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Baekhyun's Pov.........

I was nine months pregnant and I looked liked a potato. Well a beautiful one at that. I'm grateful for Anna for being my royal baby sitter and reducing half of my work. I'm excited that our little girl is gonna be born soon.

"Sugar stop grinning like a idiot." Chanyeol chuckled dressing me up. Chanyeol had everything written and safely recorded. From the day I conceived our twins and to the day I conceived this little baby. Everything, To their first kick to the sonograms. I found it under all his files. He thought I didnt know. I loved this man more than my life. He gave me more than I ever asked for.

"Yeolah!!! Would our readers hate it if we had lotta kids?" I asked him and he shrugged his shoulders.

"I donno Peach." Chanyeol kissed my lips and patted my baby bump.

"Caress it." I whispered and he did what was told.

After minutes kissing my baby bump and talking to it he carried me bridal style into a crowded back garden. Decorated with white and blue roses.

Everyone was there with bright smiles and Chanyeol made me sit in a huge queen chair at the center. He placed a white flower crown on my head and my twins came running with blue roses and handed them to me.

Anna fed me with the sweetest cupcakes as she kissed my cheek and grinned her loving smile. Her big eyes brighter that her smile. Luhan and Sehun filled my hands with presents. Luhan carrying his one year old son. Kyungsoo and Kai had bought the big cake with there little daughters. Xiumin and Chen again gave me presents and Baozi hugged me tightly.

"Omo my baby gonna be giving birth again soon. I love you soo much Baekhyun." Mama hugged me tightly handing me a silver chain.

"So I wont mind having a bunch of kids calling me grandma. I shall welcome all your children." Eomma hugged me giving me a wrapped feeding bottle.

"Mom Baekhyun can feed his children. No need for that." Chanyeol groaned and I blushed looking away.

"Ohh....Lets get it changed then." She winked at me and I nodded.

"And this is for you." Yoora Noona gave me a guitar and I gasped.

"Excuse me....Oh thanks I needed one badly...." Anna wriggled through the crowd and snatched it away.

"I knew she would. Anyways here are few more plushies. Not for you, for the kid. Okay." She said kissing my cheek abd giggling.

"Tha...Thank you." I stuttered and smiled as I watched Chanyeol stand at the far corner and smile his signature smile at me.

I felt my tears well up and I broke down crying loudly.

"Hey Baekkie whats wrong?" Chen asked me as huge hands wrapped its arms around my body. The wanted Chanyeol and he was here.

I hugged Chanyeol tightly and cried louder into his neck. I was too happy and I just never knew my husband would actually have a baby shower for me.

"Sugar, Hush now..." Chanyeol whispered and I nodded withdrawing my head. He chuckled and adjusted my flower crown and cradled my face latching his lips onto mine.

"NO MANNERS, Wheres my phone. I need a pic!!!" Anna shouted and I giggled into the kiss.

"Look little brother. You can make another baby when you already have a fully grown one in your wifes stomach. Save that for later." Yoora snickkered checking her nails.

"Baekhyun my baby. Looking adorable than ever." Papa's voice sounded and I pulled away from the kiss and looked at my father who hugged me tightly.

"Papa!!! Appa!!!" I smiled as I saw Mr Park coming towards me too.

"Gosh I feel super jealous that my son has such a bundle of joy as his wife. Look at mine. She's totally nuts." Mr Park chuckled and Eomma glared at him.

After my babyshower was cutely done and it finished and the people left, Chanyeol carried me bridal style inside as Anna and my glutton of a twins left to have ice cream at Baskin Robbins.

"Yeolah!!! I'm afraid to give birth." I let out softly and Chanyeols eyes widened.

"Why?" He came into my out stretched arms and hugged me.

"What if they cut open me again?" I pouted and he sighed making me sit on his lap.

"Everythings gonna be normal this time. Trust me." He didnt have to tell me. I already did believe him.

The days for the delivery grew closer and I began to panick. My asthma attack came like everyday. And it came one day at a very wrong time.

"Yeolah ah..." I held my throat and tried to speak but I couldn't. Anna and the children were at school. Only Chanyeol was home but buzy in his study.

I searched for my inhaler but It was too far for my reach and with my baby bump I couldn't pull my self there. So I purpursly pushed the watch jug down and it crashed into tiny pieces and Chanyeol came running. He quickly took my inhaler and put it into my mouth as I inhaled it.

"I might have died if you were late." I breathed out and Chanyeol hugged me tightly.

"Dont you dare talk like that." He slapped my butt gently.

"Ahhhh....." I shouted in pain and my eyes poured with tears.

"Yah!!! I was gentle." Chanyeol tried to reason when he noticed I was holding my baby bump tightly as my water broke. His eyes widened and quickly removed my clothes as he dabbed me clean and dressed me in proper clothes and carried me bridal style to the car.

"CHANYEOL DO SOMETHING. IT HURTS." I shouted squeezing his bicep as his hand rested on my baby bump.

We drove to the hospital and I was dragged into the emergency theatre. I dragged Chanyeol with me as he quickly called Anna and told her to bring the kids.

"Baekhyun does it hurt like your first time?" Luhan's mother asked me and I shook my head.

"It hurts sooo much. But when Chanyeols here I....Wont feel it..." I stuttered and she smiled nodding.

"Start pushing Baek." She patted my cheek and held Chanyeols hand tightly. 

I pushed with all my might but the baby still didn't come out. I gritted my teeth and my body hurt as I cried through the pain.

"Yeo...Yeolah.....I can't anymore...Ahhh...." I screamed and Chanyeol turned my cheek kissing it softly.

"Try little harder and she will be out. Please." Chanyeol smiled and I nodded as I pushed one last time and heard the sounds of a baby crying. I giggled and Chanyeol bobbed his forehead with mine.

She was just like us. But had her fathers blood shot red hair and my blue and green eyes like her older siblings. My nose. Her fathers ears and my mole on the right of her upper lip.

"Beautiful!!!" Chanyeol cried and chuckled as he gently rocked her in his big arms. I giggled and wiped his tears kissing his big eyes and then his plump lips.

"Omo Baekkie she's a fairytale." Anna cooed as she snapped pics. Chae and Chan were still fasinated by the beauty in their fathers arms.

My family and his were here. So were our friends. With smiles that made my heart bounce.

"Can I name her Peach? Please." Chanyeol sniffled and I nodded.

"I came you Pa..Park Peach. Geez your Daddy is crazy." He chuckled and I hugged him. Chan and Chae climbed onto me and kissed me.

"Unfair. How can you not name us fruits. We could have been Apple and Raspberry." Chan giggled.

"You my first so I wanted you to have of our names." I said and they nodded as they placed with their little sister.

"So when are you having your other kid? I'm short of money." Anna came and sat beside me.

"Soon. Very Soon Anna Banana." Both of us giggled and the others joined in the laughter.

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