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"Chanyeol no....I'm pregnant. Don't." Baekhyun pouted trying to push his giant husband off him.

But Chanyeol crashed his lips on Baekhyun and undid his blazer and shirt and shove them to the floor. His lips leaving a moaning mouth and biting down the flawless jaw and neck.

"Please.....Don't." Baekhyun moaned but the giant smirked and tried to continue his work but his phone rang. He groaned and lifted the phone to cut the call but the caller ID made him get up from Baekhyun and walk out of the room.

"Hello." Chanyeol smiled and nodded his head. The giant chuckled at the words the speaker said and Baekhyun pressed his nose and lips on the glass door watching the giant.

Chanyeol finished speaking spotted his shirtless wife trying to become one with the glass. He walked to the glass and kissed Baekhyuns lips from the otherside.And placed his big hands on Baekhyuns small ones.

Baekhyun pouted after Chanyeol pulled away from the glass but blushed when he saw his husband walking inside.

"Hey, You should have fallen asleep by now." Chanyeol whispered carrying Baekhyun bridal style to their room.

"Won't you finish what you started?" The smaller shyly asked.

"No. You didn't want it. So I won't to force you." The giant smiled laying him down.

"I want it. Make love to me on our wedding day. Without going and talking to your girlfriend." Baekhyun being pregnant and emotional started crying and Chanyeol sighed.

"Awe you little vixen." Chanyeol threw him on the bed softly and removed his shirt and boxers off.
And kissed Baekhyun on the lips. The pink lips never failed to make the giant eager for more. He felt like he was loosing his mind as he pushed Baekhyuns pants down.  Along with his tiny boxers.

"Ahhh..." Baekhyun moaned as Chanyeol dipped his tongue into the shy mouth of his wife. Sucking in the honey like taste.

His hands felt the thick thighs of the rosy smaller as his lips bit and nibbled the flawless white skin.

"Mine." Chanyeol smacked Baekhyun lips and kissed his eye lids.

"I'm yours Yeolah." Baekhyun giggled. "I want you." He said looking at Chanyeol's growing bulge but the taller shook his head.

"You can when our babies are born." Chanyeol smirked taking in Baekhyun's preleaking member into his warm carvern.

"Ahhh....mgnnnnghhh." The abnormal boy moaned as the thick muscles swirled and sucked the tender skin. The giant bobbed his head up and down as he lifted Baekhyun's lower body higher snd made his knees hang over Chanyeols shoulders.
"CHAN....AHHHHHH...I'M GOING..TO CUM." Baekhyun screamed as he released inside his husband mouth.

"Ummmm...You taste like honey." Chanyeol smacked his lips and licked him dry.

"AHHH...GOSH CHANYEOL WHAT ARE YOU DOING?" Baekhyun tugged his hair as he writhed at the feeling of Chanyeols wet warm tongue slid into his puckering hole.

"Shut up." The taller mumbled and sucked at the tender skin.

"Mnnngghhhppfff...Urgghhh." The smaller shivered and arched his back as the warm feeling filled him up to the core.

"Hahhhhh...." Baekhyun breathed shakily as his steaming hot husband pulled out and laid the smallers thughs down and licked his lips sexily and kissed Baekhyuns baby bump.

"Cherry Blossom you drive me nuts." Chanyeol said removing his boxers and positioning himself between Baekhyuns legs as he gently thrusted his throbbing member inside the naturaly lubed hole.

"Yeolah...." Baekhyun moaned as his ass filled up.

"Mnnnghh..." The smaller moaned as Chanyeol entirely buried himself inside Baekhyun crashed his lips onto his wifes swollen lips.

From lips to metalic sweet spots to srected pink swollen buds to finally hitting Baekhyuns prostrate dead on. Chanyeol made the beauty a wreck. An ethereal wreck that Chanyeol wanted to fuck him blue but controled himself knowing his love was a fragile rose.

"HARDER PLEASE!!!" Baekhyun screeched as he released ropes of thick cum onto Chanyeol crafted chest and soon after the giant moaned loudly and filled up Baekhyun to the brim with his hot cum.

If you said the damascas rose was red then Park Baekhyun was redder. He was a magical fairytale for Chanyeol as he carefully pulled out of his wife.

"Remember the day I first left you for a phone call?" Chanyeol questioned resting his head on Baekhyuns chest and hugging his naked pregnant glory.

"Yes." The smaller sat up and Chanyeol kissed his chest.

"That was your Papa. He called me." The giant said drawing circles on Baekhyuns baby bump.

"What? Did he hurt you. Tell...Tell you to leave me? Take my children away?" Baekhyun panicked.

"No silly. He said.

I hate you Chanyeol. And I still do. But I've seen you making my little boy all happy and bubbly. Though he isn't perfect, you make him look so beautiful. Fine. I accept you and your children. And I'm very sorry. I feel ashamed for seperating you guys and hurting my child. Here, Your honey moon tickets and Welcome to the family. And though my heart shivers everytime I see his baby bump growing. I console myself that you would bring him to life."

And thats how he came to our wedding." Chanyeol said kissing Baekhyuns cheek.

"Then. A while ago was?" A small hoarse voice asked with a pout as Baekhyuns legs caressed Chanyeols naked thigh.

"A training center in America. We are invited for a two month training programe for basketball." The giant whispered playing with his wifes fingers.

"And you said?" Baekhyun looked up with his blue and green eyes.

"That I wont make it. The boys inclueding Luhan will be going." The giant smiled brightly but had a slight aura of hurt and sadness.

"Wh..Why?" Baekhyun sniffled.

"You need me. My babies need me. My family needs me. Just relax and don't stress your self okay?" Chanyeol whispered and Baekhyun nodded.

"Yeolah..." Baekhyun called out.

"Hmmm?" The giant hummed a response.

"You should go you know....Thats your life.." Baekhyun looked into those golden brown eyes.

"I happy with you. Shush...want me to rock you to sleep?" Chanyeol kissed his bruised bud.

"No...Sleep on my chest. It feels nice." Baekhyun whispered as he kissed the red lushious hair and fell asleep with a heavy heart.

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