Chapter 23- Claiming Who is Whose

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Fred's P.O.V

Whack. A sudden pain erupts spreading from my stomach. What the hell? Quickly sitting up I open my eyes taking in my surroundings. My vision is a little clouded and as I try to blink away the sleepiness, it doesn't help. Rubbing my eyes I feel something hit me again. What? I quickly rub my eyes to see what the problem is. These aren't my sheets. Looking around the room, I realise that I'm still in Al's bedroom. I feel my cheeks blush at Al's answer last night. I'm so happy she said yes. I feel myself grinning and I can't stop it, why should I stop? I laugh. I feel another thud hit my back and turning around I see Al spread out on both halves of the bed. I feel a laugh work its way up my throat but it dies as I take a closer look at Al's expression.

Al's eyes are scrunched closed, sweat dripping down her forehead and she's gripping the sheets tightly. Is it a nightmare? "Al!" I whisper panic bubbling in my stomach.

"No, no it can't be true," Al whispers, her voice sounding pained as she shakes her head furiously.

"Al! It's a nightmare," I tell her trying to shake her awake. "It's not real!"

Al starts crying and whimpering as she clings to the sheets, "No, please no!"

"Al. Al, please wake up!" Panic full sets into me as I can't wake her up.

"I'll do it. Just don't hurt them," Al mumbles with tears streaming down her face.

"DRACO!" I hear someone yelling, "Draco. Wake up!"

"Come on Al. You can wake up," I wipe her tears away as everything I try to do, she won't wake up. Draco is having a nightmare too? Is it a twin thing?

"No, don't hurt them," Al mumbles her hands scrunch the bed sheets tighter. "I said I'd do it!" Al yells.

"Come on Princess," I beg, brushing away more of her tears, trying to unclench her fists from the sheets.

"Don't make me choose" Al mumbles as her legs start kicking in the air. That's what woke me up. "I can't pick one."

"Al, come on Princess," I beg again, managing to release her fists and gently massage her hand. "Wake up now Al."

"No. I won't pick between them!" Al's legs start kicking again before her eyes snap wide open.

"FRED!" Al screams lunging herself into my chest and sobbing.

"You're safe now," I say to Al as if on a loop. I rub Al's back and it seems to calm her down a little.

"" Al tries to say through her sobs.

"Al, deep breathes," I remind her and she takes a couple of deep breathes before pulling away from my chest. "Deep breathes," I say looking her in the eyes. I grab her hands and massage them, trying my best to soothe a distraught Al.

Running my fingers of her knuckles Al takes a couple more deep breathes. I remove one hand and bring it to Al's face. Gently, I wipe away Al's tears from her soft delicate face. "You're safe now, okay?" I say gently. Al nods and wipes her fresh set of tears away. "Do you want to tell me what happened?" I ask leaning forward and kissing Al's head. Pulling away Al nods leaning forward and rests her head on my chest sideways so she can still talk.

" was a bad dream," Al whispers so quietly I almost don't pick it up. "You were there and..." Al trails off.

"You're safe now," I wrap my arms around her, squeezing her tightly.

"Too tight Fred," Al says patting me on the leg.

"Oops." I stop squeezing her so hard and continue on, "You gave me quite a fright too."

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