Chapter 22- Fralex

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Fred's P.O.V

"Al," I whisper, "where are we going?"

"To my room," Al mumbles dragging me by my hand.

I blush before grinning, "Taking me to bed already?"

Al stops marching and I almost run into her back, "I'm not in the mood Fred," Al sighs before continuing to storm ahead.

"Hey, hey, hey," I stop following Al and push her gently up against the wall.

"Fred," Al sighs looking down.

"Look at me," I whisper, "please." Al shakes her head, refusing to look up. "Please," I gently place my fingers under her chin and lift her head up to look at me. Her crystal blue eyes avoid mine, looking at the wall behind. My heart drops knowing she's mad. I remove my other hand that has her trapped against the wall and move it to rest on her hips. "Come on Al. Don't let him get to you. Don't let him ruin your night."

Al nods still not looking at me. My hands run down her curves and come to rest on her ass. I pull her body closer mine. "It's not that easy Fred," Al whispers as she buries her head into my chest.

"Hey," I say, pulling her head away from mine so I can look at her. "It's going to be okay," I reassure her. She nods her head and looks down. Lifting her chin up to look at me, she stares into my eyes as I stare into hers. Bringing her face closer to mine, I tilt my head and brush my lips with her. She deepens the kiss and wraps her arms around my neck, as mine snake around her waist.

I break the kiss, regretting it instantly. Al's eyes become sad again. Leaning down to Al's ear, I whisper, "your bedroom?" Al's eyes instantly light up, she grabs my hand and we start running down the hallway.

Al finally slows down and we stop at a wooden door. Another door lays opposite across the hall. Draco's maybe? Al opens the door and it's dark inside the room. Still holding my hand Al drags me inside the room. Al lets go and walks along the wall until I hear a clicking noise. The lights come on and Al's room is revealed.

Her queen sized bed is against the right wall draped in pillows. The quilt cover is made of purple silk with silver trim and silver pillows with purple trim. The wall against the bed is a light grey and the other walls are white. There's a balcony opposite the entrance, it's too dark to see the view. There are two doors opposite her bed, bathroom and wardrobe? My gaze wonders up to the mini chandelier lighting up Al's room. My eyes land back to her bed where Al's laying on, "how have you had time to do all this?" I ask Al, my hands gesturing at her room.

"Draco and Mother did it for me," Al sighs, dropping her head into her crossed arms.

"It's going to be alright," I walk to the bed and jump onto it, "this reminds me of my first fight with George."

"Really?" Al asks rolling around to face me.

"Yeah," I pat my leg and Al moves her self so her head rests on my leg, "we were eight when we had our first proper fight." My fingers travel to Al's hair. "We were arguing over who's a better quidditch player and we ended up breaking mum's china. Mum lost it of course," Al laughs at that, "we quickly made up after wanting to prank Percy." My fingers run through Al's long wavy hair and her eyes close. "Do you want me to plait your hair?" I ask Al, her eyes fly open surprise sparkling them.

"You can?" Al asks sitting up.

"Yeah, living with Ginny that became a requirement," I laugh.

"Yeah sure," Al looks excited as she turns around with her back to me.

I gently part her hair into three sections, "I'm sure Draco didn't mean it." Grabbing the first section of hair I start plaiting her hair, "he seems really protective of you," I laugh.

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