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On a cold night, right after the graduation, on the first snow fall of the year, The wedding preparations for the wedding began, the giant put on his white shirt and on went his black blazer with a white rose. A bright smile playing on his prefect godly face. His mother and father stood outside at the venue so did the brides. Well the brides father hadn't turned out, Or that's what everyone thought. He still hated Chanyeol, so it wasn't a surprise. The place was decorated with every colour, it looked like a rainbow just like the bride. Colorful and full of life. The blue and green eyed bride dressed up in white satin silk blazer and thick maroon eyeliner. Chapped natural pink lips and instead of the perfect curvy shape, the bride had become more plump and fluffy with a round six month old baby bump.

A bouquet of white roses lay on the table as Baekhyun stared at his reflection with a smile playing on his gorgeous face.

"Hey, My gorgeous. Ready?" The deep velvety voice asked wrapping its arm strong arms around the stunning bride.

"Ye...Yeah." Baekhyun turned to look into those alluring golden brown eyes as Chanyeol kissed him deep. Careful not to ruin the chapped lips.

"I'll be waiting for you." Chanyeol kissed the bare neck and left the place.

Chanyeol stood smiling as he waited at the alter for the love of his life to come walking down the isle. Everyone waited for the beauty.

"Omg. Look it's the bride's father." Someone gasped as the bride started walking down with gloved hands and the white rose bouquet. With one hand circled around his fathers arm. Baekhyun's mother was shocked and so were the others.

Mr Byun guided his son to the alter and gave his delicate hand to Chanyeol. Mr Byun patted Chanyeol's arm and nodded going next to his wife to stand. Lay hugged his brother and so did Suho. Kai hugged his uncle and the boys bowed in respect.

"ChanYeola??" Baekhyun looked up to his boyfriends eyes.

"You deserve everything in the world." Chanyeol whispered standing to face the pastor.

After all the "I do's" were given. Vows said. Rings exchanged.They were pronounced as man and wife through sickness and health and forever more.

"You may kiss the bride." The pastor announced and Chanyeol cradled Baekhyun's face and crashed his lips onto his beautiful wife.

"I love you." Chanyeol whispered and he hugged Baekhyun who cried and sniffled. Then the giant fell on his knees and kissed Baekhyun's baby bump before standing up again.

"We love you too Yeolah." Baekhyun giggled as Chanyeol carried him to his parents.

"Gosh baby. I'm so happy. Be a good boy okay." Baekhyun's mother teased and hugged her son.

"Can't I'm bad. I'm bad." Baekhyun giggled.

"Aish. Chanyeol good luck with this baby." Mrs Byun winked and the couple walked to Mr Byun.

"Pa...Papa...I'm sorry." Baekhyun pouted but his father hugged him tightly.

"Stay happy and enjoy life. I should be sorry. Not you." He said and Baekhyun nodded.

Mr Byun nodded at Chanyeol and Chanyeol bowed with a knowing smile.

"Aunt Lay. Uncle Suho." Baekhyun squealed hugging his most favorite people in the world.

"Aigoo. Look at you. All grown up and married and pregnant. I'll miss you." Lay commented and hugged his nephew.

"I'll miss my garden fairy too." Suho squished Baekhyuns cheek.

"I'm never leaving." Baekhyun hugged Chanyeol as they shook hands and Lay hugged him.

"OMG BAEKHYUN. I'M SO HAPPY FOR YOU." Chen screamed and fainted on Xiumin.

"I think he's pregnant too. Geez this dino." Xiumin shook his head and giggled with Baekhyun.

"I love you Baekhyun. And dont ever forget your hyung junior." Kai said and Baekhyun dramatically held his heart.

"Yeolah. Kai hyung just confessed. I feel dizzy." Baekhyun joked and Chanyeol chuckled.

"I love you too hyungnim." The smaller hugged his beloved brother.

"Here. From me, Sehunnie, Chen, Xiumin hyung and Kyungsoo and Kai." Luhan said hugging Chanyeol and Baekhyun and gave them a box. When opened two sterling silver bracelets shown brightly in the night.

"Somethings are like magic. You never really get over it. Just live with the enchantment." ♡Luhunnie,XC, Kaisoo.

"Omg guys. Thanks man." Chanyeol said wearing them and the they all set off to eat cake.

"Yeolah!!! Where are your parents?" Baekhyun tugged his husbands shirt.

"Oh they went home to get things reddy to get you home." Chanyeol said feeding him cake.

"But...." The smaller pouted.

"Relax sugar plum. It's gonna be great." Chanyeol kissed his cheek.

"How did Papa agree to this?" The smaller pulled Chanyeol down by his tie.

"Secret. I'll tell later at home okay." The giant boy said.

"Ahhh....Can't tell me now." Baekhyun wined.

"Nope." Chanyeol chuckled.

"Hey. Ummm Baekhyun. Kai said that you love gummy bears. So we got the huge pack for your wedding. Lame we know but that makes you more happier he said." Minho and Taemin chuckled as they approached the newly weds and handed the bag.

"I love you guys." Baekhyun said opening the bag immediately and popping gummy bears into his mouth.

"We love you too little one. See yah." They waved as they left.

Slowly everyone left the venue and It was time Chanyeol and Baekhyun to go home.

The newly weds arrived at the brightly decorated mansion and was welcomed with tight squeezes and kisses.

"Dad. Can you believe. Chanyeol is married and is gonna be a father himself. Unreal ain't it?" Yoora giggled and her father nodded.

"Well. My sons. The house is yours. And call us if you need anything. Mom had cooked food for a nation. So no worries. Bye." Mr Park and Yoora left and soon after Mrs Park kissed the boys and left.

"Why are they leaving?" Baekhyun pouted going upstairs.

"You really don't get it? Its are wedding night silly." Chanyeol walked behind this wife.

"So?" Baekhyun pretended to not notice what the giant meant.

"So, We can make love as loud as possible." The giant grinned.

"I'm pregnant. Damn and I'm on my sixth month. Forget it." The smaller said.

"It's fine, Common cherry blossom. It's been a while and now you are legally mine. And mine alone. Come here." Chanyeol pulled Baekhyun by his jean belt.

"Ahh...No..No.." The smaller yeld but felt flat on the bed and gulped at Chanyeol removed his shirt.

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