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Under the warmth of the blazing morning sunlight, the two naked males basked in their naked glory. Gazing lovingly at each other as they crashed their already swollen lips, blending into for the second round for the day. They just couldn't get enough of each other.

"Ahhh Yeolah..." Baekhyun moaned as Chanyeol moved again. His member still deeply buried inside the gorgeous boy with blue and green eyes who stared back at him with blazing orbs and a soft smile like always.

"Park Baekhyun, I love you." Chanyeol huskily whispered making Baekhyun gasped and close his mouth.

"Yeolah? You...Omg." The smaller giggled hugging him tightly around the neck. The way the deep velvety voice spoke his name made him drunk.

"Should I keep calling you Bae..." Baekhyun kissed his husband lips shutting him up. And pulled away shaking his head.

"Cherry Blossom and Sugar Plum it is. Like you always call me. Okay?" The smaller blushed and yelped with Chanyeol hit his prostrate. "Nghhhhhahhhh. Again...Faster...Yes." Baekhyun screeched scratching Chanyeol's back and throwing his head back.

"I'm gonna cum ahhh.." The beautiful boy cried as he released thick ropes of white sticky liquid.

"Me too." Chanyeol gritted his teeth as Baekhyuns walls clenched and the giant filled his wife up with hot seeds.

Chanyeol pulled out carefully and gentlly and looked at the wrecked beauty that had already blacked out under him.

Messy black hair, Swollen red lips, teary eyes, hickey filled neck, bitten collar bones and abused blue buds. Bite marks were deep and purple on his abnorman and inner thighs. Suck marks on his thighs and legs. His legs wide and spread with a leaking dick and wet hole. Chanyeol licked his lips before licking them dry. He had felt every dime and inch of this sinfully illegally breathtaking body. Every detail was known. Every mole kissed and sucked. Every curve safely remembered.

"Ahhhhh......My butt and back body hurts. Uff my knees cannot even move. Idiot." Baekhyun banged on Chanyeol's chest. "Unfair. You don't even have a love bite." The pouting male woke up at night and bit into Chanyeol's neck rather harshly.

"AHHHH....." Chanyeol jolted awake and held Baekhyun's waist tightly. The boy was on his stomach busily biting away Chanyeol's neck. "Woah Woah baby wolf. Slow down." The giant chuckled.

But Baekhyun bit his neck blue and mark his man his. His dainty fingers tracing every inch just like how Chanyeol did to him. Once Baekhyun designed the muscled male with plenty of hickeys he sat up and smiled blushing. Then pinched Chanyeols buds hardly.

"Ouch!!! You vixen." Chanyeol sat up pouting.

"Yeolah. I love you sooo muchy. Im hungry." Baekhyun pouted.

"Are you sure your twenty four?" Chanyeol chuckled carrying the smiling boy into the bathroom.
Soon after they were cuddling into each others arms as they well sound asleep tired with their love making.

Showered and freshly dressed the couple came down to leave the hotel. They had breakfast and went to the receptionist to do the last few requirements. The girl grinned and stared at the tall handsome rich man.

"Stop staring and do your work?" Baekhyun warned her but she scoffed at him.

"Look. If you were just a one night stand then I could be too." She sassed at him and the smaller boiled with anger.

"I'm not a one night stand you slut. I'm his legal wife and the mother of his children. Look." Baekhyun ranged on with burning eyes. And showed her his wedding ring.

"What? You are lying." The girl frowned and Baekhyun looked at his husband who didnt say a word so he dashed out of the hotel crying.

"Let me make this clear. You crossed your limits and ruined my wife's mood. I'll make sure you are fired. If I see you anywhere again then I'll sue you. I love that guy more than my life. You can be a slut and go for one night stands. But what I have for him is love. And for him. I'm his everything. GET OUT." Chanyeol ordered and called the manager ordering him to kick her out.

When Chanyeol went to the car, Baekhyun sat at the back seat sniffling.

"Sugar? Sit with me." Chanyeol opened the door and pleaded.

"You don't love me. You enjoyed it when she said those things to me. Yeolah I'm not a slut. I honestly love you." Baekhyun covered his face and cried.

"I love you more than I can say. And I know you are not a slut. I made them fire her and she's gone. Now come sit with me please." The taller carried the smaller made him sit on the passenger seat. After putting the bags in he got into the car.

"Stupid Chanyeol. You should have looked like Yoda. Then girls would drool over you. Idiot. Yah!!! Button your shirt PARK FUCKING CHANYEOL." Baekhyun yelled at his husband noticing the chest showing a wee bit.

"Possessive much." Chanyeol huffed buttoning up.

"What's mine is mine. I don't share." Baekhyun gritted his teeth and pulled his husbands nape and crashed his lips onto his. "Clear?" The smaller whispered into the heated make out.

"Clear." The deep voice agreed and kissed back.

The rest of the way back home Baekhyun slept on Chanyeol's lap as the taller drove to their home sweet home. Well it would have been sweeter if their little monsters were there but the grandmothers had taken them for vacation fun.

"I miss them already." Baekhyun pouted as he made coffee for the both of them.

"Me too. Hope they are having fun. No doubt our moms are spoiling them." Chanyeol chuckled as his wife gave him his coffee and settled in between his legs.

Baekhyun had already fallen asleep on Chanyeols chest when their children called.

"DADDY. ITS AMAZING HERE. HOW ARE YOU AND MOMMY. Geez I'm hungry." Chaehyun screamed into the phone.

"Woah Woah Daddy's girl. I can hear you. And mommy is sleeping sweety." Chanyeol's spoke as he ran his fingers through Baekhyun's hair.

"Did Mommy eat? His night coffee? Did he drink it?" The responsible twin grabbed the phone and questioned his father about his beloved mother.

"Of he ate and drank his coffee and is now fast asleep on my chest." Chanyeol briefed.

"Phew. Goodnight Daddy and kiss Mommy good night for Chae and me. I love you. And Mommy." Chanhyung said.

"Daddy and Mommy loves you guys more. Okay goodnight." Chanyeol hung the call and kissed his forefinger and middle finger and kissed them before pressing them on the chubby cheek.

"Goodnight Mommy." He whispered carrying him bridal style to bed.

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