The Frat Boy (Part 2) // Sam Holland

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Pairing: Sam Holland x Reader

Summary: Second encounter with Sam!


"This is stupid," you complained, groaning as you looked at the amount of people littered across the room. "I've been in my major for almost three whole years now, and now I have to be part of some stupid workshop?"

"It's not a workshop," Harry said, standing next to you as you signed in, "it's like a mentor program. You have to coach a freshman."

"When did I agree to do that?"

Harry rolled his eyes as he leaned against the door, shaking his head at you and sliding his hands into the pockets of his jeans. "You get four credits for it. Do you want to take math... again?"

You rolled your eyes, knowing you didn't have to repeat the last semester. You failed and needed to take it over, but you were told by your academic counselor that these credits would cover you.

"I'll come pick you up in an hour, love." Harry winked, giving you a small salute as he wondered out the door, dodging the few people coming in.

You sighed heavily, sinking into a seat at the end, near the back. You smiled at the people wandering in and out in front and in back of you, trying to pick a seat furthest from the front center.

"Has everyone signed in?" The mass of students that heard the instructor in the front nodded, a lull of "yes's" sounding around you. Everyone else began taking their seats, noticing the figure standing in the front of the room. "Good, we're ready to get started!" She said, clapping her eyes with a smile, before she could say anything else, someone came rushing in, apologies falling past his lips.

"Sorry, sorry," he rushed, his face burning red as all eyes settled on him.

"It's fine," the instructor smiled, gesturing toward the sign-in sheet. "Just sign in, and take a seat, we're just about to start the orientation."

You squinted at the figure at the door. He looked familiar. You weren't sure where you'd seen him, though.

"Alright, now, for our first exercise, we'll be doing an ice-breaker – so you all get to know your fellow mentors, and meet someone new in your major!"

You huffed, grabbing onto the single sheet of paper that was passed to you, before passing along the stack to the people next to you. The sheet listed different activities around the campus that someone might do, for example "find someone who has been to a soccer game on campus". Great, you thought, something that required you to actually get up and... talk to people.

"Sorry!" Another voice called, walking in late and collecting a paper from someone standing at the door and signing in.

Fuck. Jonathan's eyes scanned the room for a seat, his eyes settling on you. You diverted your gaze, darting from your seat when the instructor told you all to begin the exercise. You walked toward the other end of the room, to a girl named Symphony – she was in your Astronomy class last semester. You asked her a question from the sheet, glancing behind you to see Jonathan's eyes still on you as another girl asked him a question off the paper.

"Hey! It's my slow dancing partner!" You looked up from your sheet, finding yourself standing in the middle of the room. "It's me – uh, Sam! Harry's twin–"

"Yeah," you laughed, "I remember. Don't worry."

He smiled shyly at you, his eyes trailing over you. "Right, we had a night to never forget," he winked.

"Dancing in the middle of the party to a non-slow song? Yeah, I bet people who saw us thought that was pretty unforgettable, too." You laughed with him, smiling when he shrugged.

"Five minutes!" The instructor called, causing you and Sam to look at your papers.

"Hey Sam," a girl said, passing by you two. She smiled at him, lightly touching his shoulder.

"Uh, yeah, hey Talia." He nodded at her, turning toward you and clearing his throat slightly, ignoring your questioning glance. "Didn't know you were majoring in English."

"Yeah, it's a double major," you clarified, "I am also majoring in Film and Media."

"Ah, so that's how you know Harry." He added, causing you to nod. "I knew there was a reason you talked to that loser." He laughed, dodging your hand as it reached out to hit his shoulder.

"Harry's nice. I like nice guys."

"I'm nice," Sam smiled when you chuckled lightly. "I am!"

"Start getting back to your seats!" The instructor said, heading back to the front of the classroom.

"Let me prove it," Sam said, causing you to look at him confused. "Let me take you out – to prove that I'm nice."

"Wow, that was kind of smooth."

"It's an art," he said, shrugging it off. "What do you say? Tonight?"

"I say that's eager."

"Do you like eager?"

"If it's from the right person," you shrugged. "You seem.... right enough." You joked, causing Sam to smile. "Tonight." You nodded, heading back to your seat.

"Tonight!" He called out, smiling to himself as he walked back to his seat.

"Moving on already? It hasn't even been a week, babe."

You rolled your eyes as you noticed Jonathan had taken the empty seat in front of you. "Yeah, well, if you recall, you moved on while we were still in a relationship. I think you win."

"How many times do I have to apologize for that?"

"How many times? You haven't even apologized once." Your eyebrows furrowed as he began to think.


You rolled your eyes, choosing to ignore him instead, letting your focus zoom in on the instructor speaking toward the front.


"So, where do you live? I'll pick you up."

You turned around, slowing your walking so Sam could catch up to you. "Uh, how about I meet you at Harry's?"

"C'mon!" He pouted, "This is supposed to prove I'm nice. Step one, pick up your date."

"Maybe in like, our parents' time." You laughed as he rolled his eyes at your joke, shrugging. "It's easier – we both know where it's at, no room for getting lost. We meet up. You can drive me home, if it means that much to you."

He thought about it for a couple of minutes, smiling softly as he nodded. "Sure, yeah, we can do that. Hey, uh, what kind of flowers does your roommate like?"


"Flowers... your roommate."

You furrowed your eyebrows, "Uh, lilacs, I think. Why?"

"Just asking. Cool, cool. What about you?"

You laughed. "Was that your subtle way of asking what flowers I liked?"

"What? No! You're so full of yourself. It's, uh, for a survey. For my... statistics class."

"Obviously," you stated. You stopped in front of your car, shrugging. "Sunflowers are nice." You shrugged, smiling when he nodded to himself.

"Cool, sunflowers. I'll, uh, make sure I note those both down. Sunflowers and, uh... uh–"


"Lilacs! Right, yeah. Sunflowers and lilacs. Noted. See you tonight!" He waved, running across the lot toward his bike, turning around to wave at you.

"Hey, loverboy!" You shouted, causing him to turn around. "What time, tonight?"

"Oh, ha! Right, uh, six?"

"Six," you nodded, smiling as you got in your car. "See you at six!"

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