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Baekhyun's Pov.......

I cried, and cried so much I had to take my inhaler always. I missed him so much it killed me. He still hadn't called. All my friends were with him so I wasn't afraid but still my heart had lost its joy. I was crying in bed when he called me. Finally. Idiot I was dying and it was almost 1 in the morning.

"Hey, My jelly bean buttons bun. I miss you already. And guess what? I can't sleep without you. You at least have Channie and Yeolie fox." Chanyeol pouted and sniffed.

"Check under your clothes." I whispered and I heard ruffling sounds.


Video call. No I couldn't he would find out that I cried. But my laptop blinked saying Chanyeol calling.

Reluctantly I accepted it and hid my face under my blacket.

"What's this? Your being all shy?" Gosh I missed his voice and face so much and he just left yesterday.

"I....Uh..." I sniffled and his expression changed.

"Pumpkin, Have you been crying?" Chanyeol's voice turned deeper.

"I...Uhh...No...I wasn't." I lied and he sighed ruffling his red hair.

"Stop lying. Show me your face. Please." I pouted popping out of the blanket. "There you are. Should I come back?" He asked hugging Baekkie and I pouted even more.

"Don't. I miss you Yeolah." I started crying and crawled into Channie's fluffy lap.

"I miss you more. Please don't cry. Hmm?" My husband said and I just cried louder.

"How....How are the others?" I grew in a shaky breath.

"They are fine. And gone on a walk with their boyfriends." He said sighing.

"I'm pregnant. That's why I couldn't com..." I started and he shut up.

"I love all three of you so much. Sugar, Stop stressing." Chanyeol smiled winking. "Show me my babies."

I giggled pushing the blanket down and lifted my shirt. Showing my giant my growing baby bump.

"They...They keep kicking me." I pouted and he chuckled.

"Awe....You should sleep bunny." Chanyeol said yawning and I nodded kissing the screen and tried to close my laptop. "No..No I've grown used to watching you sleep that I can't sleep without doing it. So sleep." He ordered and I nodded blushing as I snuggled into Channie and drifted off to sleep.

I called Chanyeol in the morning to kiss him a good and bright morning. Well it continued for a while but Chanyeol became busy and cut the call sometimes or rarely ever called. At night I began sitting in front the laptop waiting for him to call but he never did anymore.

He moved on. He hates me now. He doesn't love me anymore. Perhaps he fell in love with a pretty girl or boy. Someone healthier. My phone buzzed and I dragged myself to the bed side table.

"Hello." I answered the call without seeing who it was.

"Cherry Blossom. I'm sorry I couldn't speak to you the previous week. Too much training and matches." Chanyeol's voice sounded tired and exhausted.

"Oh...Oh I thought you got tired of me." I whispered trying to get myself a cup of water. I drank it and walked to the balcony.

"Gosh. I could never get tired if you. I love you button butt." I could feel his pout but suddenly felt my breath getting staggered and difficult to breath in.

"I..I...Yeolah...I love you too." I stuttered and cut the call abruptly as I still down the door frame.

"NOONA. EOMMA."  I screamed as I tried to find my inhaler.

I held my chest and coughed as they came they helped me up and gave me my inhaler. But it did not reduce. My stomach started paining and my head started paining at the same time. Something was happening to me as my eyes became foggy.

I heard eomma calling Luhan's mother to come. Yoora kept rubbing my left palm. As my other one held my baby bump and I writhed in pain.

"Has he been taking his vitamins and other medicines?" Luhans mother asked and I remembered that I totally forgot to take them..

"No..I forgot..I'm sorry Eomma." Whispered as I was loosing my vision.

"Baekhyun!!! Baekhyun!!!" Was all I heard before everything went black.

Chanyeol's Pov......

I felt my heart becoming heavy the way Baekhyun spoke and cut the call. Was he angry? Or was he loosing his trust on me again. I was too caught up with the training and games, I didn't have time. Something was definitely wrong. I could feel it at the pit of my stomach. I kept calling his phone but he didn't pick. No one did.Hours passed and I was getting restless. I couldn't concentrate on my game and kept losing.

"Chanyeol, Get your head in the game buddy." Kyungsoo hissed at me.

"Baekhyun. Something is wrong Kyungie." I whispered and he gasped as we jogged around the orange ball.

"What's wrong?" Chen joined asking as I explained them what had happened quickly as we moved around.

"Relax. Noona and mom's there. He's be fine. He'd call you. Or perhaps he's just mad." Chen patted my shoulder. I nodded but I couldn't make my heart convinced about the thought.At night I called my sister, She didn't answer first but after a few rings she picked up.

"Hey brother. Baekhyun's fine but not fine. He had an asthma attack this afternoon and It totally went overboard. He's under medications at home. That's what you wanted to know right?" She whispered the last part and sighed my eyes filling with tears.

"Can...Can he" I stuttered.

"No baby. He has an oxygen mask on and your wife has forgotten to take his medicines and not he's weaker than he already was. The babies are fine. But the mother has to be healthy for them to be healthy. I'll stay beside him don't worry. Mom is going for some conferences and I have a long vacation. So chill and don't stress." She said and I broke into a silent wailing.

"Tell him that I love him so much. Tell it for me." I said as I cut the call and plopped on bed looking at the brightly smiling blue and green eyed boy who sat next to me on a frame on my bed side table.

"Hold on I'm coming my love." I whispered before drifting off to sleep.

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