Chapter 35 - Moonlight Moments

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Fred's P.OV

Al's soft hand rests in mine as I lead her towards the dance floor. The rustling of Al's dress follows us to the middle of the floor. Al giggles as we take our place, her hand rests on my shoulder as I look down at Al to see her staring up at me through her lashes.  My hand rests delicately on her waist, the fabric of her dress thick under my thumb. 

My hand rests against Al's, as we dance with the music. The melody of the orchestra plays loudly but it starts to become distant. The music slowly fades until it's a distant sound soI focus on Al being in my arms. We sway with the music, before slowly dancing our way across the floor. The chandelier reflects beautifully in Al's ocean blue eyes. We continue to dance together, the two of us in our own little world. The music tempo picks up and Al finds herself dancing sassily, causing me to grin and follow her pace. Now dancing across the floor at a faster pace, I spin and dip Al throughout the melody. At the end of the dance, I bow, and Al curtsey's with a smile that could light up the night. I take Al's hand and we turn to make our way off the dance floor before we stop in our tracks. Everyone's eyes are on us, as I freeze in my dress shoes. Al's than squeeze's mine before she waves so elegantly and I nod to the crowd following suit. A sudden loud round of applause follows us as we make our way back to our friends. 

Mr Malfoy and Mrs Malfoy make their way over to our table as Al talks to Draco. I take this time to grab George from Angelina and pull him to the side. "I see that dancing with Mrs McGonagal paid off," George teases, the drink in his hand spilling slightly as he punches me on the shoulder. 

"Yeah, yeah. The spells run out again," I whisper to George. 

"What are you on about?" George slurs. Glancing quickly at Angelina, I pull him by his shoulder's to face me. 

"My hearing spell George, please," I whisper, my voice strained as I hope I'm speaking at an appropriate level.  

"But the music sounds great," George says enthusiastically spilling his drink some more. 

"George!" I snap. "Lord help me," I sigh. I let go of George and make my way back to the table. I sit next to Harry who's busy talking to Luna. I admire the desserts that sit nicely on the table. My mouth waters so I take two, leaving one on my plate. I enjoy the dessert before Ginny's dress catches my attention. She's busy dancing, but I realise that she can help me. As I wait for Ginny to finish dancing, I watch as Al is introduced to new people on the other side of the room. Both Mrs and Mr Malfoy look joyful; an emotion I didn't think a Malfoy could possess. I notice Ginny about to start dancing again, so I decide it's my turn to step in. I stride across the floor, before tapping Ginny on her should. I bow as she turns around, "May I have this dance?"

"Of course, bye, bye, Preetyboy," Ginny says grinning at Blaise.

"You know where to find me Bella," Blaise says bowing at Gin, before leaving with a wink. I roll my eyes as I take Gin's hand in mine and we start dancing. I relish in the peace we have as we dance, Gin looks beautiful. Almost like a pretty version of Geroge if he was a girl. The thought makes me chuckle causing Gin to raise an eyebrow. 

"Hey Gin. After this could you help me?" I ask her as we glide across the floor. 

"You're not proposing already are you?" Gin teasingly asks as she grins. 

"NO!" I defend, my cheeks heating up. "I need help ear." 

"Oh," Gin says sounding surprised. "Oh," Gin draws out at she realises what I mean. "Let's go now," Gin says before pulling my hand behind her as she pulls me off the ballroom floor. 

"We didn't have to right now," I tell her. People glance over at the two of us as we rush off to the side of the room. Gin turns around and raises her finger to her lip indicating to be quite. I follow silently behind her as we find an empty spot. 

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