Chapter 21

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Songs for this chapter:

Vegas girl- Conor maynard
Hesher- Wallpaper
Tipsy- J-Kwon
Shots- Lmfao

My heart stopped and i instinctively grabbed Luke's arm. He turned to me, worry filling his beautiful eyes. "Alexa..?" He asked as I gestured towards the man standing only feet away from us. Luke's eyes scanned the crowd and landed on the man. He blinked a few times and cleared his throat.

"He's not getting in. I'll make sure. He's not going to ruin this night" Luke assured me. He squeezed my hand again and we kept walking towards the door. The man was still yelling at me.
"Look this way!" He shouted at me.
"Cmon love gimme something!". His huge camera flash blinded me and finally Luke pulled me in the door of the club.

Immediately, we were greeted with a huge round of cheers and HAPPY BIRTHDAY LUKE's. Luke went adorably red and laughed. He never let go of my hand as people came up and patted him on the back and shook his hand. Most people I had never seen before but some were famous. All 5 One Direction members were there. So was Perrie Edwards from Little Mix and all of the girls from Fifth Harmony. Luke and I made our way to the back of the huge club, where Michael and Calum were sitting at a table with Niall Horan and Liam Payne.

"Happy birthday Hemmo!" Niall grinned as we walked up to the table. He hugged Luke and then he hugged me too. "You're Calum's sister right? I'm Niall" he shouted to me over the noise of the music. "Yeah I'm Alexa" i smiled at him. I liked Niall a lot. Liam greeted us too and I took a seat beside Mikey as Luke was whisked away into a crowd of people I didn't know, all wishing him a happy birthday. "This is amazing" i told Michael. "You guys did an awesome job". He nodded.

"Thanks Lexi. Can I get you a drink?". I thought about it. I don't usually drink but everyone else was tonight. "Yeah sure... Get me a lemonade and vodka" i told him and he winked and went to the bar. I sat in my seat and took in my surroundings. The club was massive and there was a huge dance-floor in the middle, which was already littered with people.

"Hey" a voice said behind me. I turned around and faced a smiley blonde girl with a nose piercing and a purple dress. Perrie. "Hi" i smiled back blushing a bit because she was so pretty and famous and I was shy. "I'm Perrie" she introduced herself. "I'm Alexa" i replied. "I love your hair!" She grinned and reached out and touched a lock of it. "It matches my dress" she laughed. I relaxed a bit then because she seemed normal enough.

"I dyed it a few days ago" i told her. "Well its lovely. You look like a rockstar tonight babe" she smiled at me. I decided that I really like Perrie. She would be a good friend to have while the boys are on tour. Just then Michael returned, drinks in both hands.

"Here we are" he set them down on the table. "Oh hi Perrie". Perrie greeted him and they started into a conversation about tour dates. I picked up my drink and sipped it slowly. It was stronger than I had expected. "So you know Alexa?" Perrie asked Michael.

"Yeah Alexa is Calum's sister" he explained. "Ohhhh" Perrie laughed in realisation. I smiled at her. "You actually look alot like him. I hadn't noticed before" she told me.

"Everyone says that" i laughed sipping my drink again. Perrie had a glass in her hand too. It looked like coke but I knew that there was something else in it too. She sipped it every now and again. Me Michael and Perrie talked for a while before a tanned boy with black hair wearing a leather jacket came up to the table. Zayn Malik.

"Alright babe" he said to Perrie and she smiled up at him. "This is my fiancé Zayn" she told me. "Zayn this is Alexa Hood. Calum's sister". Zayn smiled at me and shook my hand. By now my drink was gone and I wanted another one. I also wanted to see who else was here.

"I'm going to get a drink" i told them and Perrie told me she would catch up with me later. I weaved in and out of people to get to the bar and when I got there I saw Ashton chatting up some really pretty girls. He spotted me too.

"Oh hey Alexa!" He beamed. "This is Alexa" he told the girls. "She's Calum's sister. She's pretty don't you think? She's with Luke though". Oh God. He was drunk already. The girls around him giggled and I rolled my eyes. "How much have you drank Ash?" I asked him. He shrugged. "I'm just being... Sociable" he slurred laughing. "Here let me buy you one". So he paid for my next lemonade and vodka. It was just as strong as the previous one. If i kept going at this rate I would be drunk very soon. I drank that one down while I talked to Ash and the girls. Then Ashton dared me to take a shot with him.

"Ew no" i protested feeling a little bit buzzed already. "Come ON!" He said. He placed the little glass in front of me. "1...2...3" he said and I lifted the glass and downed the shot. It burned the back of my throat and my nose and I choked and coughed. Ashton laughed. "That was horrible!" I laughed hysterically. Then there was another shot. I drew the line at 3 shots because my head was starting to spin.

I turned around and spotted Luke over at another table. He was sitting with Harry Styles and Calum. I walked over and smiled at him.

"Are you having fun?" i said in his ear. He nodded. "You'll be having more fun later" i whispered, trying to act sexy but then i burst out laughing. Luke smirked at me. "You're drunk aren't you?" He asked. I just laughed. "What are we going to do with you?" He shook his head at me.

"Punish me" i whispered in his ear again. His face hardened. "Fuck Alexa not now" he groaned. I just giggled. I said hello to the other two guys at the table. It wasn't my finest moment meeting Harry Styles drunk. But he seemed a little tipsy too so it was ok. Calum just laughed when he saw how drunk i was. He was flirting with a small brunette girl who introduced herself as Camilla. He seemed to like her alot.

I felt giddy and excited. I was really living this whole "New Alexa" life because the old me would never be here. In a club in Vegas, drunk with celebrities. I saw Perrie a few feet away and I ran up to her and grabbed her hand. He laughed when she saw me. "Hey Alexa".

"Dance with me" i demanded and moved to the dance floor still holding her hand. The dance floor was pretty full with people. An upbeat song was playing and straight away Perrie started dancing. I laughed and joined in moving my feet and swinging my hips in time to the music. It was so fun, i felt so free. Perrie twirled me around and flipped her hair. I started grinding my hips and ass which made her laugh. The song ended and we stumbled off the floor.

"That was so much fun!" She laughed and i agreed, a little out of breath. I looked over to where Luke was sitting and saw him looking at me, his bottom lip pulled between his teeth.

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