Slytherin!Tom AU (Epilogue) // Tom Holland

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Note: this is SUPER cheesy and SUPER fluffly like it's so gross i love myself read at ur own risk xoxo. also i loved writing this series. hope u all enjoyed it as much as i did :')


"Okay class, that concludes today's lesson." I sighed in relief, feeling the weight of Creatures Care stress being lifted off me as I packed my bag.

"Eager to leave, are we?" I smiled at the familiar voice, not having to look up to see who it was. "You seem to be in some sort of – rush? Off to somewhere, Hufflepuff?" I repressed my giddy laugh, slinging my bag over my shoulder as I turned around, seeing a small bouquet of Petunias covering my favorite face.

"As beautiful as these are," I said, bringing my hand up to take them, moving them out of the way, "I much rather prefer the face behind them." I smiled, leaning in, smiling when Tom's hand came up to cup my cheek and hold me in place as he kissed me.

"Yes, I'm sure you do, darling," he pulled away, pecking me once more before pulling away completely, "but, I did promise you Petunias everyday – and I'm nothing if not a man of my word." I rolled my eyes at him, wrapping my arm around his waist while I held the bouquet in my other hand, leaning into him when I felt his arm wrap around my shoulders as we walked out into the beautiful spring air of Hogwarts, the feeling of the weekend settling in.

After mine and Tom's moment in front of Hagrid's home, we had gone on a few disastrous dates – Tom had tried to impress me once with a charm, only to have it turn our food into something non-edible. He fractured his arm another time, and almost gave me a concussion a different date. He almost threw in the towel, saying he was too much of a danger to be around me. I offered to plan the next date – we ended up going to Hogsmeade, drinking a couple of butterbeers and talking for a few hours. After that, Tom's first-date jitters seemed to have disappeared, because we've been on several other dates afterward, accident-free.

"Nicholas invited us to his game tonight – but he's got food poisoning. So, he most likely won't be playing." I scoffed, shaking my head.

"Nicholas? Not playing? Doubtful." Tom laughed, nodding in agreement. "I'll send him my best wishes – but, I do not want to see him projectile all over the field."

"I was hoping you'd say no."

"Why?" I lifted the Petunias, smiling as I brought them up to my nose, sniffing them.

"I've got somewhere I'd like to show you." I plucked one off, lifting it to place it behind Tom's ear.

"Oh? What is it?" He shook his head, allowing me to place the flower on him and also allowing me to fix his hair around it.

"You'll have to wait – until tonight, Hufflepuff." He leaned down, kissing me softly and walking the opposite direction, the flower still tucked safely behind his ear.

"Until tonight, Slytherin."

"He's completely whipped." I rolled my eyes, trying to hide my smile at Beatrice's absurd statement.

"He is not!" She shook her head at me.

"He's walking around with a god damn Petunia in his hair – does that not scream the definition for it?" I shrugged.

"So, he likes Petunias."

"He likes you." I laughed loudly, slipping on shoes.

"Well, he is my boyfriend. I should hope he does like me, even just a little bit." She shoved my shoulder playfully, her laugh matching mine.

"You know what I meant!" After I finished tying my shoes, I sighed, letting myself fall back onto the mattress. Beatrice followed soon afterward. "So, what is it like?" I looked at her, waiting for her to elaborate. "Dating someone completely different from you, I mean." I shrugged, looking back at the ceiling.

"We're not very different. We both hold some of the same values, we like the same things, hold the same views. He's me, just... just a little greener, I suppose. With a more extensive vulgar vocabulary." This caused Beatrice to laugh loudly, making me smile. "I love him, you know." She sat up quickly, looking down at me. I followed suit, sitting up much slower, though.

"You love him?" Her features were soft – she wasn't confused, just asking for confirmation. So, I nodded, pursing my lips.

"I don't know when, or where... I just know I do." Before either of us could say anything, my phone chimed. "That's him." I picked up my phone, reading his text, telling me to meet him inside the Potions classroom. I furrowed my eyebrows, picking up my purse. "I should go."

"You should tell him." I looked back at her from my spot at the door. I gave her a small smile, not responding and then walked out.


"Tom?" I walked into the classroom cautiously, looking around but not seeing him. I walked all the way in, seeing a single Petunia resting on top of my desk. I smiled walking toward it.

"My favorites." I turned around at his voice, slightly startled. I pulled the daisies I had gotten for him from behind my back, considering he had already seen them, and handed them to him.

"Are they really? Or do you just tolerate them because of me?" He pretended to think about it, leaning in to whisper in my ear.

"I don't think you'll ever know." He kissed my cheek before pulling away completely.

"Why are we here?"

"Ah!" He exclaimed, "This is my favorite classroom – in all of Hogwarts." I furrowed my eyebrows, looking around the room. It was fairly old, rustic looking and definitely in need of some TLC. I shrugged, if Tom liked it, I liked it.

"It's a lovely room." He laughed, shaking his head.

"Oh, no. The room itself is awful – truly horrendous." I laughed, sitting on one of the chairs. "But, this room – it tells a story." I looked at him confused. "Would you like to hear the story?" I shrugged, nodding with a small smile on my face. He cleared his throat, walking in front of me, to what would be his desk. "So, one day in winter, this boy – he's normally quiet, keeps to himself, and follows what's expected of him. But, one day, he sees something – someone, someone he's always seen, and there's something said about this person that he just... he just can't let these things be said about her – uh, this person. Not anymore. This time... is different."

"Okay..." my eyebrows were still furrowed, my chin now resting in the palm of my hand.

"So," Tom sits down on the chair, "one day, he decides to speak up. He didn't expect anything to happen – maybe a 'thank you' or a 'you're not a total dick'." He smiled as I laughed at him. "But, no, this person that he stood up for, walks up to him. Says their thanks – and, when the boy thinks it's over, this person pulls out a flower." I blushed, realizing he was talking about me. "Now, this person, is so different from this boy – a good different. Too good for this boy."

"Tom," I whispered, but he stood up, walking over to me and continuing.

"See, this boy – he'd been admiring this person for quite some time. So pretty, he'd think to himself." He was stood in front of me, his hands resting on my thighs. "I don't know when I knew that I loved you, Hufflepuff. But, damn, I love you." My eyes widened, my hands coming up to hold his.


"You don't have to say it back – I know it's stupid and it's cheesy and out of character and I–"

"Tom!" He pursed his lips, looking at me. I brought my hands up to his cheeks, my thumbs rubbing soothing circles. "I fucking love you." His eyes widened, a smile on his face.

"With such strong language?" I laughed, pulling him in to kiss me. I parted my legs slightly to pull him closer to me.

"I do love them, you know – the daisies, I mean. I didn't, but, I've learned to love quite a few things since I met you." I smiled, leaning in to place kisses all over his face, causing him to laugh. "This – will take getting used to. I might like it, though." He stopped my assault on his face, his thumb and his index finger holding my chin.

"I love you, Slytherin."

"And I love you, Hufflepuff."

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