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Chanyeol's Pov.......

I was crazily in love with a baby call Byun Baekhyun. He was so innocent and effortlessly gorgeous. He naturally glowed no make up was ever needed. I had to bring to my house so he'd not remember the hurtful words that bitch Seohyung said.

He was playing with the bubbles in the bathtub until I showered. I massaged his silky black hair with his strawberry shampoo as he giggled telling me incoherent stories.

I left his hair and went to face his front. Those alluring eye balls never failed to lure me. He blushed and giggled and me pulling my ears.

"Ouch.." I wined and he pouted then broke into a train of endless laughter. I rubbed the sweet smelling soap through out his body washing him spotlessly clean. Then wrapped a big white towel around his petite wet body and carried him bridal style and placed him on my bed.

Baekhyun snuggled into the towel and he looked like a bunny in a blanket. I chuckled taking fresh black boxers for him and gestured him to put his legs out.

"No. Cant cant." The little abnormal guy shook his head.

"My Cherry Blossom, Its cold outside. You have wear something. You cant be naked." I said but he didn't budge. He shook his head and his wet hair sent tiny tinklets of water on my face and dry cloths.

"I don't wanna wear it." He pouted and I chuckled pushing the bunny down and pulling his legs up so I could slip the his tiny boxers down covering his butt and dick.

"Unfair." Baekhyun mumbled.

I chuckled and placed his left leg on my shoulder and kissed it softly.

"Fine then, At least wear a shirt. Hmm?" I whispered and he looked up at me.

"Your shirt. The black one." He said and I nodded going to get my black shirt and helped him put it on.

"Don't button them." He sighed and plopped back down onto bed.

I nodded and tickled him and he twitched jumping off the bed and running. I should be thank full for my long legs I ran after the giggling idiot and wrapped my arms around his bare slender waist and swirled him around.
My shirt hanging off his shoulders since it was too big for his small frame.

"Blossom, Come I'll cook for you." I said pulling my boyfriend who just turned off his energy and was like a puppet. I scooped him up and carried him downstairs.

I placed him on the kitchen counter and he crossed his legs. His hair was messy and wet, his body and buds were red, his eyes were bright but it had lost it glimmer.

"Yeolah, Are...Are you using me like Seohyung says. Don't you...Lo..Love me? I'm sorry..." He started tears filling his eyes and cut him off by kissing him full on his lips.

"Just erase Seohyung and her words from your pretty little brain. I love you and I will always be only Baekhyuns. Okay." I said and he nodded.

I was making noodles and my little kyungaroo kept slipping his leg under my shirt and caressing my tummy.

"Sugur, Stop it. It tickles." I pouted and he grinned wickedly.

"Serves you right for chasing your pregnant boyfriend." Baekhyun giggled covering his face.

I switched off the stove and took a step closer to Baekhyun. Before he could react I pulled him by the waist and crashed my lips onto his. He softly yelped and I smirked. I pinched his thigh and he yelped again. I slipped my tongue in conquring the shy muscle and sucked on it devouring the heavenly taste. He moaned and I kissed him deep. My lips left his swollen sweet lips and ventured down the lean neck biting and sucking on his metalic sweet spots.

"Ah...Yeo...Yeolmmmghhh." Baekhyun moaned and I bit and nipped at the pink buds and all the way down to his waist. Done and statisfied with the left side of my boyfriend I took his right bud and sucked it blue. I made sure his neck,collar bones and shoulder blades were abused by my lips. His sweet spots turning dark purple and his body starting quvier with pleasure.

"Yeolah, Stop undressing me with kisses in the kitchen." Baekhyun wined.

"Yup. He's right Chanyeol." Yoora's voice filled the kitchen and I buried my face in Baekhyuns neck.

"Yoora........I thought you left for Japan already." I mumbled and she chuckled.

"I will. But can you guys pose for a snap. I'll miss you." She said I nodded looking at her and we smiled with peace signs as my sister clicked our pic.

"I'll miss you Noona." Baekhyun said hugging her and she left.

The dinner was fine. Mom sat at the corner of the table as I sat at the middle feeding Baekhyun his dinner. Though he pretended that he was okay deep down he was hurting and I knew it.

I carried Baekhyun to my room and tucked him to bed, his fresh hickey's showing proudly as he told me to come closer.

"You love me right? Will you hurt Baekkie by going to Seohyung again? As I'm childish?" He cried as I sat next to him dimming the lights.

"Yeolah's sugur plum, know that I love you so much that Seohyung is long forgotten and that I'll always be there for Baekkie and baby okay?" I said wiping his tears away.

His blue and green eyes looked back at me and pulled me by my neck softly kissing my lips and then snuggling into my like a rabbit.

"I...I believe Channie." He whispered and I nodded hugging him.

I didn't know whether our feelings where mutual but I could feel his emotions radiate through out my body and heart. He never uttered a word of love to me. Neither did he ever try saying those. Perhaps he'd never confess yet he was mine and he carried my child. My little family. My home.

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