Chapter 43: Fallin

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"He really called you that? Erica asked. "Yes," I sighed sitting on the toilet. "You know Ricky would check the fuck out him, ugh I wish you could tell him," she said. I ran my hands through my hair "I know and I think he works in there. It seems like that's where he stays at" I said.

"Girl, you may have to just find another job," she said. "You're right, maybe just another club or something," I said. "Or you can try again with that raise thing," she suggested. I rolled my eyes "No, I'm not begging him for shit" I said getting up. "Okay, well you're smart so you'll do what's best," she said.

"Yeah, well I gotta go to this dinner. I'll tell you how that went" I said. "Okay boo," she hung up. I smoothed down my dress looking in the mirror.


I sat in the car thinking long and hard about this

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I sat in the car thinking long and hard about this. What was the point of trying to clean up this family's image when it seems like we can't get out of this shit? Do I just call this fake engagement off? Postpone the foundation and handle The Caprios and then come back or just give up altogether. We all planned on pulling up were The Caprios handle their business and to finish them. Dreux is telling us to wait and we need to form another alliance for back up. Rudy and I think we need to get it over with now before they get to us but Kasey thinks we should figure out what that Kannon nigga wants first. I don't think there's time to wait and now we're planning a funeral for one our people. I beeped the horn waiting for Josie to come out. "Damn, take your fucking time," I said. I watched her walk around the car door finally opening it. She sighed getting in the car. "Bout time," I said. "Do you have to say everything that comes out of your mouth? She asked putting on her seatbelt.

"Do you know how to watch your mouth? I asked her. She didn't say anything she just looked out the window. "Why you been so quiet today? I asked her. "No reason," she said. I glanced over at her one good time before I continued to drive. "I gotta run in the club real quick before we go to this event," I told her. "Okay," she said with an attitude. I bit my lip looking down at her legs. "You look good," I told her. "Wow, that's a first," she said smartly. I know I didn't do anything to her this morning for her to have an attitude but I was turned on, usually, I'm not for the attitude but it was working today.

"Just cause I don't tell you doesn't mean anything... but black looks good on you" I said. "Did you even compliment Kat when you two were together? She asked. "What does that have to do with anything? I asked.

"And she knew she looked nice, I didn't have to kiss her ass or anything," I said. She chuckled "Well thanks for the compliment I guess... I'll take it" she said. I parked the car beginning to get out. "You can take the key out; I have to use the restroom," she said.

I took the keys out of the ignition and we both walked into the club. I immediately went in the bathroom.


I walked in to see Chrissy on the laptop. "H-hey Ricky" she said. "Wassup Chrissy," I said opening the file cabinet. "You ever get a hold of that booking agent? I asked

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