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Baekhyun Pov.......

Chanyeol was the sweetest human on earth, I was forgetting my real name by him calling me cute little names. He stayed over like always and dressed me up like a baby. He would bath me and wrap me up in a big ass towel and cocoon me in it. It was comfortable to be honest.

But I was feeling really weak and sickly recently. Luhans mother told me that my baby and I were fine but I should eat and be healthy by drinking my vitamins. My body hurt, my head hurt everything hurt. Sometimes when Chanyeol held me tightly my body hurt but I never showed him.

I had to run to school today and it was raining. I ran so fast that my lungs gave up when I entered the school hall ways drenched and trying to catch my breath. I saw Chanyeol talking to Minho about something and I tried to reach towards him but something kept pulling me back.

Holding the little breath I had I tried to pass over Chanyeol without him noticing as I didn't want him to worry. But he saw me and turned me around.

"Where's your inhaler." He commanded and I couldn't respond but went on breathing heavily.

"Lo...Lock.." I managed to say and he nodded rumaging my bag to get it. He pulled it out and pressed into my mouth and I inhaled my medicine.

"Why did you run?" Chanyeol whispered.

"I...I was late." I breathed out.

"I'm picking you up from now on okay?" My big man told me kissing my forehead and I buried my face into his chest trying calm my heart down.

"Come, Lets get you changed." Chanyeol tried to carry me when a voice interrupted him.

"CHAN BABY....." A pretty tall girl with a tight short dress came running and hugged Chanyeol around the neck.

"Seohyung?" He asked shocked and his big eyes grew bigger.

"Yes baby. I missed you." She kissed his cheek. WHAT? HOW DARE SHE?

Chanyeol pushed her away frowning and I held his waist. Seohyun grimaced when she saw me holding Chanyeol.

"WOAH...Mixy Byuns stay away from my Chanyeol without spreading bad omens." She snapped at me and could feal tears prick at my eyes.

"Yealah." I whispered and she snickered.

"Wait. How dare you call him..." She started at me and Chanyeol just turned around wrapping his arm around my waist and pulled me up onto my tip toes. He smirled and kissed my lips in front a shocked Seohyung, Our proud friends, I swear Chen was crying and the entire hall way. I pulled away satisfied with devouring my lips and faced Seohyung.

"Well, Seohyung I never missed you. For Baekhyun was all I could possibly think of. When my boyfriend Is right next to me why would remember girls who force themselves on boys?" Chanyeol gritted his teeth at the girl and carried me bridal style away from the crowd.

Everything was smooth for a week after Chanyeol declared that I was his boyfriend. But a fear lurked my inner thoughts. I was feeling uneasy, my morning sickness, my asthma, my migraine everthing was too heavy on my weak body. I had to take care of the little baby that was growing inside me and then the mid term exams had to show up.

I was a great student just like Kyungsoo but the competition was high with Xiumin, Chanyeol, Kai,Kyungsoo and I.

I studied late at night though mama told me not to stress myself. Chanyeol was studying and I didn't want to complain about my problems. I still didn't figure out my actual feelings for him. I couldn't, true I was jealous when ever Seohyung came near him and stuff but I wasnt able to finger my feelings.

My head hurt and I had dropped wearing contacts since Chanyeol hated it. I still didn't have a baby bump so I could go to school. I was walking to school one morning and the mist didn't agree with me and my breathing became shaky. I dragged myself to the stairs that were no longer used by children unless they wanted to go the abundant roof top. The smell of cigeratte made me choke. I thought it was Chanyeol but no it wasn't him. I took my inhaler and walked back to class. I was alone since Luhan was having a flue.

It was a long paper and my butt became numb by the time I finished and handed over the paper.

"Junior? Are you okay?" Kai asked me looking at my droopy face.

"Uh...Yeah..I'm hyung." I forced a smile and he sighed ruffling my hair.

"No your not. Stay at school. I'll tell Chanyeol to bring you home after practice. Okay?" He said and I nodded following him to the basket court and sitting on the bleaches.

Chanyeol saw me and sent me a flying kiss from below and I blushed puckering my lips. He chuckled and set himself ready for their game.

Hours passed and my body was getting crapped. I was pouting away and Chanyeol spotted me and he jogged to where I was.

"Just a little more. And lets go." He smiled kissing my cheek as he jogged back.

I waited and waited and felt a presence beside me. I turned around to see Seohyung sitting next to me.

"Leave him be. If I ever see you near him. I will make sure I destroy you." She snarled at me smiling.

"Why...Why should I? Chanyeol loves me." I frowned and she laughed.

"Poor Byun, You're so naive. He's playing with you. He just needs so your body. Do you think Chanyeol of all the people would love a usual abnormal guy like you? He doesn't love you." Seohyungs words were harsh and I started crying.

"No. He loves me. Chanyeol loves me. He told me himself." I debated.

"Dream on usual bitch. Stay out of Chanyeols life or I'll run my car over you." She screamed at me.

"I would never stay out of Chanyeols life. No wonder he hates you and loves me." I lashed out and she glared at me raising her hand to slap me. I closed my eyes but I heard only the sound but I never felt the pain.

"DON'T YOU DARE HURT MY BOYFRIEND. NEXT TIME IT WOULD BE ME RUNNING THE CAR OVER YOUR BITCH OF A BODY." Chanyeols voice resonated the bleachers and our friends came surroundimg us.

"But Chanyeol he's abnormal?" She cried out.

"Thats what makes him beautiful. I'm gay for heaven sake and I fucking love him. I love Byun Baekhyun." He shouted at her making her shudder and dragged me out of the court.

It happened so fast and I wasn't able to process anything. I hope the coming days wouldn't hurt me go much.

"Yeolah. Can you stay with me tonight." I whispered and he sighed.

"For a Change, Stay with me at my place tonight." He said driving the other way.

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