Chapter 19

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It had been one month since I left Australia and my parents to come on tour with Calum. I was only supposed to stay a month but my mom had called a few days ago and asked Calum how things were going. Calum of course told her things were great here. And then he did the best thing ever. He asked her if I could stay another couple of weeks.

"Alexa doesn't start school until September anyways" Calum pleaded with her on the phone one night. I waited anxiously. "Ok mum... Alright. I'll talk to you tomorrow. Bye". Calum hung up the phone. I gave him a nervous look and he smiled at me.

"I can really stay?" I shrieked excitedly.

"As long as you're home in time for school. And I take care of you" Calum nodded. Luke walked in just then.

"Why don't you just quit school and come on tour with us all the time?" He suggested smirking.

"You set such a good example Lucas" Cal shook his head jokingly. Luke just shrugged and sat beside me on the couch. I would have done it though. I couldn't bear the thought of what would happen when the summer ended and I had to go back to Australia and leave my brother, my best friends and now, my boyfriend, behind. I wanted to stay here forever. But I knew what my parents would say. When Calum dropped out a year early, they were angry for a very long time. He explained that school wasn't for him. Music was his love and he was going to make a career out of it. But my mother is a teacher and my dad is a lawyer, so they expected Calum to be something like that as well. Eventually, as the band became more successful, my parents understood how happy it made Calum.

"All we really want is for you and Alexa to be happy" my dad told him.

I could sing a little bit but i didn't have the star quality Calum had. I was shy and blushed if someone looked at me for too long. Calum was charming and sweet and had the entire female population wrapped around his finger. I had my guitar and sang acoustic song. Cal played bass and sang punk pop songs. We all knew who was going to be the successful musician in the family. The only thing was, that Calum always knew that he wanted to be a musician. By 17 he had dropped out of school. Yet here I am, the same age, and i haven't a clue what I want to do with my life. I know who i want to be in it though. I want the tall, blonde, lanky, dorky guy who makes me smile without fail every day.

I smiled at him beside me on the couch in the bus. He noticed and smiled back. I reached up and kissed his nose.

"You're so cute" he laughed. Ashton walked in just then.

"Eww PDA overload" he joked laughing. I rolled my eyes and Luke threw his arm around my shoulders lazily. "Hey your birthday is in a few days Lucas" Ash reminded us. I smiled up at Luke.

"18" i raised my eyebrows and smirked. "Party?" I asked ashton.

"Of course" ashton said like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Biggest party ever. We're going to be in vegas then. Me and Mike are setting it all up. It's going to be in a club called The Scene".

This was exciting. I hadn't been clubbing with the boys before. I wasn't actually legal to be in clubs like that but if i was with these guys, no one was going to ask me for ID. Luke wasn't legal until now anyways but he was waltzed in there and nobody asked him for an ID. He was famous. He didn't need one, everyone already knew who he was.

I needed something to wear for Luke's birthday night too. Maybe while the boys were in a soundcheck or something I could go shopping. The next day the tour bus parked outside an arena in Utah.

"What's your plans for today? Are you going to come watch the soundcheck?" Calum asked as the boys got ready to leave.

"I think I'm going to go shopping" i told him. "I need something to wear to Luke's party". Calum nodded at my while shovelling cereal into his mouth. He dug his hand into his pocket and pulled out a hundred dollar bill.

"Here" he handed it to me. "I always wanted to buy you a prom dress but this will do". He smiled at me and I smiled back. "I'll arrange for a car to drive you to a mall and back too".

"Thank you Cal" I thanked him gratefully. It was really sweet of him. He was very generous with his money (God knows he was doing well for an 18 year old). He never let me go without something and always enjoyed spending it on me. But my parents didn't want me to be spolied.

The other lads walked into the kitchen area then and pulled Calum with them. Luke bent down on his way out and kissed me quickly, his mouth tasting like minty toothpaste. I smiled to myself as he flew out the door. I would have liked Luke to come shopping with me, but they're always so busy. A few minnutes later, I got a text saying that the car was outside waiting to pick me up. I grabbed my purse and left the bus. I got into the backseat of a black BMW car and greeted the driver.

"To the nearest mall yes?" he asked me and I agreed. I knew nothing about how to get there but I trusted that he would bring me to a good shopping centre. I just relaxed in the back of the car for 20 minutes until he pulled to the side of the street outside the entrance to a huge mall.

"I'll be back here in 2 hours ok? If you need to leave sooner you have the number" he told me. Then he pulled off and I was alone. I breathed in the fresh air. I hadn't gotten much alone time lately. It was hard to have time alone when you were basically living in a mobile home with 4 lads, people constantly coming in and out and crew members checking up on them all the time. It was actually more peaceful here on the busy street. I walked into the mall and blinked a few times. Where the hell was I supposed to start, this place was so damn big? I saw a little boutique and decided to start there. I walked inside and smiled at the old lady behind the counter. After looking around the shop for mere seconds, I could tell it was definitely not my style. I exited as quickly as I came. I would have to look further.

I walked through the mall past a few high street shops like forever21 and Abercrombie and Fitch. Finally, at the back there was a medium sized shop which looked more like my style. I preferred darker colours, like purple, black and gray. Hopefully there would be a dress here. I walked in and there was already music playing. I saw that one side of the shop was more casual clothes, like jeans and shorts. I walked to the other side and sure enough, there was a full wall of gorgeous dresses. I started on the left side. I picked up a long, shapeless dress.

"Oh no" said a voice. "Absoloutely not. Not with a figure like yours". The shop assistant, who looked around 25, with bleach blonde hair and several piercings in one ear, walked over to me. "Sure it's a nice dress... for a 50 year old. Try something with a little more...shape". She hummed as she searched along the rack. I just stood there and waited. She seemed like she knew what she was doing.

"THIS!" She exclaimed, startling me. She picked up a short, strapless black dress, witch was prom style. I couldn't deny how gorgeous it was. It would look great with my new hair colour too. But I wasn't sure i was able to rock a dress like that. My boobs weren't very big and I was quite short. I took it from her hands anyways and thanked her.

I walked into the dressing rooms and quickly stripped off my jeans and tank top. I pulled the dress off the hanger and over my head. It rested perfectly on my body, outlining all my curves perfectly. My purple hair fell around my shoulders making me look like a totally different person. Little-girl Alexa was long gone and in her place was a sexy goddess Alexa. I posed at myself in the mirror and nodded in approval. I was definitely getting this dress.

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