Chapter 30 - Surprises

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Draco's P.O.V

"Okay, so," I clear my throat, "what do you want to do?"

"I don't mind," Lexi says getting up from the bed and walking over to the window. "Well, it looks like its getting dark. What's the time?" Lexi asks pulling back the curtains.

"Quarter to seven," I walk over to the shelf and return my book. "We should head down to dinner now."

"Okay," Lexi says practically skipping out the room causing me to chuckle. "I've never seen this childish side of Lexi before. She's always been studious, rule-abiding Hermione." I think as I follow Lexi out the room.

"Well we weren't exactly friends before were we?" Lexi's voice enters my head.

"Hehe whoops," I chuckle embarrassed. "Hey, Lexi?" I call out to her and she stops at the end of the hall.

"Yes, Dray?"

"Did I tell you the ball is set the night before we return to Hogwarts?" I ask as I catch up to her.

"Um... " Lexi thinks, "Not sure but thanks."

"Oh," I say surprised at seeing Lexi's neck. "You might want to cover your neck before we get to dinner?" I laugh.

"Oh shit, why do I keep forgetting?" Al groans before pulling her hair forward.  "Thanks for telling me, Dray. I'll be sure to return the favour," Lexi grins at me.

"We're here," I announce to Lexi as I push open the door.

"Mother? Father?" I call out to the empty dining room.

"In the kitchen Draco!" Father calls out. I walk through the room with Lexi following me to find Mother and Father cooking in the kitchen. "Take a seat, we'll be out in a minute."

I take a seat and Lexi sits next to me leaving a seat for Father at the head of the table and Mother opposite Mother me. The table is all set, thanks to Louise. Father walks in carrying lasagna and Mother walks in with a bowl of garden salad and on the other hand a plate of garlic bread.

"This smells delicious!" I say as the food is set before us.

"You cooked all of this?" Lexi asks.

"Yep, we both did!" Mother says. "I hope you enjoy it."

"Don't be silly dear," Father says as he serves Mother, "Alexa, dear your Mother is the head chef. Don't let her tell you any different."

We all dig into dinner enjoying our meal. Father and Mother ask about our day and we happily tell them the censored version. "We had a special guest visit us today," Mother says suddenly. Father gives Mother a worried look before nodding.

"Yes, Professor McGonagall visited," Father says.

Shock runs through me and I feel it from Lexi as well. "Why?" I ask. What could she have been here for?

"She had some interesting news to tell us," Mother says taking a sip of her wine. "We will be having an extra guest staying with us. A cousin of mine who has suddenly returned. Your first cousin once removed."

"You couldn't mean?" I wonder if my assumption might be right.

"Yes," Father replies finishing his meal.

"Who are they talking about Draco?"  Lexi thinks to me.

"Mother? Are you okay?" I ask her.

"Yes honey, just really surprised us all," Mother says placing her glass back down. "Alexa dear, Sirius has returned to us."

Dead silence entails at Mothers revelation. "Does Jean know? I had thought I saw McGonagall when I visited but I wasn't sure."

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