Chapter 12: Shots

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I held Morgan's hand walking into Ricky's home as if I haven't seen it before. It's different now that we'll be staying here for a while. I didn't pay attention to the interior of his home. I made it my business to stay in the office in that's it but his home is gorgeous. Gray and black panels with marble floors, I could get used to this but not too comfortable. "It's always food in the fridge... just don't touch my cereal and Gatorade" he warned. Erica walked beside me with carrying Jace.She wouldn't dare let me live with Ricky without checking the place out herself. "Is their room for one more? She asked

I laughed "Girl this is so temporary" I mumbled. "Temporary, my ass. Ricky about to have his way with you in every part of this house" she whispered.

"Can you stop? I begged. Sex wasn't even in my vocabulary, ever since I lost my virginity got pregnant and gave birth by my damn self, gave myself to Raymond again thinking he changed only to realize that he hasn't; I haven't been in the mood since. Although, I'm still heartbroken and devastated by him.I have to move on. "Ooooh a pool" Morgan said excitedly. I glanced at the huge pool staring at the colorful lights. It was getting dark out and the colors were in effect. I didn't even know he had a pool. Ricky smiled "Yeah, when you get better you can go in," he said.

"I'm better now," she said leaving Ricky to smirk. "Girl, you can barely walk.... take a chill pill" I laughed. She just got discharged earlier from the hospital and was already ready to go swimming. "I already informed my housekeeper about your family. She shouldn't have a problem watching your son and sister.. unless you already have a babysitter" he said. I lifted my brow "Really? I asked relieved. "Not at the moment, that'd be helpful," I said. I was so relieved I could cry right now. We followed him upstairs where I saw at least 6 empty rooms. I still couldn't believe a man of his stature didn't have kids of his own and a super bad woman to the left of him.

"Wow" I mouthed

"Pshh this is nothing... you can choose any room besides that one" he pointed to. I assumed that was his room. I picked the room across the hall. I turned on the light to see how spacious it was. It was enough space for all three of us. There was a guest bed spacious enough for the three of us and a huge dresser. I just needed to buy a crib. "I think this is it" I said. "Cool, make yourself comfortable. I'll be out for a minute" he said walking away. "Okay thank you" I said. I felt the front door close indicating that he left. Erica looked over at me and the both of us began screaming.

"You about to be rich BITCH" she yelled excitedly. The both of us laughed hysterically. Jace began crying. "Oh, I'm sorry baby... we scared you," I said patting his back. "Alright well, I'm about to head out. You sure you okay? She asked. "Yeah, I'll be fine" I smiled. The both of us hugged "Let me tuck Morgan in and I'll walk you out" I said

"See I'm getting kicked out already" she laughed."Please don't do that" I said. "I wanna watch TV downstairs on the big screen," Morgan said. This little girl was going to make sure she was comfortable. "Okay but only for a little bit Mr. Ricky may want to watch TV down there," I said. I appreciated him giving us a place to stay but his vibe was giving off stay out his way, which was fine. I'd stay out his way but Morgan not so much. I can see her growing attached to him and I don't want her feelings to get hurt because this is only temporary.

"Okay," she said as I helped her get up. We all went downstairs; I helped her on the plush sectional. "Ouch" she screeched in pain. "I know, it's going to take some time to heal," I said the side of her stomach was stitched up. I plopped up her up with some pillows while Erica handed her the remote. "Okay, stay put I'll be back," I said placing Jace next to her.

"Just watch him for a second," I said

"Okay," she said changing the channel. "You're such a good sister and mother, "Erica said as we walked down the hallway. I sighed "I'm trying," I said.

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