Chapter 7- Malfoy or Weasley?

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I wake up but i keep my eyes closed, the suns too bright. I feel something poke my shoulder and i shrug it off, i mumble "Crookshanks" and bury my head deeper into the pillow.

I feel it poke me again and i reach my hand under my pillow grabbing for my wand, I feel it poke my side this time. I hear feet shuffling and my instincts become alert, I jump out of bed and point my wand at the intruder. My eyes still full of sleep I squint at the intruder, I see white hair before they fall to the ground, my wand following the person. I hear laughter and I realise who it is. I jump off the bed landing on my feet, rubbing my eyes i head to the bathroom hearing the laughter following me.

In the bathroom i understand why he was laughing at me, i look horrendous. I have sleep in my eyes and my hair is all tangled together, I forgot to take off my makeup and it's smeared all over my face. My mascara has given me panda eyes and my lip stick makes me look like Penny wise the clown. I wash my face and remove the make up, following my morning routine of brushing my teeth and moisture my face. I spray untangle and start gently brushing the knots out of my hair. As soon as my hair is smooth I head straight out to my walk in closet, Draco is sitting on my bed reading my limited edition Charles Dickens book. I don't even think he heard me leave the bathroom.

I decide on my favourite jump suite, striped black and white shorts with a plain white top, I wear my white converses and my rose gold sunglasses. I twist my hair into a bun with my wand through it, I slip my Malfoy ring on and I pick up the necklace, I decide against wearing it and place it back down.

I walk into the bedroom head held high after what happened earlier, surprisingly i still see Draco reading my book. Pay back! I think evilly to myself and rub my hands together, I pull my wand out from my hair and mutter a quick charm before quickly shutting the closet door falling into a fit of laughter. I'm laughing so hard that I clutch my stomach in pain, I'm crying and I can't make any noise, I'm silently laughing and as soon as i compose myself I picture it again.  Knock, knock, knock "Alexandra?" i hear him calling for me but i cant respond, I'm still crying, I manage to wheeze out a "yes?" before laughing again.

"Are you alright?" he yells through the door and i picture him again and fall into another fit of laughter, "I'm coming in" he yells, i get my wand at the ready at this photo opportunity.

 I hear a faint "Alohamora" before the door swing open, i cast the photo charm on my wand, and snap multiple pictures of Draco looking frantically around the room with Weasley red hair.

Draco catches a sight of him self in the mirror and jumps at his reflection. His jaw drops and his hand reaches up to touch his now deep red hair. He stares at me in a mixture of awe and shock before he pounces on me pinning me down. I try to reach for my wand but he has kicked it away just out of reach, I look up and i'm meet with a evil glint in Draco's eye. "Fix it now!" he says.

"I can't," I say desperately, his red hair falls forward and i burst into another fit of laughter. He has my arms and legs pinned to the floor, I try and thrash out of his grip but he won't let go.

"3 seconds" he starts counting, worried about what he might do, I start talking "I need my-" I burst into a fight of laughter as Draco starts tickling my sides.

"St-St" but i cant get anything out past all my laughing, he looks down at me grinning as i'm crying of laughter, "What's so funny now?" he teases me.

After what feels like forever he lets go of me and sits back, I stay laying on the ground trying to catch my breath. He picks up his wand muttering reversal incantations for his hair, I sit up grinning because I know it wont work. He huffs out a sign of defeat before throwing his hands up and laying down. "Alexandra, please" he begs, "okay" I say, I reach over and grab my wand.

"Ruber capillus" I mutter, I watch his hair turn back to his original platinum blonde.

"You would be good Weasley" I tell him, he throws me the side eye, and we are both laughing again.

We are both sitting on my bed when i realise something important "You didn't give me three seconds!" I point at him. 

He grins "I am Slytherin" he states proudly.

I roll my eyes at him, "Thanks for coming today," I say.

He nods "I'm catching up with Ginny and i don't know if she'll understand." 

Draco fiddles with his ring "If she is your friend than it should matter to her, but if it does i'm here for you" I reach across and hug him, he tenses at first but he hugs me back.

 "Not a big huger?" I grin at him and he rolls his eyes.

I get off the bed "You ready?" I ask him. 

He hops up as well "ready when you are" he says.

 I hold my hand out and he takes it, thinking about Diagonal Alley we disappeared with a pop.

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