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Chanyeol's Pov.......

It was an international game in Canada and I was sweating and exhausted. Well almost all my team mates were. I had to fight with Baekhyun not to come but he insisted in coming and he came with Luhan. He was on his six month and he was weakening. I was afraid but every time I saw his eyes and smile and his hand on his baby bump made me so lively.

His father was never giving in but his mother visited always. I never knew I'd get so whipped for this little bundle of jam.

"Yeolah, Stop staring at me and go play." He yelled and I blushed turning to the game and jogging in. This game would decide our future and where we would pursue our dreams. My destination.

I was tall and I was the goal shooter so winning was on my hand and we won it. My team mates were the best I could ask for. Kyungsoo, Xiumin, Chen, Sehun and Kai. They were reason we won.

"Congratulations Wild Hawks. So Mr Park Chanyeol. Captain of the team. What do you have to say about this outstanding victory?" The reporter questioned me and I smiled looking at my team.

"Well, A war cannot be won with out your army. My team are my family and the reason we win this cup every year." I said and all of them cheered.

"Woah I see that Sehun has a beautiful boyfriend. Oh and Kyungsoo has finally found his match. Xiumin and Chen have always been the cute unusual couple. Baozi and Dino eh?" The female reporter chuckled. "Umm so Captain, are you still single or?" She question turning to me and before I could answer an unfamiliar arm held mine.

"Ohh I'm his girlfriend. Kim Seohyung." Seohyung giggled. I was shocked and when I turned around I saw Baekhyun already crying and turning to leave. That's when I pulled him by the wrist. Shoved Seohyung away and as he bumped into my chest I softly lifted his chin up and crashed my lips against his in an possessive kiss.

"This is my Cherry Blossom, Sugar plum, princess peach. My boyfriend and finacé. He's six months pregnant and we are getting married after our graduation next week." I announced pulling away and hugging Baekhyuns waist. "This girl. I don't know her. She's just a family wrecker. This beauty next to me is my life my everything." I finally said and everyone cooed and clapped and took pictures. Seohyung was taken away and we finally left the court to go rest.

"I hate you." Baekhyun pouted plopping into our hotel bed, carefully

"Why?" I frowned locking the door and getting my clothes to shower.

"You should have been short and ugly. Then Seohyun wouldn't have come after you." He sniffled. "She's every where and I hate that bitch." He threw a pillow at me and his shoes.

"Relax, The world knows that I love you and that we are gonna be parents and we are getting married." I said going into the bathroom to shower.

After I was fresh and stress free and skipped to my boyfriend who sat watching TV and snuggled next to him in bed. I tried to touch his baby bump and caressed.

"Princess Peach." I called him softly kissing his neck.

"Hmm." Baekhyun replied slipping lower and hugging my waist.

"You look like a fluff ball." I said biting his ear lobe gently.

Baekhyun snuggled closer giggling and kissed my jaw. But before I could do anything my phone started ringing and I could feel Baekhyun's pout on my chest and he bit pulling my shirt. But I answered it and had to leave immediately.

"Honey bun bunny butt, I'll be back in about and hour. Okay?" I said but Baekhyun started crying and hugging me tightly.

"I need you, Don't leave me." Baekhyun baby voiced but the call wasn't something I could put off.

"I'll leave you with Kai hyung Okay? I promise I will be back in an hour." I kissed him deeply before carrying him bridal style to Kai's room and left my baby buttons with his brother.

When I returned again, it was past midnight and everyone was sleeping. I knocked on Kai's door and he opened it.

"Didn't you sleep? I'm sorry." I said looking at him, and then at my little fluff ball fast asleep next to Kyungsoo.

"I couldn't, he was hurting about the earlier incident and then crying that he wants his big Channie bear. Go take him Chan." Kai winked at me and I carried my pregnant boyfriend and padded to our room. I softly laid him on the bed.

"Yeolah....They keep kicking me." Baekhyun wined in his sleep and chuckled lifting his shirt to see my naughty children. I kissed the round baby bump.

"Be good little angel's and don't hurt mommy okay?" I whispered crawling next to Baekhyun and wrapping my arms around his waist.

"I missed you soo much, I want to go to the bathroom." He woke up suddenly cutely told so I carried him to the bathroom and once he was finished doing his job he plopped his head on my chest and started crying.

"Hey, What's wrong?" I lift him up wrapping his legs around my waist and hands around neck.

"Don't ever leave me even for a second again. I swear I'd be dead when you return." Baekhyun joined our foreheads and cried.

"Yah!!! Don't ever say such a thing ever. Idiot." I frowned at him but the pout on his pink lips drew me in for a heated kiss.

"CHANYEOL." He screamed when I tickled him and started giggling with his gorgeous eyes looking into my golden brown ones.

"WHAT?" I screamed back.

"Mommy loves you Daddy." Baekhyun said as I put him on the bed.

"Awe Daddy loves you more Mommy, And its not good to stay up so late when you are carrying babies." I said kissing his cheek and making him blush. When I laid down on the bed Baekhyun climbed on top of me and took both my arms and wrapped one around his chest and the other around his baby bump.

"Rock your babies to sleep Daddy." He whispered leaning his on my collar bone and I chuckled rocking my self as my babyish childish boyfriend slowly drifted off to sleep.

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