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Baekhyun's Pov.......

"I don't miss him, I don't miss him, I don't miss him. GOD I MISS HIM." I screamed into my pillow.

"Shut up Baek. Its only been five hours. Stop acting as if it has been years." Luhan groaned watching the film on my room TV.

"But......He should have at least kissed me before going. Stupid Channie. Stupid Yeollie." I punched Channie's face.

"Oh yah. At three in the morning he'd come kissing you and then miss his bus. Baekhyun he's gone for a match. He'd be back the day after." My golden haired best friend frowned.

True that big green Yoda had gone for a match of basketball and here I'm missing. Well he wouldn't miss me,would he? I still didn't know what we shared.
But something in the guts of my stomach kept making me think of him alot. Like a lot.

Luhan stayed over and we watched films still midnight. The next day at school I kept pouting like I couldn't live without my man. Ahem. No no no no. You heard me wrong. Hahaha..Now what was I saying? Yes I was talking about how I don't like him. Yah I hate that giant.

Maybe I don't. Maybe I do. God I'm going crazy. Help me. I started coughing all of a suddenly and the realized that I was running.

"Byun. Careful dear. I wont want Lay to die of a heart attack if he knew coughed okay?" A teacher told me and giggled nodding.

Well I was abnormal and weak. Too weak that I had a lot of ailments. Asthma, Migraine and fatigue. I sighed thinking about my pathetic life.

Was Chanyeol using me for a replacement Seohyung? I know I'm over thinking I know but I don't a heart break. That would make me die sooner than I think I will.

He didn't text or call, and that got me thinking more and more. It was the second day already but still nothing. Perhaps I was just some toy he's playing with.

"Byun? Are you okay?" My math teacher frowned at me and I gave her a small smile.

"Ye..Yeah." I replied but my head didn't stop thinking and the pain started rising in my head. I stood up a bit rickety. And held my head, squeezing it as I gritted my teeth as the pain became worse. Tears fell from eyes and the contacts hurt.

"Baekhyun!!!." I think Minho shouted holding me and Luhan rushed to me.

"Baek Honey...Look at me." Was all I heard before I blacked out.

I woke to a white room and tried to get up but my head still stung. I saw Luhan sitting near me and I pulled his shirt. I could feel my contacts gone as my eyes felt calm and clearer.

"Omg. Baekkie. Why were you thinking so much. I almost had a stroke. Thank god you are finally awake." He said hugging me.

"So..Sorry." I whispered and Luhan's mother. My personal doctor came in and playfully glared me.

"Baek. You've started thinking a lot again. Here. Take your medicines." She gave me my pills and a glass of water. Luhan have me the pills and fed me the water.

"I want Mama." I started crying suddenly. I know I'm nineteen and should be strong and independant but I needed her. I was insecure.

"We've called her. She's on her way Baek." Luhan's mother told me and I nodded pouting.

I waited and waited and by the end of midnight the woman I loved came to with her V skirt and silk shirt. She looked nothing like me and I wasn't like her. She had blonde hair and big eyes.

She wasn't my biological mother, yet she sacrificed her entire life for me by marring my father. My real mother died giving birth to me and this woman hugging me filled in her place. From baby to who I am now was her nurturing.

She didn't want to have children afraid she might have to separate her love if there were two.

"Can I go home Mama?" I asked her pouting.

"You can. The first thing in the morning." She kissed my cheek and tucked me into bed.

"Mama?" I voiced out looking at the ceiling.

"Will people love me for being this childish?" I asked and she chuckled.

"If they don't then the child inside them died long time ago." She said kissing me and tickling me a little to freshen up my mood.

"So did you find any girl?" Mama asked me winking.

"No. A guy found me instead." I blushed covering my face under the covers.

"O.Kay then. How does he look?" She asked me climbing next me and snuggling next me on bed.

"He's big. Goofy. Kisses me a lot. Buys me fluff toys. Calls me weird names. Buys me ice cream and a lot more. I even cooked for him one night. When he was upset. And you know what? He makes Sehun kidnap Luhan so he could stay with me." I said giggling.

"Woah, Looks like my baby has found a his prince. I would love to meet this giant." She said hugging me.

"But, What if he's trying to use me. Like I'm abnormal. And my eyes are blue and green and stuff." I pouted.

"Baby, You are amazing. Just be you and the right people will love you okay? Dont think too much and hurt your pretty little head." She chuckled.

"I missed you. I miss him. He left for a match. And I miss Mr Byun too." I hugged her tightly.

"Aish this brat. He's your papa. He'd  be back in few days okay. Now sleep. Wait whats the lucky boys name? Didn't he call you?" Mama playfully hit me.

"Park Chanyeol. No. I don't miss that idiot." I blushed again burying my face in her shoulder and slowly drifted off to sleep.

"I wish everything goes well for you. And Chanyeol would came. And stop lying. I know you miss him." Mama whispered kissing my hair and patted my shoulder.

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