Chapter 4- Glamours

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My heart pounds in my chest as I draw closer to the lounge room. The lounge room has cream walls with wooden timber flooring. We have a square charcoal grey rug underneath 2 white leathered two seater lounges which sit opposite each other and a single armchair in the corner. The lounge table is a low glass table with metal frames.

I see her silhouette through the frosted sliding door. Mum has walked in and I feel my blood pounding in my ears. I collect all of my Gryffindor courage and open the door.

I see the back of her head, she has long white hair, it is half up in a bun and the rest reaches the bottom of her back. The ends of her hair are frayed as if she has been taking her stress out on them. She is wearing navy blue robes and her wand is holding her bun. She is taller than me but she has a petite figure.

She turns around upon hearing my footsteps and her eyes widen, her hand flies up to her mouth and her eyes start to water. "My baby" she whispers. 

I stick my hand out and give her a smile "Hi, I'm Alexandra Bella Malfoy formerly known as Hermione Jean Granger." I introduce myself to her. All the sudden she flies forward towards me and hugs me. She keeps hugging me, telling me that she's sorry and I hug her back. I'm up to her nose so she has to bend down a bit when she hugs me. She then starts crying on my shoulder. 

"I'll never leave you again" she promises to me. I send mum and dad a look after a while, as my new mother makes no move to break the hug.

"Narcissa, let Her-Alexandra breathe," she tells her slightly pulling at her arm. She squeezes me one last time before pulling away. She walks to the couch and sits down. Mum gives her some tissues and she wipes her eyes. I sit on the couch across from her. Mum gets up and heads towards the kitchen and she stops "I'm going to make tea before we eat. Honey, would you care to help me?" She says looking at dad. 

"But" he starts to reply 

"Now," mum says firmly and they both leave entering the kitchen.

Narcissa stares into my eyes "I am so sorry" she says softly, I can tell that giving me up has been hard on her all these years. I stand up and sit next to her, I grab her hand and look into her ocean blue eyes. 

"I understand," I tell her "I'm not angry at you for giving me up, I know why you did it." 

She starts tearing up again before she speaks "I didn't want to, baby girl" she moves my hair out of my face with her other hand. "I wanted to protect you, and your mother is a good friend of mine from before Vol-ld-demort," she stutters on his name and I squeeze her hand again, telling her I'm here. "She couldn't have children and I knew she would keep my baby girl safe" she smiles softly at me. "So I had to have both you and Draco overseas and your mother was there when you were born. We placed the glamour charm on you and that's when she took you. I never got to see you again!" She starts crying again. 

Handing her the tissue box, "I know what might make you feel better," I tell her. She looks at me with a questioning face, "to see what your baby girl really looks like" I tell her. She nods and I smile at her.

Mum walks in and dad follows with a tray of teas. "Jean, we are going to take Alexandra's glamour off!" Narcissa announces. 

Mum gasps with shock and runs to me hugging me one last time. "Okay then, let's go to Hermione's room,"  she says to Narcissa. We head upstairs after I give dad a hug.

I'm laying on the bed, Narcissa didn't need to explain the process as I have already read about. She started beaming at how smart I was saying how both her kids are the smartest of their age. I'm lying on my bed as Narcissa positions her self on my right side and mum on my left. Narcissa starts removing the glamour but I can't hear her from the blood rushing in my ears. I feel lighter as the spell is removed as if I was dirty before, both physically and mentally.  I feel my bones reshaping themselves but it doesn't hurt. I feel my jaw bones moving position and my eyes feel numb, my legs are moving down the bed and my chest area is becoming heavier. After a minute I feel that my body had finally stopped changing.

I open my eyes staring straight into my mum's  "Hermione?" She asks. 

"Yeah?" I say, wow my voice is different! It's smooth and more feminine. Narcissa has her hands covering her mouth but I can tell her jaw is dropped. She starts crying again but this time I think it's out of happiness. 

"My baby girl!!" she jumps up and attacks me with a hug. I hug her back noticing that my fingers are longer and slimmer. My skin is also completely Malfoy pale! Goodbye, nice sun kiss tan skin. My hair is also completely white and is just as long as my mums. I feel that there's a gap between my mother and me and I look down, wow! I think as I'm shocked at the sizes of my breasts. Before they were B-cup, now my girls must be at least a D-cup. She lets go of me and pulls me by my hand to the full-length mirror.

The first thing I notice is that the once pretty yellow dress is now unflattering against my pale skin. My eyes start at my face and the first thing I notice is that it's not ordinary anymore, I look hot. I notice my eyes first, they are now ocean blue like my mothers. My cheekbones are high, my nose is not so big on my face, my lips are full and my ears are small. I run a hand through my hair and I feel that it's thick and soft, something that I'm not used to. My old hair was dry and curly and I could never do anything with it. My eyes run down to my chest and wow they are massive. The dress is barely holding together at the seams.

"How come it didn't hurt you?" Mum asks me but before I answer mother cuts in 

"I'm assuming because you already knew what would happen once the glamour comes off, you took a numbing potion, right?" She grins at me.

 I grin back "Yep! Made it myself this afternoon" I tell her proudly. 

She grins more " You got our Malfoy grin!!" she squeals like a fangirl. "And you look like I did as a young lady!" She says happily. I look in the mirror and she's right, I do have the Malfoy grin and I look like a younger version of my mother.

My eyes trail down my body and my arms are slightly toned and my body is curvey. I have nice curves and long legs. I put my hands on my stomach and discover that also toned, all my baby fat has disappeared. I twirl around and see that my ass has also grown and it is now a nice asset. The dress has shrunk as I'm now the same height as my mother and it's just covering me below the waist. My thighs and calves are toned and my feet have probably grown to a size 8 1/2 or 9. I find myself thinking that I am stunning for the first time in my life. I squeal and turn around to my mother who runs in for a hug. It feels right hugging her, mum joins us too before we are all squealing together.

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