My dream catcher left me five years ago,
And the nightmares have stolen my sleep ever since,
And no amount of pill nor drink could drown out the thoughts,
And no doctor seems able to help ease my mind,
And no amount of talking will heal.
My dream catcher left me five years ago,
It left alongside you.
You were not my dream catcher.
You just stole my dream catcher -
A dream catcher you never even gave to me.
My dream catcher left me five years ago,
And every night since I've tried every vice,
And every night I've stayed awake ,
And every night my sleep has been stilted,
And every night I've thought of my dream catcher.
My dream catcher left me five years ago.
Except I never had a dream catcher at all.
An Amalgamation of Words
PoetryI'm almost as bad at writing descriptions as I am at writing poems, but at least I tried. Sharing my inner turmoil, one poorly worded sentence at a time.