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Chanyeol's Pov.......

"Yealah......" A soft voice shook me awake and I opened my eyes into those alluring blue and green eyes. They looked back at me almost after a weak of resting and a hand reached out tocradle my face as I hovered over him.

"Cherry Blossom??" I cried engulfing my Baekhyun into a tight embrace.

"Ahhh....You've become stronger." Baekhyun giggled. "Honey, remember an year ago, when you saved me from falling and I said I would anyways die one day, You said,

"Mark my words Baekhyun, There would come a day that you would feel like giving up is a crime and you'd do anything just to survive."

Remember?" My smiling boy asked me.

"Yeah....Yeah..." I stuttered as I smiled back.

"True, I did everything in my strength to fight for you. I thought If I fell sick every time you left me as you have stolen so much from me and I love you so freaking much. Then If I died you would equally fall sick or even worse, go mad. For you love me more than your life and my demise would destroy and break you and our children. Chanyeol for once I wanted to live for you. You made a Brittle soul stronger than it ever could have been. I...I...I'm sorry I rested this long but I love you and I'll never leave again. Ever." Baekhyun cried and a tear rolled down my eye as I hugged him tightly again.

"I love you so much." I whispered against his neck as my children started crying crying.

"Yeolah!!!! How do they look?" He asked with so much excitement that I chuckled and walked to their cribs to carry the little tinsel dew drops. They were carried to their beautiful mother who carefully sat up and stretched his hands out for them.

"It's a boy and girl." I said gently placing them on Baekhyun's arms.

"What did you name them?" My wife looked up with big glassy eyes.

"I haven't yet. You name them." I chuckled laying next to him.

"Ummmm... Park ChaeHyun and Park ChanHyun." Baekhyun nuzzled his nose with their little ones. They twitched a little and giggled like their mother but had not still opened their eyes.

"Beautiful. Just like you." I whispered leaning closer as Baekhyun flushed a dark shade of red and closed his eyes. I smiled lifting his jaw and softly latching our lips into a passionate yet deep rooted kiss.

"Congratulations." A female voice moment and I pulled away to see Seohyung with a bouquet of flowers.

"What do you want?" I dead panned at her and she sighed.

"I wanted to apologize for what I did. I guess Chanyeol was never at the first place. He had always been Baekhyun's. And they are beautiful." She said smiling so brightly. Honestly saying she smiled genuinely for the first time since kindergarten.

"Thank you Seohyung." Baekhyun smiled as she gave a him a hug and waved goodbye to me."Phew finally....Park Chanyeol's free." He chuckled so radiantly that I found myself falling in love all over again.

"Yeolah, When will they open their eyes?" My baby boy asked me and hugged him around the waist tightly.

"In a while. Don't worry." I assured and he nodded smiling and sniffling.

"They are mine, Like I gave birth to them..Chanyeol they our ours. Can you believe it?" He started bouncing looking at Chaehyun's and Chanhyun's faces.

Baekhyun and the babies came home that afternoon and my mother and his squealed in joy as our friends stormed into our room with us.

"Gosh Kyungie, Is that an engagement ring?" Baekhyun gasped looking at Kyungsoo who nervously laughed.

"Well, Yeah I guess, Your hyung came to me one day. Fell on one knee, pulled my hand and put this ring on and said, "I love you. Will you marry me?" I was shocked and everyone in the library gasped. And before I tried to say anything he tried to leave so i finally screamed yes and from that day on wards he's been quite cheesy." Kyungsoo finished drinking a glass of water.

"Woah!!!!" Luhan laughed and sighed. Looking at the hooman who looked like he didn't even know what and engagement ring was. 

"Chen, Yah!!! Baby wake up. Fuck your soul. Wake up!!! Xiumin shook Chen who lay flat on the bed next to the babies.

"He's pregnant Xiumin. Be gentle he'd be up in a while." Luhan's mother and Lay giggled as they passed our room door.

"WHAT???" Now it was Xiumin's turn to faint and he did. He went flat on the ground and Kai and I had to catch him.

"How are my grandchildren Baek? Chanyeol can I take them with us for a while?" Mr Byun and Suho came in and I nodded carrying my children to their grandfather and uncle. 

"You can Mr Byun." I smiled giving them to him.

"Call me Appa. Okay?" Myr Byun I mean appa said and winked at Baekhyun making him giggle. 

"Papa I love you." Baekhyun smiled and Appa chuckled kissing his teach.

"Papa loves you too." He said as they went out.

"Yah Chanyeol, Thank you." Suho told before leaving. "You made Baekhyun look a whole lot more special than he always was. I hope my son was like too. But sadly he's an idiot." Suho sighed and chuckled.

"DADDY." Kai threw a pillow at Suho but the couch dodged and ran off.

"Guy's where Is this place?" Chen woke up and rubbed his eyes.

"In heaven honey." Luhan smirked.

"OMG, Xiumine what happened to you?" Chen freaked out and shook his boyfriend awake.

"Me? I just realized I'm gonna be a dad. And my girlfriends pregnant." He said sitting up and shaking his head.

"WHAT? YOU CHEATED ON ME? WHY? AHH WAEEEEE?" The Dino like boy started crying and all of us started laughing.

"Stupid. You are his girlfriend. And your pregnant." Baekhyun giggled slapping his head.

"Ouch, Opps. Yah okay. WHAT I'M PREGNANT?" And there goes the drama queen again. He fainted. Gosh he's totally crazy.

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