Chapter 10: This thing called life pt 2

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"Enjoy your evening," she said. What type of family is this? What the fuck!! Who comes over here ready to spill all their personal information?

Erica and I started laughing hard. "The hell is wrong with that bitch" she questioned. "I don't know man; I mean who am I to judge," I said looking at my phone. I was kind of ready to go, Erica and I basically talked to each other the whole time while Morgan played with the kids. She seemed to be having a ball so that's all that matters

"Girl, why your boss always looks so damn serious. Like if he doesn't lift his stiff neck ass on up" she said making me laugh. "Girl and it hasn't even been two weeks and I'm wiped out," I said

"Bitch, he gets on my nerves ain't nothing that damn serious" she chuckled


"Oh my gosh thank you Unc" she said jumping on me. We watched her open her gifts and she was so happy to get her bike. I helped her on her bike watching her. "Put the pedal to the metal," Dreux said. We laughed watching her ride her bike. "Thanks, uncle Ricky" Kamaya said kissing my cheek. "Anything for you guys," I said taking a piece of cake from the table. "Y'all ready to play poker? I asked. I sat back at our table getting my money back. "Yeah, I whooped your ass last time bro don't be talking shit," he said.

"That was a once in a lifetime opportunity, I let you win bro" I chuckled. I felt a tug in my pants. I turned around to see Morgan.

"Wassup Morgan," I said. "Mr. Ricky.. can I watch? She said softly. "It's not for kids... go play with Kiyan and Kamara," I said. "They're riding their bikes and I don't wanna play games anymore," she said.

"They start off young don't they" Ronnie whispered to Dreux. "You outta line" he chuckled.

"Don't say no shit like that again" I fired at him. He placed his hands up in surrender. "My bad" he said. Morgan was still at the table peeking. They all looked at me. "Okay, come on," I said sitting her on my lap. She smiled watching us play. It was hard to say no to her she was too cute, she was winning me over more than my own nieces.

"We gotta keep it PG guys," Dreux said. "This nigga father of the year now" Rudy chuckled. I playfully pushed him. "Is this like Uno? She asked.

I began laughing "No baby girl... far from it" I said looking at Dreux. "More like monopoly" Dreux answered.


I walked around looking for my sister. I was ready to go. We've been here for an hour and that was just enough. I saw her over there on Ricky's lap. "This little girl," I said walking over there. Why was she watching them gamble? And why the hell did everyone gravitate towards my kids but treat me like shit? The only person that's nice to me is Dreux. "Morgan" I called her name.

"Yess" she said playfully. "You're interrupting their game and were about to go" I said. Ricky looked at me "She's good, it was no problem" he said. "Bye Mr. Ricky," she said getting off his lap. "Bye Morgan" he smiled. She slowly walked towards me placing her hand over her face. "Morgan if you don't put a pep in your-

She dropped to ground face first. "Morgan" I yelled turning her over.

"Oh, Shit," Ricky said dropping everything.

Everyone ran over "What happened?

"I don't know, she just passed out," I said lightly tapping her face to wake her up. "Get her on a chair" Ricky helped me pick her up. "Mia" he called.

"Mia is a nurse, she will help you" he said. I was on full panic mood. "Morgan" I cried. "What happened? Erica ran over with Jace. "She passed out"

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