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Chanyeol's Pov........

My whole world came to a stand still when I saw Luhan's mother placing shock irons on Baekhyun's chest and my delicate boyfriends body heaving up with force and falling back on the bed. Tears flowed down my eyes as Kai held my shoulder tightly. Everyone was there, Xiumin and Chen remained too silent for words and Luhan silently sobbed into Sehun's shoulder. Kyungsoo sat Mrs Kim sat with Baekhyun's mother ans Suho was with Mr Byun. I hated him, Why was he so against us. He could hurt me instead of my cherry blossom right. And my baby, what did that innocent button do?

Hours ticked on and I moved away from the door that showed me a world of pain. That little abnormal brat had made me into a cry baby and a softie. Well I loved him so much that watching him suffer hurt me to an extent that I couldn't breath.

"Chanyeol." Luhans mother pulled me out of my trance and I looked up with fear. She came closer to me and ignored Mr Byun deathly stare. "He's calling for you." She whispered and I rushed in as others followed me.

Baekhyun lay limp and pale. Fragile and sickly with pipes fixated to his body. An oxygen mask sat upon his gorgeous face covering his button noses and parched lips.

I sat beside him, wiping my tears. I looked at his face and my world crumbled. His eyes fluttered open and he could barely turn but still he turned. His blue and green alluring eyes no longer held its gleamer.

"Yeo....Yeolah." Baekhyun whispered slowly.

"Yes my sugar plum." I managed to smile.

"The....The...Lulu'" He managed to tell and raised his arm up to me and I held it, lacing his slender fingers with mine. "Are...Are...Are you...Ha..Happy?" He said tears filling his eyes.

I kissed the back of his palm long and sweetly. And nodded to overwelmed with joy and I couldn't speak.

"I....I....Gosh I love you so much." I said giggling like an idiot and placed my hand on his clothed stomach.

"Re...Remove this." Baekhyun tugged at the oxygen mask and I lifted his head removing it. He was weaker than ever but still pulled me down by my shirt collar and kissed me on my lips. I swear Mr Byun cursed under his breath but all I could do was kiss my boyfriend back.

"Sugar, You need to breath." I said pulling away and he pouted.

"Enough. He's fine now get out Chanyeol. You've done enough damage already." Mr Byun warned me from behind and Baekhyun gripped my shirt tighter.

"Not me Mr Byun, You are ruining your own son." I screamed at him not being able to control my anger anymore.

"Me? It was you who impregnanted my son even when you knew he was a weak being. Can you replace my son if he died giving birth to your children? You had sex with an innocent boy and now you will kill him." Mr Byun snapped and I stood up.

"I didn't have sex, It was love. He wont die. My love for him and our kids would make hin live. He's nineteen but I know he's strong and I believe in him." I shouted and Baekhyuns fingers pulled me down again.

"Papa, Please. Don't hurt me anymore. I need Chanyeol." He cried breathing heavily.

"NO. ENOUGH BAEKHYUN. I WONT LOOSE YOU TO A PLAYBOY LIKE HIM. YOU DON'T NEED HIM." Mr Byun shouted and Baekhyun shuddered next to me.

"Fine. If you think your son does not need me I leave. But mark my words Mr Byun. You would regret your desicion in seprating us. Your son needs me as much as I need him. You are a monster without feelings. Don't ever lie about loving your son. You will know who makes him sick and who makes him feel alive." I screamed leaving the room.

"Yeo..Channie....." Baekhyun whispered as I walked out with the boys. "Yeolah!!!"

"Baek, Baby careful." Mrs Byun panicked and I turned around to see Baekhyun standing on his mothers hold.

"Cherry Blossom, Stop crying." I smiled at him.

"You said you'd never leave me then why are you leaving?" He sobbed.

"I'll be back soon. I promise." I tried to act strong but my insides were breaking.

" without you....Yeolah I love you...Yeolah I love you so much." Baekhyun cried into his palms and collapsed down fainting. But I ran away from there. My heart leaped. He confessed. He finally confessed. He loved me. My baby childish boyfriend, my childrens mother loved me. I was so happy yet my mind couldn't be happy remembering his motionless face.

"Chanyeol, Relax..." Lay hugged me but I couldn't stop crying.

"Why is he so blind to see that he cant see I love him?" I wiped my tears. "And Sugar plum confessed, he loves me too." I sniffled walking away.

I sat besides my mother fiddling with my fingers. I couldn't stop the tears from falling. It hurt alot.

"Mom, was I right in doing this?" I asked looking at the woman who had always been there for me.

"At least then lets see if Mr Byun would realize how much you love guys love each other." She said kissing my cheek.

"Mom, I really do love him, I...I...never had the urge to make love to anyone before. Mom that wasn't just sex, It was love. And.....he's carrying very own children. He...makes me feel so alive. Even Seohyung had never been able to that mom. My cherry Blossom is magic....Mom what do I do...I need him." I cried into my mothers neck like a baby.

"I know son. You love him. And I'm proud of you for being truthful. I'm sure everything would turn out just fine." My mother told me and I nodded. I hope so too.

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