Chapter 2- Birthday Wishes

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I first open Ron's letter.

Dear Hermione,
I miss you and I can't wait to see you. Happy birthday!
Ron xx

Wow. I think sarcastically. What a lovely birthday letter from my boyfriend.

Dear Ronald.
Thanks for the wishes. Miss you too.
Hermione x

I keep it short like the one he wrote to me. Next, I grab Ginny's

To Minnie
Happy Birthday!! You're the sister I never got. I bought you a little something. I want you to wear it when you come over tomorrow. Oops I forgot, mum wants to have a birthday dinner for you tomorrow. See you then!
Ginny xxx

I open the parcel attached to the letter and inside is a beautiful green dress. I try the dress on and it's short but modest. I find my pen (because I'm the smartest witch of my age) and paper and write back to Ginny.

Dear Gin,
Thanks for the gorgeous dress and the birthday wishes. I found out something major and need to tell you ASAP! Can we catch up and go shopping tomorrow. I have a few new books I need to buy.
Love Hermione xxx

I open Harry's letter next.

Dear Mione,
Happy 17th Birthday!! I can't believe everything we have gone through. I wouldn't want to do it with anyone else. You are my sister and I would do anything for you. I bought you a little something as well. I know you have wanted it for a while. So enjoy it.
P.S I need to talk to you about something in person. It's about Ron.
Love Harry xxxx

I open the box that's addressed to me in Harry's writing and I open it. Inside is the limited edition Charles Dickens book. I scream with joy and jump on the bed with the book in my hands and open it up to the first page. I have wanted this book forever, but no one would sell it to me. I guess being the chosen one has its perks!

All of a sudden, I hear feet storming up the stairs and my door flies open revealing my dad holding a cooking pan looking ready to jump someone. He looks around the room and I lose it. I start laughing so hard tears run down my face. And like that dads face changes as he realises the situation and sees the book in my hand. With red cheeks, he heads back downstairs calling out that breakfast is ready.  I quickly follow him downstairs to the smell of bacon and eggs.
After breakfast, I write a quick letter to Harry thanking him for the present multiple times and telling him I will see him tomorrow night to chat. I send the letters off with an owl mum and dad bought for me, not long ago, when all of a sudden, an unfamiliar bird flies into my room with a letter attached. I recognised the bird straight away. It was Draco's!!

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