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Baekhyun's Pov......

The kiss got me sick the next day and the day after, But today I had to go to school, or mama would know I was absent. I wore my irritating contacts and walked into school with my head low, I was walking past the gym when I heard a familiar voice. Hyung, Woah he came to school, I opened the glass doors and searched for the tanned male I adored.

"Kai." I happily said and he looked up tired but smiled at me and came jogging towards me.

"I owe respect little one. How dare you call me by my name?" He teasingly winked at me and I giggled. But an arm pulled me by the wrist and the boy called Taemin glared at me.

"How dare you call a senior by the name you brat?" He blaggarded me and shook me.

"STOP IT TAEMIN." Kai punched the tall guy in the face. "Baekhyun has every right to call me that. He's my brother. Stay out." He warned Taemin and hugged me tight as I started having a panic attack inside his abed chest.

"Hey, Junior? Are you okay?" He whispered and I shook my head.

Kai helped me to the infirmary and after a few medications I calmed down a bit.

"Hyung, You can go now. I'll sleep for a while and come back." I whispered and he ruffled my hair and left kissing my cheek.

I sighed, removing my contacts and snuggling into the warm bed covers.

I woke up when a soft pair of familiar plump lips placed itself upon mine and I shot me eyes open to see the handsome hunk, Park Chanyeol.

"Hey." He whispered pulling away, opening his eyes and gazing into my eyes.

"Why...Are first kiss..Why you?" I stuttered at the smirking idiot over me.

"Its an honor that I stole your first kiss and this is our second kiss baby." He huskily said kissing me again.

"Stop...Ki..Kissing me." I pushed him away and I pouted. He chuckled and squeezed my jaw kissing me shamelessly. I blushed like a rose and tried to wear my contacts when he held my wrist.

"Gosh Baek, Don't wear them, at least not when I'm around you. Please." He sighed pulling me onto his lap and I quietly yelped.

"Chanyeol,What are you doing?" I whispered and he chuckled so melodiously that my heart melted. 

"Just trying trying to get to know you." He smiled.

"So that you can hurt me later?" I asked looking into his deep golden brown eyes.

"Gosh Baekhyun, No, I....I can never hurt you. I like you. I know you might not me my first kiss, or first anything, but I wish you were my last. And stay away from Taemin." He confessed playing with my slender fingers and I just stared into his flawless face.

"Isn't this too fast? Like only last week you were with Seohyun and this week you're confessing to me?" I asked him my heart beating so fast that I thought I might vomit it at any moment.

"I........I stayed with her, since she hung onto me, not that I was in love with her. Let me love you." He looked me in the eye and his eyes were filled with sadness, something like he was pleading to be believed in.

"No, Stop lying Chanyeol, You're just  trying to use me." I tried to get off but he hugged me tightly.

"Please." He whispered and I sighed, should I let him in? What if he hurts me? Should I ask mama? 

"I...I need time." I softly murmured against him perfumed shirt. He grinned against my shoulder and hugged me tighter. For once I felt a wave of secure feelings gushing through my body.

I pulled away and and wore my contacts before shuffling away from the smiling idiot. What's wrong with him. But I found my self giggling like an idiot after calling Chanyeol that. His lips felt like heaven, and silently deep down I wish I could feel that everyday but my heart knew It would not promise to live long. 

I skipped to the cafeteria and waved at kai like was crazy. And my brother choked on his spaghetti looking at me with wide eyes like Kyungsoo. 

"Baek, Baby junior, Are you fine? Did you knock your head somewhere?" He asked me and Sehun started snickering at me. Chen frowned at him and ushered me to sit next to him.

"No I'm fine. So fine. I could eat you." I said grinning, Kyungsoo and Xiumin gulped and pulled their chairs away from me and Chen giggled.

"Cannibal. Don't you dare came sleep with me when you come over tonight." Kai frowned at me. 

"But, I wont eat you hyung." I pouted taking a fry from his plate and eating it in go.

"Who knows, You are crazy. Oh and Mama say's he's inviting you over. So lets go together after school okay?" He said and I started bouncing in joy, as I called aunt Lay quickly.

"It's me, Your baby bucket of strawberries. I want strawberry cup cakes and chocolate chip cookies." I cooed into the phone and he chuckled saying a yes honey.

I was still bouncing on my chair when Chanyeol walked in stealthily and smirked at me and I shyly looked down blushing. What was happening to me?

"Hey Chanyeol, Kai, aka Mrs Kims son has joined the basket ball team and say what, He's amazing." Xiumin grinned fist bumping with Kai.

"Woah, Welcome in man, Looking forward in playing with you." My man, Opps sorry, Ahem, Chanyeol smiled shaking hyung's hand and sneakingly looked at me.

The table was an endless fountain of chatter, but I could only hear Chanyeol's velvety deep voice. I was scard but still wanted to try it. Yet nothing seemed right. I wouldn't be there for long. 

"Earth to my brother." Kai snapped his fingers at me and I grinned at him.

"Be at the gates, I pick you from there, Okay." He said and waved at me leaving for his next class.

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