Chapter 50: Stubborn

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*I wrote this chapter in first and third person combined*

Ricky sat down listening to Rudy and Dorian talking over the plan. Tonight they were setting up Kannon. Ricky grabbed a bottle champagne chugging in down. He stared at Dorian irritated. Dorian could see that Ricky was staring at him as if he wanted to kill him. "Damn Ricky why the fuck you looking at me like I'm crazy? He asked. Rudy stopped talking looking over at me. "You working with Haram? He stood up. Dorian mugged him "Nigga what? He asked. "Are you? Rudy asked.

"No, why the fuck would I be working with them. I don't know them bitch ass niggas" he said. "Then why the fuck you so pressed for it to be Josie and Raymond setting us up that shit doesn't even make sense," He said

"Oh, okay" he chuckled. "I see a little upset that your girl ain't fucking with you right now. Aye don't take that shit out on me" he said. Ricky balled up his fist "Nigga that shit don't have nothing to do with it. Why the fuck didn't you want to run to the club with us huh? Why were you pressed to find out where Josie was? Sounds to me like you're a snake" Ricky walked up to him. "Yo, I ain't like these other little niggas in here. I ain't scared of you yo, I was just giving you a different perspective to look at things but you wanna act like a bitch" he said

"Aye, you need to chill fam" Dreux intervened. Ricky laughed "Okay Dorian, just know we always find out," he said

"Man y'all fucking trippin, my life on the line just like y'all. I ain't doing no funny shit... fuck ya'll" he walked off heated. "That nigga is lying; I'm tired of mothafuckas lying to me" Ricky shouted grabbing his keys. Dreux could tell his brother was upset. "I'll catch up with ya'll later" he said leaving the warehouse. Dreux followed behind him. "Bro, you okay? He asked catching up with him. "You good bro? He asked

"Yeah, I'm cool. We just don't have enough time to be giving that nigga the benefit of the doubt" He said.

"Look he seems sketchy to all us, don't forget we gotta take our time with shit. We don't want to give the nigga a reason to turn on us. You know it'll come to the light sooner or later. It always does" he said. Ricky nodded his head getting in the car. Dreux got in as well. "I'm tired bro, I don't know how long I can play this game. Trying to keep up with this shit making sure I don't get hurt, making sure y'all don't get hurt, and trying to save this fucked up legacy we have" he said

"You don't think we're all eating shit with you? He asked. "I know; I don't know maybe I shouldn't have tried to finesse the cooperate world. I got meetings for my restaurant, all these events coming up, this conference for children, and the Mayor's Ball" he explained

"We're all sacrificing a little bit of ourselves to get out the game. You're trying to make the world perceive us differently while were still trying to keep the money flowing until we can retire. In the mean time why don't you make shit right with the girl that makes you feel at ease" he said

"No, I ain't tryna be funny but she really pissed me off" he said. "How the hell is she going to help you at the Mayor's Ball if y'all aren't talking and you still can't find her? How that work? He laughed

Ricky rolled his eyes "You can't be the tough guy forever; shit will fail you every time" he said looking down at his phone. "Shit" Dreux said

"What? Ricky leaned over. "One of the old broads I used to fuck popped up at the crib" he said. "Fuck man" he showed me Mia's text message

Wifey 2:00 pm

Dreux I really thought I was tripping all these years but you'll never change. I'm tired of these bitches in your life. I'm too pregnant for this shit... I'm done

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