Chapter 44: Fallin (pt.2)

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AN: *Some of this chapter is written narratively and first-person

I ran into the house to get Morgan. "Morgan" I called going upstairs, all I could hear was her crying. "Morgan its me, unlock the door," I said. She got up unlocking the door. She ran in my arms crying as I picked her up. Jace was by my leg wanting to be held. "I'm sorry, we got to go," I told her. "Its okay, your sister took a walk and we have to find her," I told her trying my best to keep her calm. She nodded as her back down I then carried Jace. Rudy came in "What's the password? He asked

"2007," I told him. He went to my room getting the money. I was so pissed off "Morgan pack some clothes, we got to leave for a few," I told her. The fact that they knew were we lived now wasn't safe right now so we had to go to my other house. "Can you do that? I asked her. She grabbed her Princess Tiana suitcase packing it. I couldn't tell Josie what was going on, that would on worry her to death. If I told her she would be over cautious and I didn't want to scare her. No one knows what's going on besides Dreux, Rudy, Kasey, Dorian, and the rest of us.

I grabbed another bag putting some of Jace's things in there. This was getting tedious as hell; we'd have to go back another day. I had less than two hours now. "Okay come on," I said. We ran downstairs, I already called everyone. Cortez and Ronnie were meeting us there. Mia was going to watch Jace and Morgan until we were finished. "You gotta go to Mia's house for a few," I told her as we got in the car. "Nooo, I wanna go with you" she frowned giving me her puppy eyes. She had hooked, I really loved this little girl and I wish we weren't in this predicament now.

"You can't go with me baby girl, "I told her

"I'm tired of going from house to house" she frowned. The guilt was taking over me, Morgan could've gotten hurt as well as Jace and I wouldn't be able to live myself. If anything happens to Josie and I have to go back and rely that message to them. I wouldn't know what to do. We got in the car quickly Kasey sped off trying to get her there. "I can't believe them" I mumbled.

15 Minutes Later

Ricky got out of the car walking Morgan to Mia's house. "I don't wanna go" she begged. I sighed "I know Morgan; it won't be long," I told her she began crying all over again. Mia opened the door with Dreux standing behind her. She turned facing me "I have to go.. be good" I told her in a panic. "Will you come back to get me? She asked. "Yes, I promise," I said. "Okay," she walked in with her nephew. Mia comforted her "Come on Morgan let's make some cookies," she said taking her bag. Dreux walked to the door concerned.

"You sure you good? He asked. "Yeah, Cortez and Ronnie are meeting me there. Kasey and Rudy are in the car. We should be good" I told him. "Wow... this shit is beyond crazy," he said. "Well update me bro," he said

"Okay Bro," he said. He ran to the car, hopping him. I shut the door and Kasey sped off. Ricky grabbed his gun loading it. "This shit is crazy," Rudy said. "It is, and we were just arguing over this shit. She wanted to know what was going on but I couldn't tell her" I said

"I understand, no need for her to know that stuff. Its just crazy how she got snatched up like that" he said

"I can't even imagine yo, I don't know if they drugged her or harmed her. I swear to GOD it's over for them" Ricky warned. "Sounds like you love her," he said. "Let's not start this, her family needs her and I don't want the blame if something happens," he said. Ricky was low key petrified he was scared she'd come back beaten or raped. "How long man? He asked

"45 minutes," Kasey said.

"Brent and Bryson are dead, two of his sons. Yeah this shit is going to get ugly" Rudy said shaking his head

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