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One night the pregnant male had an asthma attack and Chanyeol jolted up searching for his inhaler as he made the smaller inhale it quickly. Baekhyun held his husbands hand as he inhaled his medicine and finally calmed down.

"Are you okay baby?" Chanyeol asked and Baekhyun nodded.

"But It's hard to breath. Take...this off." Baekhyun difficulty shifted in his shirt.

Chanyeol nodded removing his wifes shirt as Baekhyun climbed on to his body.

"Out...Please." The smaller whispered and his husband took him out. Baekhyun was rocked to sleep by Chanyeol, true that the giant never slept yet he was glad his world was peacefully sleeping.

As morning dawned, the gorgeous abnormal body had been put to sleep in bed once again with a clean boxer and one of Chanyeols shirts.

Little voices echoed throughout the house as Chae and Chan woke up and created havoc. Yet their pregnant mother was fast asleep and the freshly dressed little monsters padded near their mother fighting on the process as to who should kiss him first. Anyways as always Chae won though she was minutes younger than Chan. She kissed Baekhyun and so did Chan.

"Go down now, Your school bus is here." Chanyeol whispered as the twins jumped and hopped to kiss their father and ran off.

Baekhyun woke up to an irritating sound of Chanyeols phones.

"What do you want?" He groaned into the phone.

"Yah!!! How dare you talk to me like that? I'll fry you. Oppaaaa....My legs hurt. Palli come you groundhog." A female voice wined on the other line.

"Huh? Who are you?" Baekhyun frowned.

"Your girlfriend. Stop acting. COME NOW BEFORE I SEND A MISSILE OVER." She screamed and cut the call.

That was it. Baekhyun started crying and he wiped them looking at the bathroom door.

"CHANYEOL!!!" He shouted.

"In the shower my pumpkin butt." Chanyeol shouted back. But Baekhyun jumped out of bed and padded to that room door, unlocking the lock with a few pins and walked straight into the shower.

"Woah....Whats wrong my angel?" Chanyeol happily pulled his wife under the shower.

"Who is that...Wait...Uhhh...Ha..Anna? Who the hell is she? Are you cheating on me? You big fat orgr." Baekhyun hit his husbands chest.

Chanyeol just chuckled and undressed the beauty before him.
She's a pretty girl with big eyes and short hair. Beautiful of course. And from Japan." Chanyeol teased but Baekhyun started crying.

"Hush....Hey I was kidding. She's Anna my cousin from Japan and your personal babysitter. I'll have to pay the idiot so she can collect money to buy an EXO concert ticket." The taller finished as he shampooed the black silky hair."Sugar? How old is the baby now?"

"Three months. Look the bump is showing again. Goodie Goodie...I'm hungry. So Anna's gonna stay here." Baekhyun beamed grinning and Chanyeol chuckled.

"Gosh I fucking love you so much." The husband hugged his wife.

Anna was a pretty girl of course just like what Chanyeol said. Big eyes. Cute smile. Box glasses and short cropped hair.

"OMG. So you are the gorgeous Baekhyunne. Omo your eyes. Magical. Well this dummy doesn't deserve you. Anyways...Where's the kitchen and when are the kids arriving?"
She spoke or more little jabbered and Baekhyun liked it. He wouldn't be loney. Well Chanyeol couldnt completely stay at home. He had meetings.

"They are very naughty." Baekhyun carefull told the girl.

"Uh ha...Anna's the name. I'm naughty myself. So we are a perfect match. Do they have your eyes?" She asked stuffing her mouth with pancakes.

"Okay. So Anna Good luck and Yes they have my eyes." The beautiful boy said proudly.

"And my ears of course." Chanyeol proudly put in.

"Sigh. You made them a part of your fairytale too." She shook her head and reached for the cup cake.

"Anna Banana, So what room do you want?" Chanyeol asked.

"I move in with the children. Please don't be too loud arasso. Baekkie I'll sleep for now. Can I?" She asked and Baekhyun giggled nodding.

When the school bus came and the little hurricanes entered their house, hugged their mother and kissed him. Climbed him. Told him all the stories. Hugged their father. Kissed him. And played with him.

Suddendly Chae stopped her blabbering. And her bid almond shaped blue and green eyes scaned the place. Her button nose sniffing the air like a wolf. So did her identical twin do it.

"There's someone in the house." She announced and Baekhyun sighed.

"Yeolah? Did give birth on a newmoon?" He giggled and Chanyeol hugged him.

"It's all that Taeyeon's little sister Zi's work. Relax." Chanyeol said and Baekhyun giggled.

"Mommy!!! Who is she?" Chan asked shocked.

"Your royal babysitter. She's hella fun. Trust me." Chanyeol patted Chans cheek.

"You sure Daddy?" Chae said making grabby hands as her father lifted her up.

"Is she human?" Chan asked from Baekhyuns arm.

"Dont be silly oppa. Of course she is. Stop reading your books." Chae grimaced.

"Shut up. You read them too." Chan stuck his tougue out.

"Mommy. Chan's being very noisy." Chae changed the subject.

"Monster." Her twin pouted.

At night, Anna did the things that should be done for the twins. While Baekhyun tosed in an empty bed.

"Yeolah...I need you now." Baekhyun wined at his busy husband.

"Shut up Sugar. I'm trying to work." Chanyeol sighed watching his naughty moody pregnant wife wiggled out of his dress and crawl himself near Chanyeol with his tiny boxer. Like a puppy Baekhyun went under the giants big hoodie and popped his head out of the neck.

"I'm cold." Baekhyun pouted as Chanyeol wrapped an arm around his wifes hip.

"Horny?" The taller kept his papers away and hugged Baekhyun tightly.

"Hmmm. Just do your work and sing me to sleep." Baekhyun snuggled closer and tightened his arms around Chanyeols bare waist.

"Okay then. Goodnight my bunny buttons." The taller whispered as he slightly rocked his baby wife and softly sang for the love of his life who was safely bundled up inside his hoodie as the smaller slowly drifted of to sleep.

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