Chapter 32 - Vanilla Slice

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-warning: homophobia-

Lexi's P.O.V

"Sirius!" I yell running into his arms. He stiffens up as I throw my arms around him,  but I think nothing of it as I try to hold back my tears.

"Hi?" Sirius says, patting me on the back. This doesn't feel, right?  Does he not remember me?

I look up at Sirius through my hair, and I pull back. Has he forgotten me?  I feel a hand on my arm pulling me away. "Lexi," Draco says snapping me from my thoughts. "You have to reintroduce yourself," Draco explains.

I give him a questioning look, still oblivious to what he's talking about. Sighing, he sticks his hand out to Sirius. "Draco Malfoy, nice to meet you, Sirius." Sirius takes his hand, shaking it before he raises an eyebrow and nods towards me.

"And she is?" he asks.

"She is my twin sister, Alexandra Malfoy," Draco says, pausing for dramatic effect causing me to roll my eyes at him. 

"Sister? I can understand. Twin? I cannot. How did you manage this Narcissa?" Sirius asks turning to Mother. Oh, it clicks. Obviously, he doesn't recognise me. Looking down, I feel like an idiot. 

"Well Sirius," Mother says coming to stand next to me. Her hand rests on my back, "You would know her as Hermione Granger."

Sirius jaw drops. "H-Hermione?" he stutters out. I nod meekly, now unsure of how he is going to react with my new appearance and family.  "Did you know?" Sirius asks. I go to answer before I realise Sirius is looking the other way. He's asking Harry who I had previously not seen. He stands there looking awkward, as usual, his hands in his pockets and his hair sprawled in all directions appearing like always - an unkempt mane. 

"Only, only for as long as Alex has known, a week or so," Harry says running his hand through his hair. 

"Is this," Sirius says, "Why you insisted on coming?"

Harry blushes bright red before turning around, blocking us from view. "Y-Yeah," Harry stutters out. However, I notice a certain platinum blond tense up before butterflies overwhelm my senses. 

"Feeling okay, Dray?" I think to him. He whips his head around to face me, only to see the grin plastered on my face and quickly look away. Matchmaking time, I decide.  

All of a sudden, I have the air knocked out of my lungs as arms are wrapped around me lifting me off the ground. "Oh, Hermione," The voice says. I feel myself being spun around before I'm placed on my feet again. "It's so good to see you again," Sirius says, his hands resting on my shoulders. 

"Sirius, feel free to remove your hands from my daughter."

Sirius chuckles before letting go of my shoulders. "It's so good to see you all again."

"How about we start lunch?" Mother's sweet voice fills the room. 

Settling down in my seat, I smile at Harry who sits next to me. Sirius takes his seat next to Harry, closest to Father who sits at the head of the table. Mother sits next to Father, opposite Sirius with Draco next to her who is also coincidentally placed opposite Harry. Perfect,  think. 

"Draco~ this is like a first date. Isn't it?"

I watch as Draco's hand stops reaching for his glass for a short second before he continues the action brushing me off. 

Sirius starts talking to Mother and Father as we enjoy our meal. I couldn't bring myself to pay much attention to Sirius when Harry and Draco were avoiding any and all eye contact with each other. 

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