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Chanyeol's Pov......

Its was a day and a half but still my baby boyfriend payed me no heed. He pretended I never existed. My friends disowned me and mom. Talk about her. She said "Pay for your sins son. Goodbye. Yoora needs me." She waved and stranded me with my pissed Baekhyun. He would cry often. Tears just flooded down his eyes and he kept wiping them sniffling.

"You're mad at me, right?" I asked him in the kitchen as he shuffled around.

He moved his mouth in a soft no and removed his apron, throwing it away as he speed walked off to the room.

"Sugar, At least vent your anger out." I groaned at him but he just came to me and held my forehead and his.

"I know I'm running a fever. Talk to me and I'll be fine. Don't kill me." I pleaded pulling him by the wrist when he tried to leave. He tried to yank it away but I held it tighter.

"Let me go." He gritted his teeth at me.

"No. Tell me whats wrong?" I raised my voice.

"Let me go Park Chanyeol." His voice broke.

"Pumpkin. I love you." I turned him around and hugged him.

"But I hate you...You didnt want me to come to the party so you could make out with Seohyung? Why did you lie that you love me? And...And I'm here carrying your children and thinking you love me....Why?" Baekhyun pushed me away crying and with everything question he pushed me further backwards. "I hate you Chanyeol. I hate you. I hate you. Go fuck Seohyun...." I had enough as I crashed my lips onto Baekhyuns and folded his arms behind his back. He struggled and refused to kiss me back but my lips dominated him and he eventually kissed back. Though my vixen kept trying to break free.

I pushed him down onto the bed and pulled him up. Pinning him down and tying his hands with one of my white shirts.

"What are you....trying to do?" Baekhyun frowned curling up into a ball and tighting his thighs.

"Why? You say go fuck Seohyung." I smirked and hovered over him pulling his shorts and boxers off.

"I...I...hate you..." He cried and tried to remove the knot but I umbuttoned his yellow shirt and traced his gifted body. "Dont touch me."

"Would you like it if I kissed that bitched on her neck?" I threateningly butterfly kissed his sweet spot and sucked the metalic taste I had grown to adorn.

"Ahhh....Stop it..Let me go." Baekhyun moaned crying.

"Would you like my hands wandering over her thighs? My finger str...." I murmed against sensitive ear lobes but was cut short by his screaming.

"STOP IT.....Stop doing this...It hurts Chanyeol....You know I love you so much that if you ever cheated on me I'd die. Don't make me hate sex..Please." My boyfriend cried closing his eyes and I sighed removing my shirt and plopping onto his chest.

"Flutterfly, I didn't want you to come as I didn't want that bitch to give you something that you'd loose the babies or even worse die." I whispered kissing his chest. "I was so drunk and I call you to get me. Thats when Seohyung forced herself on me. My sapphire blue, Emerald green eyed beauty, I was tricked. I love only you. Forgive me please." I begged him and he hesitated.

"Then fuck me for me and not that bitch." He sniffled and wrapped his legs around my waist. "I forgive you." He whispered smiling at me.

"Promise?" I pouted and he giggled at me.

"Yes but Yeolah honey remove this please. It hurts." Baekhyun pouted and I nodded sitting up and pulling him up to untie the knots.

"But I'm having a slight fever now and....." I started off but he kissed his pointer and middle finger and pressed them on my lips.

"I don't care. I'm pregnant with your little monsters and they wont mind." He traced my plaster and pulled me down biting my neck.

"But...I don't want you getting sick" I said as he bit and sucked my neck. "Goshh..."

"You started it. I'm hard, I need you now." Baekhyun growled and pushed me backwards sitting nakedly on my stomach and biting away my boy like a rabbit.
"Cherry Blossom?" I caressed his cute baby bump.

"Hmm? You look sexy with the baby bump and half dressed yellow shirt.

"I love you. If I see Seohyung near you again, I'm committing a murder and giving birth in prison." Baekhyun growled biting my collar bone.

"Yah!!!! Where's my baby childish boyfriend?" I tickled him and he plopped on me.

"The babies are growing so I look like a maslide." He giggled pushing my jeans down.

"You serious?" I looked and him and he nodded.

"Love, I'm having fever." I wined but he just pulled my jeans and boxers down.

"Go then go f..." Baekhyun tried push me away but I pulled my pregnant moody boyfriend and laid him down.

"Fine. I'm sorry. Your wish is my command." I chuckled latching our lips together in a fast but passionately heated kiss.

"Yeolah, Our babies are starting to move.?" Baekhyun said after we pulled away for breath.

"I'm excited." I said latching my lips onto his sweet spot like a magnet.

"Ahh.... " Baekhyun moaned moving his head giving me more access as I devoured his smooth neck. His arms pulling my shoulders closer to his.

I marked my terrioty possessively and glided down to abuse those pink buds,nipping and sucking the tiny buds.

"Mmmgghhhppphhh..." Baekhyun moaned raising folding his knees up.

I left the purple bruised buds and went down biting along as I sucked in Baekhyun crimson coloured hard dick.

"AHHH YEOLAH...." He moaned as I bobbed my head up and down and pressed his tip with my tongue.

"Please...ahhhh.." Baekhyun arched his back squeezed his pillow.

I swirled my tongue around his member and Baekhyun was going nuts.

"Channie..I'mm gonna cum." He coming into my mouth..I swollowed it all up and licked him with a popping sound..

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