Chapter 3- Brother

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I cautiously walk over to the bird and hold my hand out to it. The bird nuzzles into my hand and coos. I pull bird treats out my desk draw and feed him some. Once he has eaten, he licks my hand gently. I untie the letter attached to its foot and open it.

Dear sister,
Happy Birthday to us!
I am as shocked as you are at this revelation. I am Draco Malfoy, your brother. I am unaware if you know me or not as our parents do not wish to tell me your current name. If you know me and have any preconceived thoughts about me, please let me clear the slate and start again. I would like to tell you a bit about me and I wish for you to write back to me before we meet for dinner tonight.

I enjoy reading books, especially Charles Dickens. If you do to, you should see the library we have at home, it's huge! Filled with books of many languages.
I am the smartest wizard of our age.
I am in Slytherin. It's a house in Hogwarts. The best one in my opinion!
I play quidditch, I am the seeker for the Slytherins.

I like learning random jinxes and hexes. The bat-boggy-hex is the best!
My favourite colour is blue.
I enjoy cooking. Black Forrest cake is my favourite to bake.
I also have a birth mark on my left shoulder, in the shape of a star. I keep it hidden from everyone, and you're the first person to know of it.

I have always wanted a sister and I hope we can be close. Please write back and I'm looking forward to tonight.

From Draco x

P.S. I have enclosed the Malfoy ring inside. It has been specifically designed for you since birth. Mine is similar to yours as we are twins. Please tell me your name. I am dying to find out.

I pick the ring up off the desk and I stare at it. Its gorgeous! It is a silver ring with the letter M engraved in the middle of it with vines and flowers wrapping around the ring. The flowers are encrusted with green gems and it's mesmerising the way the light plays with the ring. I slide the ring onto my finger and it won't go past my knuckles. Disappointed, I take the ring off and leave it on my desk. I find my pen and paper to write back.

Dear Draco,
Happy Birthday! It sounds weird writing your name as I have always called you Malfoy but I'm one too now. We go to school together. I have decided not to tell you my name as I want you to guess. Here are some clues:
I am not in Slytherin.
I bet I could beat you in a duel.
I love books as well.
I have a cat.
People call me a nerd. They just haven't seen my other side.

They are all the clues you get. It shouldn't be too hard considering you're "the smartest wizard of your age" so no stress. I can't wait to visit the library, as my favourite author is also Charles Dickens. My favourite colour is purple and I love creating new charms. I don't have a birth mark but I do have a boyfriend. You don't like him, don't worry I'm not promiscuous. He is my first boyfriend and will probably be an ex soon.

From your Sister,

I seal the letter and tie it to the owls leg. I feed him some more treats before he takes off. I get dressed into a casual shirt and pants before heading downstairs. While sitting in the lounge chair, in the sun reading my new Dickens book, I hear a peck at the window. I look up and see Draco's owl pecking at the window. I get up and open the window. This time I see two letters attached to the owls leg. The owl flies into the room and settles on the lounge table. I dash upstairs for more bird treats and head back downstairs.
I pour some seeds into my hand and hand feed him owl. I gently remove the letters and sprinkle more seeds on the table. The first letter is in cursive with a sealed N enclosing the letter. I tear the letter open and I know it's not from Draco.

Dearest Daughter,

I am your mother Narcissa Malfoy. I am so glad I will be able to hug you at last. I have missed you everyday and I know that Draco has always felt a pull towards you. Its a magic twin connection that every twin has. I have not told Draco your true identity, even now, because I know how he has treated you in your earlier years. I am sorry for ever giving you up and I will explain everything to you.

Your mother has invited me over for lunch. I hope you don't mind but I can't wait to see you. I will also have to take the glamour we placed on you off.

Love from your Mother

Glamour?? I think to myself. Lunch! That's in an hour! Oh shit, I better get ready. I head upstairs with Draco's letter still in my hand. I open it on the way up.

Dear Sister,

You're very funny with the whole not telling me your name thing. I am glad you know me as it won't be so weird when we meet. Mother is coming over for lunch and she will remove your glamour showing you your true Malfoy colours. I bet the ring doesn't fit because of that FYI. And if your wondering "how did he know?" Let me remind you I'm the smartest wizard of my age. I'll take you up on your challenge on the duel. Just because your my sister won't mean I'll go easy on you! I look forward to seeing you then!

From your brother,
Draco x

I make it to my room and tossed the letters on the desk. I quickly pick out a pretty yellow dress, that's knee high. I put my sandals on and my birthday necklace and just as I finish brushing my hair the door bell rings.

I hear dad answer the door as mum enters my bedroom. "Hermione, I invited your mother over for lunch. Will you come down and meet her?" She asks me softly and I nod my head yes. With a last look in the mirror, satisfied with my apperance, I follow her down the stairs to greet my Mother.

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