Chapter 12- Fight for your Love

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Alex's P.O.V

As everyone is singing "Happy Birthday" to me I know what family is. I look up and catch Fred's eye, I wink at him causing him to go bright red. Everyone is using my new spell and that's the best birthday present. As the song draws to an end I look down at my birthday cake, it's a muggle tradition I have shown the Weasley's. I count all seventeen candles before blowing them out and making my wish.

Molly takes the cake to cut so she can hand out slices. Ginny takes my hand and pulls me off the patio. "So" Ginny draws out, "what did you wish for?" she asks before looking up with an evil glint in her eyes, "or who did you wish for? More importantly."

Blushing, I punch Gin in the shoulder "If I tell you then it won't come true," I grin at her.

"Excuse me," I hear someone say.

Gin and I both turn around "Can I talk to you for a minute Alex?" Ron begs.

I look at Gin and she shakes her head no at me. "One minute," I tell Ron.

Gin walks away but still in the hearing distance, grateful she has my back I turn to Ron. "Hermione I'm sorry I won't do it again. I promise." Ron apologises.

My heart softens for the boy I use to love but I cannot do this again, not after what Harry told me.


"Harry," I said running up to him, he turns around and I stop realising that I haven't told him anything about me not being Hermione anymore. I hear footsteps running behind me and Ginny appears next to me, catching her breath "don't make me run again" she pants, I look at her and motion my eyes towards Harry.

Ginny looks at me puzzled before the light bulb goes off. "Hey babe. Who is your new friend?" Ginny giggles and walks over to Harry, embracing him. Gin smiles at him before walking back and dragging me over to Harry.

"This is Alexandra Malfoy. She's new here!" Harry's jaw drops and he runs a hand through his hair before going bright red. "I'm sure your brother has had lots to say about me, how come I haven't seen you before?" he says nervously.

Ginny rolls her eyes, "You have already met."

Harry's eyes nit together, "But I thought you said that she was new. I would have remembered meeting Ferre-Malfoy's sister" he explains but I can't help but giggle at the both of them.

Ginny smiles, and I step towards him. "Before I was Alexandra Malfoy, I was known as Hermione Granger," I say watching his jaw drop so low that I can't help but laugh at his priceless reaction.

"Let's go inside," Ginny recommends, we follow her into the house. I take a seat on the single couch and Harry sits in the lover's seat across from me.

Cuddling up to the cushions Ginny hands me a coffee. She hands harry the tea and takes a seat next to him, with a coffee in her hands. I take a sip of my coffee and look up at Harry, "I wanted to tell you straight away but I was still getting used to the change myself."

I place the coffee on the table, Harry looks at me and speaks in a non-confident voice, "I'm glad you waited because I actually wanted to see you in person." I look at him and smile indicating that I understood he was concerned in his letter. He looks down into his tea then at Ginny, "How do I tell her?"

I look at Ginny and stare at her with my eyes wide open, "You knew something and didn't tell me," I joke with her throwing a cushion her way. She grins catching it in her other hand before frowning and nodded her head.

"For starters Hermi... I mean Alex, she didn't want to be the one to tell you seeing she only found out last night." I look at Ginny with a question face.

"What is the matter?" I ask.

Harry places his tea down, "Ron has done some things that you won't be proud of."

I looked at him confused and Ginny keeps avoiding eye contact. "Over the summer, while you two were together, Ron cheated on you with another girl."

I stare at him in shock and my hands tighten around the coffee starting to burn. Ginny gets up and takes the cup from my hands. "Is it true?" I beg Gin, she nods her head in sadness. "No, it can't be. You're lying. Ron wouldn't do that to me," I say trying to believe it myself but after how he was acting at dinner I don't know anymore. I look at Harry, feeling a tear roll down my left cheek I ask, "Who? Who was she?"

Harry breaths in deeply, worry etched on his face, "Astoria." 

"Wel-" I start but Harry carries on, "Parvati, Lavender, Clare, Ash and Rose."

My heart drops, I stare at him anger written all over my face, "How long have you known? Actually, I don't want to know."

I look at Ginny and she wipes the tear stain off of my cheek. Harry looks at me and I could tell he was sorry. Harry's eyes nit together once more before sighing, "It was the night you came over to see us at the burrow and I told you he wasn't home." I looked at him and couldn't believe it. THREE BLOODY MONTHS!

I looked out the window and see the patio where Ronald was scoffing his face with food. "Let's take this prick down" I stand up more determined than ever, sashaying out to the patio.


"So if I do take you back, you promise there won't be another Lavender in our relationship?" I ask him, my decision already made.

"I promise I won't do anything of the sort," he swears.

"So if you promise to never bring a girl like Lavender into our relationship again, I could trust you?" I ask him.

Ron nods almost giving him whiplash. "You're the hottest now," he tells me.

Cringing from his comment I go on "So no Lavender" he nods. "Then what about Parvati, Clare, Ash, Astoria and Rose," while saying their names I tick each one off with a finger.

Ron looks guilty, now he knows I know. Crossing my hands over my chest I stare him down. Small and guilty Ron looks lost for words.

"Hermione-" he starts.

I cut him off, "It's Alexandra to you."

"Please, I'll change," he begs me.

"Boys like yo-" I am cut off from my sentence with Ron's lips on mine.

I try to push him off me but he wraps his arms around mine, trapping me in. I hear a glass smash as I struggle against him, finally, I feel him freeze up. I feel Ron being ripped away but his arms still locked tight around me, I fall too. I feel myself being caught by warm arms, I look up and see George. He glances down at me, worry in his eyes, "Alex are you alright?" he asks me.

I nod snuggling into his chest, suddenly tired from tonight's events. I hear yelling but my heart breaks after knowing that one of my oldest friends would do this to me. "George, what's going on?" I ask him.

"Fred is beyond mad at Ron, like the rest of us," he tells me, "Fred and Ronald are fighting," George says spiting Ronald's name out like it is venom.

"Please tell me what's happening," I ask him.

George holds me tight as he replays to me every punch and hex thrown.

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