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Chanyeol's Pov......

We were relaxing when Kai got a call saying Baekhyun had fainted in class and was taken to the hospital. I didn't know what happened to me but I wanted to rush to my little butterfly and tell him I was sorry for not texting or answering. I was too caught up in practice. I wanted hug him gently and tell him I was sorry for not being there when he fainted. I wanted to see Baekhyun. But a orange ball pulled me back for a day and half.

We won, but I wasn't on my right mind. I couldn't, Kai noticed and patted my back saying he'd be okay. Yet still I wanted to see for myself.

As soon as I reached home I ran to my room, threw my bag and cup on the bed and went to shower. Soon after I came down hurried and waved at my pouting mother and brightly smiling sister.

"Yah you idiot. Greet me. I've come after three months." Yoora my rock star sexy sister glared at me.

"Sorry, My queen is more important than you." I shot back getting into my car.

"Eww. So you choose Seohyung over blood eh?" She grimaced and threw a stone at me.

"Its not a girl anymore. Someone more gorgeous than a girl. A boy." I said waving and drove out the gates.


"YOU WILL SOON." I chuckled screaming back and drove to Baekhyun's house.

I parked outside and skipped inside knowing the password my heart but got a stroke when a beautiful woman opened the door.

"Woah. Did I give you a heart attack? You must be Park Chanyeol?" She chuckled ushering me inside and I followed.

"Annoyeonghaseyo, Yes. How do you know?" I asked sitting down.

"Oh, First I'm Baekkie's mother and second the little idiot keeps on cursing a big eared green Yoda giant called Park Chanyeol in his sleep always." Mrs Byun chuckled again and came closer.

"Hmmm, You are just as he explained. My sons Handsome hunk." She winked at me and went back. "His rooms on the fourth floor. The last room in the corridor." Saying so she left to the kitchen and I smiled at her bowing and going upstairs.

His door had various figurines. Some old and some new, on the top read "What steals my heart"
And below were tiny images of kai, Luhan, ice creams. Bears, bunnies and many more.

I pushed the door open with a smile playing on my and face and saw my butterfly fast sleep on Channie the teddy bear, hugging its neck tightly. Baekhyun wore blue boxers and a loose white huge shirt. His hair disheveled and his chest heaving up and down.

I gently sat next to the living fairy tale and pushed his bangs that covered his eye lids. I sighed in relief now, that he was okay. He made soft snoring noises and his lips were agape, such a cutie. Gosh my heart, I could look at him forever and never ever get tired of this boy before me.

"Wake up." I whispered and blew his face with warm air. She whimpered and pouted stuffing his head into Channie's neck. 

"Wake up, Or I'll kiss you to death." I whispered and he turned around still sleeping and frowned reaching out his hands to hold my cheeks, he caressed it and felt for my ears and pulled pulled me closer, opening one eye at a time and staring at me with bright blue and green eyes.

"I thought you left." He whispred and woke up. HIs shirt over his shoulder blades and his pink buds out in the open. He was a bit dizzy and I got up and held his waist to balace him.

"Why whould I? I'm sorry. For not repliying and for not being there when you fainted." I whispred in his bare neck and he giggled wrapping his arms around my neck.

"Don't be so good to me, Seohyung will get jealous." He just pouting and I roled my eyes.

"Shut up, I missed you butterfly." I said kissing his lips gently and tugging at it softly, I bit his lower lip and the shy permission was granted and in went I into the heavenly cavarn, He lewdly moaned went I sucked his tongue.

"Ahem, Well, I'm too young to have grandchildren yet." Baekhyun's mother giggled. I gently pushed Baekhyun away and the blue and green eyed angel blushed a bright red.

"Are you still feeling sweaty and uncomfortable baby?" Mrs Byun gave me a tray of food and cradled her sons face.

"Yes mama, Oh and this is Chanyeol and Yeollie this Is my mama." Baekhyun introduced and we nodded.

"Okay then, Chan dear, Can you baby sit this baby bottle of cuteness until I attend a meeting and return, Please?" Mrs Byun asked me so gently and I nodded chuckling.

As Mrs Byun left the house giving us loads of food to eat, Baekhyun just stayed half naked as if he being exposed wasn't my problem at all. But I was, I just couldn't take my eyes of him. He was perfect. And his eyes glowed so much when I suddenly hovered him and pinned him to his bed. The TV volume was high but suddenly everything remained silent, just as I was to kiss Baekhyun my phone buzzed. But I brushed it was kissed him gently, it started off soft, gently, hard but passionate. I had never had the urge to kiss someone this bad, what are you doing to me Baekhyun?

My lips left his with a bounce as I grazed over the silky ivory skin of the godly boy beneath me. His dainty fingers gripped my shoulders tight as he moan out when I sucked on his sweet spot and bit at it.

"Ahhhhh......Chan....Mghhhnnfff this Isn't right." He whispered into my ear. 

"Hush, It feels so right for the first time." I kissed his teary eyes and he looked into my eyes with so many questions and a mixer of fear and sadness that I wasn't sure whether I was doing the right thing.

"Do...Don't hurt me please." He cried and I sighed kissing him softly.

"Baby, I would never hurt you. I promise Baekhyun. I never felt this way with anyone before." I said and he gave in nodding.

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