Chapter 25- Inner conflicts

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Al's P.O.V

"Come on Fred," I whine as I grab his arm and drag him deeper into the crowd of onlookers. "We have to go on the Ferris wheel!" I gaze around and am amazed by where we are. It's a magic circus, literally. There are monkeys floating in the sky wearing cute tutus of red, white and blue and a bubble blower who enchanted his wand to create different zoo animals float above us before popping and sprinkling us with water. I laugh as the hippo bubble pops and showers us in water. A sparkling light catches my eye, "Fairy floss!" I point at the vendor as if I were a child. The machine is covered in fairy lights that illuminate the surrounding area in a mauve colour that gives the area a soft inviting feeling. 

"Alrightly then," Fred says, a grin on his face as we make our way to the vendor. 

"What would you kids like?" The man asks us.  The vendor wears an apron and a chef hat both the colour of mauve.

"One fairy floss please," Fred asks. He smiles and grabs a stick and dips it into the machine. The pink fairy floss gathers around the stick till it's the size of Fred's head.  

"Here you are Miss," the vendor hands me the fairy floss. My mouth drools at the sight of it. I don't even realise I zoned out till Fred's pulling me out of the queue. 

"Wow," I gawk at the fairy floss. Fred chuckles next to me. 

"You're too cute Al!" Fred coo's over me. Pinching my cheeks he leads forward and pecks my lips.

"Aw," I pout wanting more than a peck. I look up at Fred through my lashes and give him my puppy dog eyes. 

"How could I say no to that face?" He asks dragging me by my hand out of the crowd. 

Grinning to myself I quickly eat the sweet fairy floss. The bustle and noise of the crowd disappear as we find ourselves in a side alley. 


"I FOUND THEM!" A loud voice parts our heated actions.  

"What now?" I sigh in annoyance that the day has been ruined again. All the sudden bright lights fill the end of the Alleyway. M eyes burn from the intense light and Fred drops my legs from around his waist, landing on the ground next to him I raise my hand to cover my eyes.  A figure marches forward, the outline of a plumpy woman becomes visible. Right as the light's dim Fred's arm grips my shoulder and the world disappears in a swirling haze around me. 

'Lexi! Lexi!' A panicked voice calls my name as the earth stops spinning. "What?" I grumble. 

"Are you alright Al?" Fred's rough voice asks me. 

"Yeah, thanks for saving us back there," I grin staring up At Fred. 

'What happened? Are you okay?!' the voice calls again. 

"Anything for you," Fred whispers, a light blush coats his cheeks as he leans down to resume our previous actions. 


Sighing, I pull away from Fred. A look of hurt flashes across his face and something appears in his eyes. Sadness? I wonder. "It's," I sigh wondering how I'm going to explain this to Fred, who grabs hold of my hand and squeezes it reassuringly. 

'Lexi are you okay?'

"Draco and I..." Fred nods urging me to continue but his eyes crease in confusion. "It turns out that we can talk to each other." Fred nods still confused about the situation," Telepathically." Fred's grip tightens on my hand. 

'Lexi, what's going on? Tell me right now!" 

"Stupid idiot," I mutter casting my eyes down.

"Is he talking to you right now?" Fred asks hesitantly. 

"I, uh, yeah he is," I answer. 

"Okay," Fred says, "what's he saying?" 

"He's asking me if I am okay."

"Why? What's wrong Al?" Fred asks, concern laced in his voice. He lifts my chin up and I stare into his honey brown eyes. 

"We also are able to feel each other's emotions," I whisper. 

"You can feel each other's what?" Fred asks in disbelief.

"Emotions," I whisper. Panic runs through my veins. It's too weird to believe. Why would he? There is no way-

"That's amazing Al!" Fred says. 

My body stills. "Amazing?" I ask, my voice sounds small and weak. 

"Yes, Al. I wish I could do that with Geroge. I would know who he likes instantly, it would be so much easier to test our products on ourselves, we would know when we are in danger. It would be."

Fred continues to talk about all the positives of our rare connection while I'm left stunned. "I never thought of that," I tell Fred breaking his rant. "I was terrified of telling you," I whisper. 

"Alex, please tell me," Fred begs, " I want to know what is happening in my girlfriend's life. I never want you to be terrified of telling me anything ever. Al, I..." Fred trails off. 

"I'm sorry Fred," I apologise. I stare into his honey flecked eyes as I wrap my arms around his neck. "It's just with everything that has happened

"It's just with the war, and everything that happened before it I have not exactly had a normal childhood. None of us have," a bitter laugh falls from my lips, "this just means more problems." I bury my face into Fred's chest.

Fred slowly wraps his arms around my frail body. "This, that isn't a problem Al. I want to help you, please let me."

"Thank you, thank you, Fred."

"No more crocodile tears, let's enjoy our date."

"Yes, you're right Freddy," I give him a grin while blinking away my tears. "Let's go," I grab his hand and lead us both towards the petting zoo. 

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