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Baekhyun's Pov.......

I was on the seventh heaven all along after Chanyeol and I became one. My mother teased to an extent I was a red rose all day long. Chanyeol was indeed a darling, he followed me to school everyday with his gang of friends. His long hands buried in his pockets, his signature ran away walk and billion dollar smile. He would bite his lips and run his palm through his red hair and wink at me which made me weak in the knees. I blushed and blushed as I stifled my smiles to make sure no one saw but Luhan did.

"Baekkie, Your steaming." Luhan giggled and I punched him. Only Sehun, Kai and Luhan knew and the rest were oblivious. And you know what? Sehun brought me a bubble tea and asked me out with out Chanyeol saying."

"Woah really? Congrats." I said opening my locker to stuff my things into it.

"All thanks to you." My best friend hugged me and kissed my cheek.

"Aish you're squeezing me." I giggled into him.

"Oppsy sorry. Hey your boyfriends waiting. I'll go." The golden haired boy waved and jogged off. I just blushed and walked away but strong arms snaked my waist and lifted me covering my mouth as I was slowly sneaked away.

I was carried out of school and into the street. People shot shocking gazes at us and I wiggled a bit but the hand around my waist tightened and I squeaked.

"Chan...." I tried to speak but I was carried away to the park and the idiot finally let me go under a big shady tree. He plopped down leaning on the trunk and patted his lap for me to sit. I sighed trying to sit on the ground but he pulled me onto his lap.

I don't know why, But a feeling of being insecure filled my body. I suddenly didn't know whether I trusted Chanyeol or whether we shared any relationship. The giant boy to whom I lost my virginity, who sat with pink flushed ears and played with my fingers was not the Chanyeol everyone knew. But I have come to know a whole new Chanyeol.

"Muffin. Remove your contacts please. I can't stand them." He whispered kissing my cheeks.

I removed them and put them away in the box and leaned onto his shoulder.

"Channie? Why do like me?" I asked out of the blues and heaved a big sigh.

"You are different, One in a million and divine. Even if you stand among thousands I could still find you. Well you're abnormal and I love it. When others are all alike and normal, your exceptionally different and abnormal." Chanyeol's deep voice filled my years and I felt like crying. I turned and hugged him tightly as I cried.

"Pumpkin?" He said pulling me away."Will....Ummm you know my girl..I mean my boyfriend?" Chanyeol suddenly asked and I was shocked but nevertheless nodded and he grinned wiping my tears.

"But are you serious?" I pouted looking down.

"Nope. Just kidding." He said and I felt like I was about to die. I stood up and ran away. I knew he was just playing with me. I started breathing heavily and I couldn't breath anymore, I searched for my inhaler and remembered I left it in my locker back at school.

"Gosh baby, I was lying I'm god damn serious about wanting you to be my boyfriend. Please don't leave me like that and I promise I wont joke about serious things again." Chanyeol hugged me from behind as he muttered with a sad voice.

"It....It...Hur....Hurt...." I managed to whisper.

"I'm very sorry. Will you be my boyfriend. Please?" He pleaded.

"Yes..." I barely said before blacking out in my boyfriends tight embrace.

Chanyeol's Pov.........

I crused my self for being a dummy. I should have never joked on that subject and now I've hurt Baekhyun. After apologizing and he said it hurt I really hated my self. I hugged him tightly asking him once more and he softly said yes. I felt his his body slip down and he collapsed into my hold.

I cradled his limp body and shook him but there wasn't a single sound and I carried him bridal style to school. The hospital was too far so I ran to school and let the nurse check him.

"He's fine. Just that he hadn't taken his inhaler at the right time. But he could have died Chanyeol. Take care of him." She said giving Baekhyun his medications and leaving. I sighed as I sat next to him and covered my face.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry." I chanted for hours and finally Baekhyun woke up.

"Shut up." He said and pulled my collar bringing my face closer to his. "Kiss me." He whispered shyly and blushed a bright red. I chuckled latching my lips onto his. I was sweet, deep and loving but it had to stop when I heard Chen, Xiumin's and Kyungsoo's voice at the front of the infirmary. They had this weird affection towards Baekhyun as if they were his brothers in the past life. How did they know?

"Oh dear. He's in the room with Chanyeol." The nurse said and foot steps drew closer.

"Yeollie hide or they'd know." Baekhyun pulled away and pushed me.

"But I'm too big." I pouted and he gestured me to go behind the door. "I wont have to hide if we just told them."

"They'd hate you for liking me." He hissed.

"They love you. Why would they hate me?" I frowned from behind the door.

"I'm abnormal and....and weak and sickly and..." He trailed off.

Before I could say anything  Kyungsoo,Xiumin and Chen came in and bombarded Baekhyun with questions.

"The guys said you were with Chanyeol. He carried you here? What happened? Did you hurt your self?" All three went on and on. He giggled making me fall in love all over again. Wait what am blabbering? Gosh this boy is driving me crazy.

"Baekkie. Why are your lips swollen?" Kyungsoo asked and I could feel Baekhyun tense. I'm weird I know.

"" He gave a lame excuse.

"Silly, It's summer not winter." Chen giggled.

"Yes. It's split for the heat." Baekhyun's voice was manipulative but I guess Xiumin being the second eldest apart from Kai knew better.

"Baekhyun. You can't lie. What is it?" His voice was gentle and kind.

"I...No...It nothing.." Baekhyun seemed to have difficulties in saying. So I helped my boyfriend by stepping out from my hiding place.

"I kissed him." I announced and Chen faked a attack and well actually fainted as of my sudden appearance. Poor guy.

"WHAT?" Xiumin and Kyungsoo freaked out and Baekhyun's eyes filled with tears and his bottom lip stuck out.

"I kissed him. He was with me when he fainted when I made a serious thing funny. He ran. He got his asthma attack. And we've like being dating for a....well like a month and a half." I finshed and they frowned at me. Well Kyungsoo was planning on burying me alive. I swear I saw his sketching of killing me in his big eyes.

"Please. Dont hate me." My pink pie pouted even more and I sat next him and lifted his chin kissing his pout away.

"Gosh Chanyeol. Is that you?" Xiumin gasped and I chuckled.

"Baek. We love you. Why would we hate you? And I'm glad the giant found an angel like you. Instead a bitch like Seohyung. Eww." Kyungsoo said ruffling Baekhyun's hair.

"I CANT BELIEVE THIS." Chen woke up, screamed and fainted again.

"Why do I even love this drama queen." Xiumin sighed face palming and we all chuckled.

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