

Josie moved her head side to side. "No, no" she begged gripping her sheets. She screamed to the top of her lungs. "No, no stop it" she begged. Ricky walked into her room to see her having some kind of nightmare. She began kicking and screaming. She finally opened her eyes to see Ricky there. "Its okay," he told her holding her down. For the past weeks, Josie has been having nightmares. Ricky slept with her for a few days until she told him she was okay, she wanted to keep the boundaries and it was a good idea for Ricky. He didn't know how much longer he could lay with her without trying to do something so if she had a panic attack he would just check on her. "You okay? He asked. "Yeah, I'm fine" she got up. He got up along with her she stood there covering her eyes. "I had a dream they took Morgan," she said. "Who? he asked her. "The cult" she admitted. "I always worry about it coming back to us," she said wiping her eyes. "Nobody is going to harm the both of you, try not to stress too much before you go to sleep," he told her.

"Thanks," she said. "Now get ready for tonight, I'm getting fucked up," he said walking off. Ricky was throwing a party for him and his brothers. I guess with everything going on he thought it would be cool to have a good time. I wasn't the party type but I did invite a few friends and if I do in fact get annoyed I'll just go to Erica's house. The past two weeks have been very calm. I was still working at the nightclub and I got Mia to make me a fake hospital slip to give to Ron since I missed work. The morning when I woke up I made it my business to email him and come up with a lie. So far it worked. Ricky has been nicer and everything has been relaxed but I still worry a lot and get anxiety especially leaving the club at night. I think I was about to wrap it up anyways and maybe find another online job instead. I went downstairs hearing a loud buzzing noise. I walked downstairs to see Ricky laid on the couch getting a tattoo. So random!

"Hey, how are you? I greeted the tattoo artist. "Hey, how you doing? He asked focusing on his tattoo. Ricky was very daring and obnoxious at times. What was the point of getting a tattoo on this random day? "I'm Keenan by the way" he spoke. "Hi, nice to meet you," I said walking in the kitchen. I turned on the teapot letting it boil. It felt good to have a little quiet. Morgan was at another sleepover with her friends and Jace was with Erica's mom. She loved watching him from time to time. I felt kind of bad leaving him over there but I just needed a day or even a few hours to myself. I think after I make me some breakfast I'm going to go to the spa and just relax. I took some strawberries from out the refrigerator along with my turkey bacon. I loved oatmeal with strawberries and my bacon. I nodded my head listening to his music playing. Once my oatmeal was done I added my sugar butter and strawberries stirring it up. I dipped my turkey bacon in it enjoying every bite. I walked over to where he was to see what he was getting. "What are you getting done? I asked

"I'm getting this tattoo finished and a cover-up," he said. I looked over to see his ex's name was still on the back of his neck how did I not see that. He made me want to get a tattoo other than the one on my foot. "How much do you typically charge? I asked Keenan. "I start at 300 depends on what you want" he answered. "How much is that? I pointed.

"Damn, what's up with all the questions? Ricky turned his head. "Obviously I want a tattoo" I rolled my eyes. "This is 1,000" the tatt man answered. "Sheesh" I said. "Let me get some" Ricky said looking at my bowl. "No, I just made this" I whined. "Come on, that shit looks good" he begged. I rolled my eyes handing him the spoon. He opened his mouth taking a bite. "Nigga you supposed to eat before you get tatted" Keenan laughed. 'I know this shit is good, let me get some more" he asked.

"Really? I asked. "Yeah really" he looked up licking his lips. I handed him another scoop "Can you make me some? He asked. "Here just have it" I handed it to him. "Can you feed it to me? He asked. "Noooo" I hollered. "You're not my son... sorry," I said. He sucked his teeth "I'm facing my stomach, how the hell am I gonna do that? He asked. I scooted a chair next to him feeding him. I took a big scoop and he took the biggest bite ever "Your fat" I joked.

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