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Chanyeol's Pov........

Baekhyun giggled and giggled hanging onto me and he looked beyond adorable.

"Chan.....after your mother told you to leave she hugged me tightly. Even Noona did the same. They talked to me about various things and Noona kept thanking the gods above that they made you gay so she didn't have deal with Seohyung all her life. When I said I was abnormal your mother said I wasn't and that I was the most beautiful thing she ever saw." Baekhyun blushed and continued. "She gave you...I mean us, her approval and so did Noona. They said I was the first person you ever brought home and they weren't sure whether you were serious so Yoora Noona insisted on the drama and so I hid behind the wall until it was finished. I...I never knew you loved me so much." He finished and looked up to me with a radiating smile.

"I almost though I was going to loose you. It hurt like hell." I sighed in relief but Baekhyun started to tense and he held his head as he stumbled a little and fainted into my embrace.

"Baby, Yah." I called out softly slapping his cheeks but he lay unconscious. I carried bridal style back into the car and immediately drove to the hospital and called for Luhans mother. She came running and took Baekhyun into the emergency ward.

I waited and waited until Luhan's mother came out and gestured me to follow her to her cabin.

"So..Chanyeol are you Baekhyun's boyfriend?" She asked me laceing her hands together and leaning forward.

"Yes. Is he alright?" I answered and questioned her at the same time.

"Well yes and no. Did you guys have sex?" She suddenly asked me and yelped in surprise but nodded with pink tinted ears.

"Well then congrats, Baekhyun is nine weeks pregnant." Luhans mother shook my hand and patted my shoulder. "He fainted as he was having fatigue and dizziness. The baby and he are fine. But meet me again in a week. And make sure you give him these vitamins and food.You can go and see him now." She finished and gave me a note. I nodded and thanked her before leaving the cabin.

"OMG. I'M GOING BE A FATHER!!!" I screamed at the top of my voice forgetting where I was. After I apologized I skipped happily to Baekhyun's room and plopped next to him.

I was so happy. He was not only abnormal but special and unique. I traced his fingers and placed with the dainty thumb that carried my favorite mole. Well I had more favorites though.

My queen stirred in his sleep and woke up yawning like a baby. He smacked his lips and opened one eye at a time.

"Where is this?" He asked me cutely.

"You fainted and I brought here." I smiled at him and he plopped back onto his sleeping position.

"I hate hospitals. It reminds me of death and bitterness." Baekhyun pouted kicking his covered legs.

"My jade, Thank you for being born abnormal." I whispered and he shot me a confused look.

"Why Yeollie?" My baby boy said with a baby voice and I chuckled.
"Love, You're nine weeks pregnant. You're gonna be a Mommy." I said and his alluring eyes grew wider than Kyungsoo.

"What...I'm pregnant? Then that makes you a Daddy right?" He said blushing and he slithered under the bed covers.

"Yah. Get out." I playfully yeld tickling my blushing red strawberry.

Baekhyuns mother took the news very lady like and she began squealing about baby cloth shopping with Yoora. My mother made sure Baekhyun ate and ate and became fat. My dad congratulated me and told me I was a bad guy but as long as Seohyun wasn't carrying his grandchildren and as long as I love Baekhyun he's happy. But I wonder how Baekhyun's father would react.

Well my friends freaked out when we broke the news to them.

"WHAT THE HECK. YOU GUYS ALREADY HAD SEX?" Chen screamed as Xiumin had to disown his boyfriend for a while until they left the restaurant. Sehun sat knowing everything and tapped away in his phone.

"How many weeks?" Kyungsoo asked and Baekhyun shyly showed nine fingers.

"Baekhyun. You have be healthy and careful okay?" Kai ordered giving him a bag of gummy bears.

"Aye Aye Hyungnim." Baekhyun giggled Luhan made a puppy face and Baekhyun had to give him some.

"Kai you should stop spoiling Baekhyun like this. He'd loose his teeth." Kyungsoo scolded Kai.

"Shut up penguin. No one asked your opinion. I'm going to be a uncle and I'll spoil my brother and his kids." Kai frowned flicking Kyungsoo's head.

Kyungsoo ranged on and Kai kept silent. He went on and on. And the next step Kai took got us all shocked. He got up from his seat, went closer to Kyungsoo, Slammed his hand on the table, pulled the owl eyed boy and smashed his lips onto Kyungsoo's heart shaped ones.

I choked on my coffee, Baekhyuns gummy fell off his open mouth, Chen fainted as expected Xiumin spilt his coffee, Sehun dropped his phone. Luhan's milkshake flowed down his shirt.

"Dont you dare come shouting at me." Kai warned Kyungsoo nodded gulping down his saliva.

"Why..Why did you have to kiss me to scare me?" My best friend stuttered looking away.

"I like you. Well more like love you. End of story. Any problem?" The tanned guy confessed and Kyungsoo sat there like a tomato.

"No...No...Do...Well...Umm." Our poor Kyungie stuttered hugging his coffee cup with his fingers.

"Fine then. Sunday at ten, meet me at the book shop next to the mall." Kai said kissing Baekhyun and Luhan on the cheek and left without a second glance at the penguin.

"Woah. I never knew Kai hyung had a thing for Kyungsoo." Luhan sat back holding his heart.

"Like he never showed it at all. Meanie." Baekhyun pouted glaring at his red gummy bear and biting it harshly.

"Yah Sehun why are you wiping my cheek?" Luhan slapped Sehuns hand away.

"Kai kissed you here." He shrugged his shoulders.

"Don't be dramatic idiot. He's Baeks brother and I've known him since playway." Luhan glared at Sehun and he sighed saying sorry.

"Yeollie....Yeollie." My baby buttons boo tugged at my shirt pouted.

"Why baby buttons boo?" I said turning to face him.

"I...Wanna..." He said holding his mouth and I knew he wanted to throw up. I dragged to the washrooms and he ran inside.

I patted his back body as he threw up and he flushed it all off pulling himself to the washbowl faucet and cleaned his mouth.

"Yeolah..I...Feel so tired and sleepy. Can..Can we go home?" He pouted sniffling and stretching his arms up. I held his flanks and lifted him up making him wrap his arms around my neck and waist around my shoulder.

"Sure lets go." I whispered carrying him away.

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