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Baekhyun's Pov.......

They say beauty lies within, But no mortal human likes to seek for it. They are tired and too exhausted that the outer cover that wraps our bodies is what attracts their eyes.

Well I'm Byun Baekhyun, A gorgeous young boy of nineteen, A spoilt rich kid, Who lives a father who loves me beyond compare and a step mother who adores me just too much.

I might be beautiful, But I wasn't normal. I was abnormal for peoples liking. My beauty caught their attention but not my eyes. One look at them and people would freak out or grimace.

Mama say's my actual beauty lies a bit too deep down my soul that only one certain person would realize the depth and would willingly dive in to find me.

But I'm not Rapunzel to wait but right now I'm sitting on the edge of my window plane and gazing at the wilderness.

Mama once told me to just not see what lies before you. Open your heart and mind and you'd see more than what others do. And so I did. I saw things differently. Not as it is. But as it could be.

I sighed for the hundredth time that morning as I grabbed my bag and left the empty hallways of my mansion. My parents were rarely home but they loved me.

The streets gave me the creeps. Darkness always welcomed me with open arms as society cornered me from them. I was abnormal they said. I was bullied and pushed away, hurt with words that cut deeper than a sword. Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can but words can also hurt me.

As I enter my school, snickering and whispering of students filled my years. I locked my gaze down as I walked to locker and placed my books inside before pulling out the dark blue box that hid who I was.

I took it and walked to the washrooms when I saw Park Chanyeol and Oh Sehun. The hot basketball players of SM High. I sighed as I pushed through the bunch of shameless girls who stood near the gym room surrounding their sweaty bodies.
I stared at my reflection on the crystal clear looking glass. Hair the colour of ebony, White ivory skin, naturally pink lips. A cute button nose. A perfect structure. And eyes. They were the most beautiful things I've ever seen. Or that's what Papa and Mama told me and made me believe in the saying.

My eyes were small, dainty and, Well my left eye was Sapphire blue and my right eye was Emerald green. I was abnormal. Or a freaky monster like the students bullied me as.

"Byun Baekhyun, Right? The mysterious guy that the school talks about?" A thick dark deep husky voice questioned me and I froze. No not him.

"Uhhh...Yeah..Its..Me." I stuttered trying to put my brown contact lenses on. But a warm big hand pulled me around by my waist.

I swirled around to meet a pair of golden brown orbs that stared down at me with a intense flow of emotions.

His eyes searched mine quickly but before he could tell me anything Sehun barged in, I quickly moved away and wore my brown contacts.

"Woah...Hey mixy Byuns. Chan man. Theres a game after school." He said as he pulled the giant away.

I sighed, That was my nickname, "Mixy Byuns." Why was I born this way?

I walked to class and sat in my usual seat at the back with a huge window. My seat mate, Luhan, my best friend. My only friend had gone on a holiday to france. And I was doomed to be alone.

Classes finished in a blink of an eye and here I was walking the empty hallways of my god forsaken school. My eyes twitched and hurt for the contacts and I wasn't able to see very well. Well I wasn't the most healthiest child, Now was I?

Tears ran down my tears and I put on my glasses. I was able to see quite well, yet the contacts irritated my eyes but Papa told me if I wore glasses the tears and pain would reduce.

Wiping my eyed at the back of my hand I carefully walked as I slowly came into the school ground. I had to go through that gate as it was closer to my mansion that way.

Through the foggy ways I could figure out boys playing but couldn't catch which one was who. Someone waved at me and I knew It was uncle Suho. I waved back though I wasn't sure. But who else would ever wave at me. Uncle Suho loved me too so did his wife Lay. My aunt. She was are literature teacher and my favorite. They loved me too, including Luhan, I'm sorry If I had forgotten to tell you.

The bright sun light was blinding me and my vision was failing as I suddenly lost control and fell down. I waited for the cold hard stones to tare my skin but instead I felt a hand pull me back.

"Watch where you're going Mixy Byuns." The familiar deep velvety voice warned me. I couldn't see him properly but I managed smile and nod a soft thank you.

I tried to walk away, Yet a big strong arm swirled it self around my waist and guided me out of the gates.

"I....Tha...Thanks. Captain." I stuttered not having the courage to call the boy next to me by his godly name.

"You have to be safe. Or you'll end up dead one day." The deep voice warned me again.

"I...Will have to give up one day right. Thank you again. Bye." I tried to pull away but he held me tightly.

"Mark my words Baekhyun, There would come a day that you would feel like giving up is a crime and you'd do anything just to survive." The deep voice warned me with gritted teeth as its warmth left my body and cold wrapped me in its arms.

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