Mistaken Royalty (Part 1) // Tom Holland

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By Hufflepuffholland on Tumblr

Summary: Royalty!Tom AU
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader


"Darling, you look fine."

You rolled your eyes to yourself. Your hands weren't roaming over your gown because you were scared you wouldn't look okay, you were looking at yourself so intently in the mirror because you wanted to hopefully wake up at some point.

"You look very presentable."

Another eyeroll. "Mother, I've told you countless times. I'm not nervous."

"Will you dance with your father?"

"Do I have the choice not to?"

Your mother frowned at you in the mirror, causing you to sulk. "It would be nice if you'd show some enthusiasm. How else will you attract a suitor? We need it – we need the money."

At the mention of your poor incoming, your back straightened and your expression seemed more determined. "I'm sorry, Mother. I am excited." You smiled at her through the mirror, though it didn't reach your eyes. "I've never been to a ball before. It should be lovely."

She smiled in approval and walked away, leaving you to drop your frown and glance at yourself in the mirror once more. You hadn't expected anything to come out of this. Being already seventeen, you were already seen as an old maiden. You ran your hands over your gown one more time before hearing your rather call for you from the other room. "Here goes nothing," you sighed, picking up your mask and heading out toward the foyer.


"Wow," you breathed out, taking in the countless chandeliers aligning the roof, surrounded by the hand-painted artwork of angels singing and dusted white along the ceilings and walls of the ballroom. "It's beautiful," you whispered, jumping slightly from the feeling of your mother's cold hands landing on your shoulders, leaning in to whisper in your ear.

"This is why you need to marry rich."

You rolled your eyes, turning around to face your mother. "I want to marry someone because I love him," you swatted away her hands as she moved to adjust your mask.

"Remember to keep that on. The prince's request was to fall in love with a voice, not a face."

"I doubt I'll even find the prince tonight. I just... I want to enjoy tonight, Mother. It isn't everyday we are invited to the palace."

When your mother opened her mouth to say something, the town crier came into view to announce your town's royalty. You idly stood as the crowd awaited the arrival of the Prince. This was a sort of coming out ceremony, as well as a party. The Palace kept the Prince hidden until he was eighteen, fit to rule soon and old enough to mature for a Princess. You were eager to see him, sure, but marrying into royalty was a high and stressful situation. You never expected anything to come out of tonight, only you finally being able to live a life other than your own, even if for only a night.

"...Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you – King and Queen of Clarington, the Hollands." The two stepped out as the room sounded of applause, pulling you out of your thoughts long enough to clap along with them. You looked around the room, feeling somewhat disconnected. You took notice of the expensive jewelry that laced maidens' throats and aligned their gowns. You could never see yourself spending your wealth on such accessories, especially only seeing yourself wearing them on occasions such as this one. You really weren't born for this, you thought.

"...And with that said," the King announced, pulling you from your thoughts, to realize you'd miss the whole speech, "we welcome and introduce you to our son, Tom Holland."

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