Chapter 9

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That evening I put on a navy dress and nude heels and tied my curly hair into a ponytail, for dinner with Calum.

He was taking me out to dinner in some fancy place in Malibu.

"Alexaaaa" he groaned as I finished up putting another coat of mascara on. He was getting impatient.

"Okay, okay, I'm coming" i assured him. I opened the door and walked into the lounge area of the bus where all 4 boys were sitting. They all looked up at me as I walked out. I usually feel like one of the boys around them but with them all staring at once, i squirmed and blushed.

"You look beautiful" Luke blurted out and everyone turned to stare at him then. He cleared his throat and looked away as Calum shot him a death stare.

Calum pulled out my chair and i sat into it. This was a really nice place. We both ate and talked for a while before he said what i knew he was getting at.

"What's the deal with you and Luke?" He asked and i tried not to look him in the eye.

"I dunno..." I avoided eye contact and sipped my drink slowly. He sighed impatiently.

"Well what are you doing? Are you two dating now?" He asked, and i could tell he wasn't giving up on this.

"I dont know Calum. Honestly, why does it matter? I like him and he likes me. We're just having fun" i shrugged.

"Of course it matters!" He said aggravated. "It's Luke. We all know what he's like. He's not good at relationships". I squirmed in my seat. When he asked me to be his girlfriend he said he had never done this before. Could I really be his first girlfriend?

"I really like him Cal" i protested and he rubbed his forehead like i was annoying him.

"You couldn't have went for another guy? It had to be Luke?" He groaned. This conversation was making me more and more angry and he could tell.

"Look Alexa i love Luke. He's like my brother but we all know what he's like when it comes to girls. He'll make them feel special for a while and then he'll move on. You're too good for him. I don't want you to get hurt" he said quietly and reached across the table to put his hand on mine. I pulled it away angrily.

"What do you know?!" I said too loudly. "You don't know anything! He likes me Calum. He said so" i was trying to convince myself as much as him.

"He's going to hurt you" he tried to explain calming but I stood up from the table.

"I want to leave Calum. Right now" i demanded, embarrassed tears threatened to pour from my eyes. I tried to hold them in as he threw his hands up in defeat and followed me to the door. We drove back to the bus in silence.

When we got back on the bus Ashton and Luke were playing xbox and Michael was playing his guitar.

"Hey Hood's how was your dinner?" Ashton smiled when he faced us. I walked straight past him and into the back room, closing the door to let them know that they weren't welcome to follow. I could still hear everything they said though.

"Hey what happened man?" Michael asked Calum.

"Nothing" Calum huffed in a voice he only used when he was annoyed.

A few moments of silence later and someone knocked on the door. I wiped my eyes furiously and sighed heavily.

"Go away Calum" i huffed but Luke's head peaked round the door. He gave me a small smile and entered the room closing the door behind him again.

"What's wrong?" He asked sitting beside me on the couch. I shook my head and gave a small laugh although nothing was even slightly funny about tonight.

"I just...I don't know..." I hesitated. What was I going to say? My brother just told me how much of a womaniser you are and now i'm scared that you're going to break my heart and he also basically told me to stay away from you even though i've never liked anyone as much as i like you.

"Just a fall out with Calum" I tried a smile but inside i was crying. I avoided eye contact. He was so clueless he actually leaned forward and put his hand on my face to try and kiss me but I jumped away like i had been electric shocked.

"I'm sorry...It's been a long day. I think I'm gonna go to sleep now" i said quickly and left him sitting there looking confused and hurt, with tears in my eyes.

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