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Kai's Pov...........

Baekhyun was my baby cousin brother and he meant the world to me though I never actually told him I loved him, and Uncle Byun was just deteriorating his health more and more. Baekhyun was becoming weaker, his illnesses visiting on a daily basis. His baby bump slowly forming. I was restless, I couldn't see Chanyeol rarely smile, his glow on the face was long lost. Our gang wasn't the happiest anymore, Kyungie was a crying mess every time he remembered Baekhyun. My little boyfriend had grown too close to Baekhyun the past few months. Luhan rarely ever smiled or talked, It was like a part of his was missing.

Mommy never baked, Well Baekhyun never came over to sit on our dinner table and gobble all the cakes and cupcakes. Daddy wasn't himself. He was very fond of my little cousin who crushed his plants or plucked his roses wearing them like a crown or played basket ball with him. This was it, I had enough, Baekhyun needs to live the life he always wanted. I grabbed my bag and dashed out of school as I drove to my mother's brothers house.

"Oh hello there Kai, What brings you here?" Uncle Byun asked me as I entered the house, How could this man act so calm when a soul up there was slowly dying. 

"To take Baekhyun." I gritted my teeth at the middle aged man I called my uncle.

"Well, So he's already home." He said chuckling.

"Shut up uncle, Baekhyun does not belong here, You would just only kill him, He loves Chanyeol and Chanyeol loves him back. Wasn't Baek born for love? Then why doesn't he deserve to be loved and have his own children?" I snapped at my uncle and ran upstairs. And open the door to the once lifely room, now gloomy with sounds of machines filling the air, Baekhyun lay smaller than usual. An oxygen mask covering his nose and mouth. His lips muttering the words *Yeolah* In a very very slow pace. I looked beside me as Aunt Grace nodded.

"Take him to where he belongs." She sniffled and I nodded. I removed all the tubes away and shook Baekhyun gently. 

"Hyu...Hyung.." He whispered as I removed the tube that feed him his daily energy.

"Do you want Chanyeol?" I Asked him and he nodded.

"Yeo....Yeolah." He said slowly closing his eyes. And that was it, I scooped my brother off the bed throwing his mask away and pushed through an angry uncle. He cursed me and ran after me but I was escorted out with the help of my loving aunt and I drove off with my brother. Who wore boxers and Chanyeol's shirt. Only three buttons were out and the rest were left open. I drow as fast I could and reached Chanyeol's house. 

Carrying Baekhyun with me I tapped the door and a shocked Chanyeol opened the door.

"Kai..." He gasped as I plopped Baekhyun into his big arms and I left the house.

"He's yours. Protect him upon your life. For I love that boy in your arms though I never accept it." I shouted at the giant before leaving in my car. Statisfied that my brother was finally going to be safe.

Baekhyun's Pov......

My body was cramped when I woke up. The fever wasn't there, and I yelped when I saw familiar arms holding my waist tightly.

"Yeolah?" My lips started quivering and my eyes filled with tears.

"Morning, my flutterfly. Before you ask me the question. Kai brought you home." His deep voices chuckled still closing his eyes still. I just pulled his face and kissed his face all over.

"Why have stolen me so much that I fall sick everytime you leave me? I whispered hugging him.

"Thats since I love you Cherry Blossom. And look you've got a baby bump." He said and I looked down pulling my shirt up to see a small visibly round baby bump. I giggled snuggling closer to my man. He was mine right?

"I love you too." I kissed his neck softly. "Please never let Papa take me away from you. I'll die. Baekkie needs Channie." I cried.

"I would never sugar plum." Chanyeol cooed hugging me closer. We stayed like that for hours. And I felt alive again. This Park Chanyeol was my humble warm home.

It was dinner time when we woke up. Showered and went downstairs to eat. I was surprised I was feeling healthly. Chanyeol had my clothes as I used to stay over sometimes but my mood swings wanted me to wear my pink boxers and chanyeols maroon shirt. I sat on the kitchen counter with my shirt slipping over my left shoulder and arm and the other on my right shoulder. Chanyeol wore black pants and he was shirtless as he made me a steaming cup of chocolate.

"Channie...Are we the only ones at home? Where's your mom?" I asked sipping my tea looking around the dim lit room.

"Nope. We are alone. And I'm gonna abuse you." He chuckled frying chicken and cutting tomatos.

"Yeolah...." I winned. "The kids would here you." I blushed looking away.

"So? But I wont. I dont want your father to sue me for fucking his pregnant son." Chanyeol giggled but it hurt my heart. A pang fell on the delicate flesh and it cut deep.

"So..So..You...You...Touch me anymore or...or have sex...Your getting tired of me. Since my father is making a fuss?" I started crying and wiping my tears.

"Butterfly my flutterfly...It was a joke. Not a serious thing to take to heart. Hmmm?" Chanyeol lifted my chin slanting it and kissed it. "No one can stop me from making love to you. But lets have more kids after a gap and use condems." He tickled me kissing my cheeks and jaw.

"Idiot...Stop." I pushed him away giggling under his loving kisses. This is what keeps me alive and why cant Papa understand that Chanyeol was my medicne.

"Yeolah. Mommy and Babies are hungry. Stop tickling us." I pouted and he kissed my lips passionately before bobbing our noses and going back to cooking.

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