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Park Chanyeol's Pov.....

That day was great, that was the best date I had ever had. And I already missed the boy. Though we texted the whole night and day and even the next morning. But I couldn't go to school the entire weak as I had to accompany my father on a business trip. But I made sure to text him always. It felt like we were more closer now. On following monday I stood at the school gate until Baekhyun came. I was nervous for some reason and I kept figetting like a idiot.

When I looked up, There my morning angel came giggling away with Luhan. But my smile fell when I saw brown orbs instead those blue and green ones. Thats it. I gritted my teeth and left with heavy steps. I could feel his face fall and pout but I didn't like that Baekhyun. I didn't even know him.

I avoided Baekhyun's messages and calls. Moved away from him and shot him angry looks. I know I was being mean but my heart hurt.

I was sitting on the my usual spot at the corner of the school roof where no soul could find me. But one certain soul did.

"Are you smoking Chan?" A shocked voice as me before going into a fit of coughing and he collapsed down holding his chest.
I looked up to shout but then those eyes that I had died to see for a weak looked back at me with pain and tears.

"Why...Di...Didn't you tell me?" He coughed out and I threw the ciggarette away and carried Baekhyun to a more airy place.

"I...Well...I'm sorry. I smoke when I'm upset. Like I missed you so much and then you turn up with brown contacts." I frowned at him as he slowly began to calm down.

"I'm sorry. See I removed them for you. I understood a bit too late to why you were being mean to me." He giggled sweet but stopped me from coming closer to him with a firm hand on my chest.

"If you kissed me with that, I'll die." He said and turned around to walk away.

"If you hate brown contacts then I hate smoking. It kills me." He said smiling. "And I wouldn't be there to bail you out." He winked at before leaving me alone feeling guilty.

But I grinned and grinned digging my arms into my pockets as followed Baekhyun.

"Hey, Cupcake. Looking pretty today." I said biting my lips and blushed covering his face and shuffled away.

My phone beeped and I took it out to check what it was. And I gritted my teeth in anger as I saw a message from Seohyung.

Hey baby....I missed you so much. I miss your skin against mine.

She wanted me for my body and money. Why she had plenty but it wasnt enough for her. Well she thinks I had sex with her, thats since she drugged me into it. My mistake but it happened a year ago and thank god I had been sober enough to understand what she was trying to do and had left her hanging in the room drunk.

And she forced me into having a relationship with her. My pathetic life, I pulled out a cigaratte to light it but then Baekhyuns painful face popped up and I threw the box in the bin.

I should start living for Baekhyun. Enough of this false relationships.

After school I went home and showered and dressed up to go to the mall to buy myself a phone cover. I need to ease my mind.

And the mall sure did. I saw my bunchi munchkin. With Luhan hugging a big human sized teddy bear.

"Hello Sehun. Come take this Luhan away. Please. Secret okay." I said and the little makne came in a few minutes swiftly dragging the golden pixie away.

I took the apportunity and hugged Baekhyun from behind making him yelp softly.

"Do you want this?" I whispered in his ear and he blushed a deep crimson colour.

"Chan...Chanyeol?" He stuttered and I hugged him tighter sighing in relief.

"You okay big guy?" He asked me and I sighed again pulling away.

"Yes my bunchi munchkin." I said bobbing my nose with. "Okay. I'll buy you this if you name your foxy Yeollie." I ordered poking the brown fluffy bear.

"Aish...Okay. As long as you buy it for me. The foxy is Yeollie and Bunny is Baekkie. But wheres Luhan?" The beauty pouted and I chuckled.

"Sehun will take care of him. Come. Lets go have dinner." I pulled him to the counter and brought him the human sized teddy.

"Can I call this Channie." Baekhyun asked softly and I nodded.

He waved at Luhan and I put the bear at the back seat of my car. We got in and as I tried to drive he held my hand. So softly and delicately.

"Chanyeol. Lets go to my house. I donno whats wrong but you are certainly not happy. So I'll cook for you." He said so gently that my heart melted and I wanted to cry with joy.

I nodded and drove to his mansion. He waddled with Channie inside and let me in to a doll like house with subtle pastle colours of pink, blue and purple. Tiny lights with various pictures and drawing hung at every edge. It was warm and cozy. And I loved it.

"Sit here. I'll be back in few minutes." He ordered and did what I was told. Seohyung would have shreeked if I said I wanted a home meal.

Minutes passed and finally I heard my name chim through the kitchen. I followed the aroma and was invited with a delicious table of egg rolls and bim bap fried rice.

I sat down and dug into the food when he placed a hot cup of steaming coffee beside. Such a wife material.

"How is this so tasty. I have tried but its never right." I said finishing the meal I was given. "Whats the recipe?"

"Well, A little bit of love, a pinch of affection and loads of smiles." Baekhyun smiled at me radiantly. "Mama always said these things were the magic of cooking. Feeling better?"

"Never been this greatly better. Thank you love." I said hugging him from back as he did the dishes. "Goodnight, I'll see you in the morning okay." I whispered kissing his neck softly and left with a happiest heart ever.

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