Chapter 6

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Author's note:

Songs for this part:

Yellow - Coldplay


The boys show that night was the best I had ever seen. There was just some kind of new energy about them. The crowds poured in by the thousands into the arena in California, where the show was. I watched again from a special private box along with some of the crew.

After the concert, I met them again backstage. Everyone was still on an adrennaline rush as they returned to the tourbus.

"That was fucking amazing" Michael shook his head grinning. They all agreed that it was one of their best shows yet. We decided that celebratory pizza was in order. We sat around the small booth table in the kitchen area, Luke scooting in beside me, closer than he would've a few days ago. His hand rested on my thigh once again. Calum noticed this and shot us a vicious glare, causing Luke to move his hand away, only to replace it a few seconds later when Cal wasn't looking.

"Hey it's only 10 o'clock we should do something" Calum said as we finished up.

"We could go see that alien movie again!" Ash suggested excitedly, but everyone groaned in response.

"We should go sightseeing. In the dark" Michael said and we all agreed.

But as we walked to the door, me and Luke were last out and Micheal slammed the door in our faces yelling as he ran to the car "Enjoy your alone time!".

I looked up at Luke and he burst out laughing as I blushed. I shuffled my feet uncomfortably, Luke standing very close to me. He cleared his throat and rubbed the back of his neck, standing back a bit. I sat back down at the table and he sat beside me.

"I want to take you somewhere" he said in his low raspy voice.

"Okay... Where?" I wondered but he just put his finger to his lips and took my hand. We walked out to a car and he got into the drivers seat and started it.

"Um Luke? Are we supposed to be in this car?" I asked him as he looked out the review mirror nervously.

"No. But i wont tell if you don't" he smirked pulling out of the car park.

I lost track of how long we drove for. All I knew was that Luke's hand was on my thigh and that was always good. I didn't care if we ever got to our destination because right here in the car with Greenday blaring through the radio and the warm California breeze blowing my hair, was the best feeling in the world.

I soon realised where he was taking me as I spotted the dark blue line of the ocean in the distance.

"We're going to the beach?" I asked smiling.

"Yeah" he said rubbing my thigh lightly sending shivers through my body.

Neither of us were dressed for the beach. I was wearing skinny jeans and a 5sos tshirt and he was in his signature black jeans and cut off tank top. But the second my feet hit the sand i took off my vans and threw them on the sand.

I closed my eyes, threw my head back and breathed in the salty sea air. It was pure bliss. I suddenly had and urge to take off in a run. I skipped across the sand my hair flying in the wind, spinning around in circles while Luke watched me smiling. He ran after me and caught up to me only slowing me down by grabbing me around the waist. He looked at me fondly in the semi- darkess.

"Why are you staring at me like that?" I squirmed shyly. He took my hand again.

"You're beautiful" he said.

"You're a fool" i scoffed rolling my eyes.

"A fool for you" he whispered in my ear. I pushed him lightly but he over reacted falling on the ground dramatically. He offered me and hand to pull him up but when i took it he tugged me down so i landed on top of him laughing and blushing.

The only light was the glimmer of the stars above us as we lay there hand in hand. The world could have fallen apart around us in the moment and I wouldn't have cared. His big hand holding my small one, his blue eyes searching my brown ones. We didn't have to say it. It was clear that this was what love felt like.

"This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen" i breathed into the almost complete darkness now.

"Same" he said but when i turned to face him i realised he was looking at me.

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