Chapter 16

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I had the best sleep in a long, long time that night. I woke up with Luke placing a soft kiss onto my lips. I smiled into the kiss before I opened my eyes and saw him smiling back at me.

"Morning" he breathed. His usually quiffed hair was flat and pressed against his head, which made him look a lot younger. He looked cute, like a little puppy. It confused me that he could go from looking like a sex master to a little puppy dog, and still have the same effect on me. I guess I was just head-over-heels in love with him.

"Hi" i smiled. His hands were either side of my shoulders supporting his body which was hovering over mine, in the press up position.

"You look beautiful" he said and I cringed. I'm sure I looked terrible. I was wearing my black bra and panties and still wearing my thigh high stockings from yesterday. I hadn't washed my makeup off so i'm sure there was smudges of black eyeliner around my eyes. Nonetheless he leaned down and kissed me again.

"What are we going to do today?" I asked him. It was more of a question of when we were going to return to the bus where the boys were. Probably full of questions about where we had been. What had happened? Why was Luke's lip swollen and why did he have a black eye? Luke's eye!

"Your eye" i said, reaching two fingers up and pressing it lightly. He winced and pulled away a bit. "Sorry" i blushed. He shook his head.

"It's ok. It'll be fine don't worry about me Alexa" he said and I smiled back at him weakly. But of course I was worried. I was worried about what Calum was going to say. What the paparazzi was going to write about him. The fans were obviously going to notice his eye.

"So I guess everybody knows now" i said. "About us". He smirked and the appearance of his dimple made me smile back.


He noticed my worried expression though. "Hey" he said putting his hand under my chin and lifting it so I had to look in his eyes. "What's on your mind?"

"I don't know... I just... I want them to like me so badly" i admitted. I knew fans like theirs were fierce about who the lads went out with. And I was so scared that They'd hate me.

"Of course they're going to like you" he tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. "You're beautiful and funny and smart. And I love you. They will too".

Luke's phone rang just then and ruined the moment. He sighed and reached over to the bedside table and grabbed it looking at the screen. Michaels name popped up. Luke put a finger to his lips gesturing for me to be quiet.

"Hey Mikey" Luke said, and nerves were clear in his voice.

"Luke where the fuck are you?" Michael said in a hushed voice. "Calum is going crazy. We woke up and you two weren't here".

"I'm sorry" Luke groaned. "We got into bit of a...fight last night. Not me and Alexa, me and some paparazzi guy. There was swarms of them Michael. more than I've ever seen before. I was just trying to keep her safe like Calum told me to. Fuck he's going to kill me". His hand moved to the back of his neck and he rubbed it, anxiously.

"Well it was stupid of you not to come back here but at least we know you're both alright. Get back here asap ok? We have a show tonight".

"Ok. I know I'll be there don't worry" Luke hung up and flopped back down beside me. He got back into his previous position above me. "Now...where were we" he raised an eyebrow at me.

"Luke!" I slapped his arm. "You heard him. Michael said be back as soon as possible" i protested.

"Don't think about Michael. Think about me" he said his mouth dangerously close to my ear. "My needs. What I want" he continued. His breath was hot and tickled my neck. I couldn't deny that his words were driving me crazy. But...

"Luke we can't" i said. "We have to...get back". But my mind was elsewhere. I didn't want him to stop. As much as we needed to, there was nothing in the world that could've dragged me away from him.

"We have plenty of time. And besides, i didn't just rent this room out for nothing" Luke's lips grazed my neck. "Cramped up in that tour bus all the time. I can't do what I want with you".

I tried to ignore the feeling of wetness in my underwear.

"But now you're all mine" he said, his deep voice creating butterflies in my stomach. "I can do whatever I want with you". His hand reached down and made contact with my lower parts. I was almost embarrassed by how wet his simple words had made me. He smirked when he felt me through my panties.

"Who did this to you?" He asked. I was never really good at dirty talk. But he was looking for an answer. "I asked you a question. Who made you this wet babe?".

"You did Luke" i breathed softly. He seemed satisfied with my answer. He reached into my panties and felt me. My back arched off the bed and i couldn't suppress the moan that escaped my lips with the coldness of his hand. This was a lot different from our first time. The first time he was gentle and loving. Now, he was so demanding and controlling. But it just turned me on more.

His index and middle finger traced along my slit slowly. I moved around desperately trying to get some kind of friction between his fingers and me but he just chuckled. I groaned.

"You want it bad don't you? Little slut aren't you?" He whispered. I don't know why i found this so sexy. But the more he talked the more i needed him. I decided to play along.

"I need it so badly. Need your fingers in me" i said in his ear. It was his turn to groan now. Without further warning he slipped his index finger into me. I smirked proudly but it only lasted a second before he shocked me by adding another finger. My breathing hitched as and he smirked his face pressed against my chest. He had gotten his way.

"Fuck Luke" i gasped as I felt the same sensation as last time in my stomach. He just kissed my chest where his face was buried and i came undone under him. I was panting and my hair was messy.

LUKES P.O.V (point of view)

God she was perfect. Lying there under me looking like a complete goddess. I was so in love with her. The things I wanted to do to her. And to see her like this, all flustered and panting, all because of was the best feeling in the world. And even better because I was the only one who got to see her like this.

"I love you" i said. She smiled. That smile...God damn Luke, pull yourself together you're lying here with a naked girl under you and you're thinking about her smile? But not just any girl. Alexa.

"I love you" she said and kissed me. She made me feel things that I didn't know were possible for me to feel. Sure I'd been with other girls before her but nobody compares to her. She's not just a girl. She's my girl.

I wanted to lie there forever with her. Just me and her. But she shifted underneath me and sighed.

"You know we have to get back now Luke?" She reminded me. I nodded and reluctantly rolled over onto my side to let her get up. She smiled at me and kissed me again before I got out of bed.

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