Just A Friend // Tom Holland

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Request(s): Can you please do a Tom Holland x Reader imagine where the reader gets jealous of Tom and Zendaya's photos but he reassures her how much he loves her. A bunch of fluff please!! and Can you do a Tom Holland x Reader imagine where the reader gets jealous of the photos of him and Zendaya but he reassures her he loves her. Lots of fluff please!!!!

Requested by: @tommyhollandx

Pairing: Tom Holland + Reader

Warning: Jealous!Reader and fluff (bc y'all know how much I love a fluffy fic)

Notes: (F/N) means friend's name okay cool enjoy


"So, where's Tom today? You're both usually conjoint at the hip." (F/N) asked before she brought her cup back up to her lips. I laughed lightly at her comment before shaking my head. "What? You can't deny it! I mean, there's nothing wrong with it! You're in love, you can't help it." She exaggerated the word love and added a small wink at the end. My cheeks flared a little at the word love.

Tom and I have been dating for a little over five months but the word has never come up before. Although I was sure how I felt about him, I was scared that if I said it too early I'd scare him off. I'm almost positive that we both love each other, but I wasn't ready to take that risk yet. "I'm actually meeting up with him at his photoshoot. We're having dinner and then he's staying over at my place tonight." She winked suggestively at me again which only made my cheeks grow hotter and my eyes to roll. "In fact, I should be heading over there now."

As soon as I bid my goodbye I got a text from Tom telling me I could head over to the shooting location and that he'd be only thirty more minutes. By the time I got to the venue Tom had about eight more minutes until the shoot was over so I sat in his marked chair next to Harrison and made small talk. I was in the middle of telling Harrison about mine and Tom's plans for tonight when I heard a loud laugh, causing me to stop mid-sentence as I looked up to see Tom sitting in a chair hunched over laughing while Zendaya practically draped herself over him. She had jokingly removed his hat to put it on herself, slid it down to hide half her face and shoot him a seductive look. You looked down immediately after seeing Tom shoot her a wink.

"You okay?" I looked up to see Haz giving me a small smile. He nodded toward Zendaya and Tom, "They act like that all the time. They're just friends. You know Tom's crazy about you." I nodded and gave him a small smile in return. I looked up to see one of Zendaya's hands through his hair as he looked up from his seat smiling at her. I felt my heart ache and didn't realize I was leaving until I heard Tom calling out my name. I made it out the door when Tom caught up to me, his hand grabbing my arm and spinning me to face him.

"Babe, didn't you hear me? Where are you going?" I pulled my arm from his grip causing his eyes to widen. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing. I just – I needed some air. It was getting a little... hot in there." My voice came out a little raspy. I cleared my throat and casted my gaze everywhere except him. "I'll wait in the car. You're almost done?"

"Don't be ridiculous. Don't you want to come inside and say hello to Zendaya?" My jealousy came back out as I shook my head, Tom looking at me oddly. "Why not?"

"I'm just really hungry. Can we go?" He looked at me skeptically as he nodded his head. He leaned down to kiss my cheek, looking at me once more before retreating inside to change and grab his things.

By the time he came back I was already in the car, ready to drive off. The ride to the restaurant was painfully silent. Tom tried to ask me about my day but my mind wouldn't allow me to focus on giving him anything more than just a couple of words. Every time I looked at him I thought of Zendaya draped around him, I thought of every way he looked more content with her – better looking, too.

Tom didn't say anything until after we had ordered our food. "What the hell is up with you?" His voice sounded strained, like he wasn't trying to speak as loudly as he wanted to. Tom had never raised his voice at me – then again, we had never fought before, so there were a lot of new things coming out.

"What do you mean?" I bit my lip as I refused to make eye contact with him. I looked up in time to see him roll his eyes, my heart sinking further into the pit of my stomach. Before either of us could say anything more, the food came.

"Forget it." I heard him mumble, before we both settled into an uncomfortable, tense silence. As soon as the check was paid for, Tom walked ahead of me and got into the car, not waiting for me to get in. I took a couple of deep breaths to prevent myself from crying. After what seemed like the longest car ride ever, I parked outside of my apartment building. Tom looked out of the window before looking up at me, finally breaking the silence. "What are we doing here?"

I furrowed my eyebrows at him, confused by his question. "I thought we were going to watch movies, didn't you want to stay over?"

"Honestly? No. Not with the way tonight is going. I feel like it would be better if I stayed at mine tonight." I bit my lip to stop it from quivering. I nodded my head slowly before going to put my keys back into the ignition to drive Tom home. His hand came up to catch mine before I could start the car. "Before you do that, I have to ask, what did I do?"

I looked at him before shaking my head. "You didn't do anything." I put my face in my hands, resting my head against the steering wheel, finally letting myself cry after denying myself from doing so twice tonight.

"Baby," Tom whispered, I felt the car shift as he reached over. His arms came out to wrap around my shoulders, prompting me to come closer to him. I lifted my head and climbed over the middle to rest in Tom's lap, my crying never ceasing. "Baby, talk to me. What's wrong?"

"It's so stupid. I'm so stupid." I shook my head against his chest as his grip on me got tighter.

"You're not stupid. Nothing you say or do will ever be stupid to me. Please, just talk to me." His hands rubbed up and down my back, warming me up and calming my breathing. My crying had shrunk to just a couple of hiccups and I was able to speak properly.

"I just – god, I'm so ridiculous. It's just today when I saw you, with Zendaya, I don't know. Tommy, I just couldn't stop thinking about how happy you looked – with her." The tears welled up in my eyes again. I finally looked up to see the sad expression on Tom's face. "I know, it's dumb. I'm sorry I took it out on you."

"Darling," his hands came up to cup my face, "Zendaya is just a friend. You should know that the only person I have eyes for – is you. I could look at anyone and the only person that would be on my mind is you." He pulled my face closer to his and kissed me softly. My hands came up to card through his hair, his hands going down to my waist to steady me. When we pulled away he rested his forehead on mine. "I planned to say this to you earlier at the restaurant, but now seems as good a time as any – I love you, (Y/N)."

I could feel his grip on me tighten and the heat rise in my cheeks despite the colder weather outside. "I love you, Tom. So much." He smiled brightly at me and kissed me again, softer this time. "Will you stay the night?"

"I wouldn't want to be anywhere else, darling."

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