Chapter 8

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Author's Note:

Songs for this chapter:

Outta my limit-5 seconds of summer


The next morning we all sat in the kitchen area of the bus and ate breakfast together. Luke sat close to me again. The boys all talked about last night while I sat in silence eating my cheerios.

"So did you bang her last night Lukey?" Ashton asked.

I coughed and choked on my cheerios and Luke let out a weird cough noise. If looks could kill Ash would be dead because Calum was furious.

"What? No of course not" Luke coughed again. My face was redder than a tomato.

"That better be fucking right" Calum hissed at Luke angrily. I wanted the ground to swallow me up. I mentally cursed ashton for bringing the topic up. Who wanted to talk about sex with their new boyfriend and his friends who happened to be your older brother? Luke and I hadn't even talked about it yet. Let alone in front of his friends.

"Anyways" Mikey cleared his throat awkwardly. I gave him a grateful look across the table. He was the only thing stopping Calum from murdering Luke in front of us all.

"We have a studio session today. We're gonna do some more writing and stuff. Alexa do you want to come?" He asked.

"Yeah I'd love to" i said happily. I remember the nights I used to spend out on our back porch with Calum and Luke, Luke strumming his guitar softly and Calum scribbling on a notepad. He was a genius at songwriting.

I got dressed in a floral skater skirt and a white tank top and my trusty white vans. Then the bus drove to the studio and we all went inside. The boys and I gathered into the recording room in a circle.

Luke picked up a guitar straight away. I watched in awe as he placed his fingers in the correct places and softly began strumming out a riff of a song I didn't know.

"Hey" i said to him. "What song is that?". He shrugged shyly.

"Something new. Haven't got any lyrics yet though" he told me.

"That's where I come in!" Calum clapped his hands together. He grabbed a notepad and a pen and Luke played the riff repeatedly. It was a long slow process. In the space of an hour all they had come up with was a few lines that didn't fit into the tune. I left after another while to get them coffee in the Starbucks across the street. When I came back, they were all smiling and laughing. I could tell that they had made some progress.

"How's it coming along?" I asked as I handed them their coffee. Luke picked up his guitar again and smiled at me. He started playing the riff he had been playing earlier but this time he added lyrics.

"You're just a little bit outta my limit

It's been 2 years now

Haven't even seen the best of me

And in my mind now

I've been over this a thousand times

It's almost over

Let's start over"

His voice never failed to give me chills. It was angelic but raspy and deep. The lyrics were perfect. I couldn't believe they have fit them into the tune so perfectly. He stopped playing and looked at my hopefully.

"It's amazing" i breathed and they erupted into celebrations. Michael and Calum hi-fived and so did Luke and Ashton. Then Calum came over and swooped me into a massive bear hug.

"I'm so glad you're here Alexa" he sighed happily. I smiled at him. When I thought about it, i had spent more time since i got here with Luke than Cal. Calum was who i originally came here to see. I suddenly felt very guilty.

"I'm sorry I've been a lousy sister since I got here" i shook my head. "But me and you should have dinner tonight?".

His face lit up. "Yeah we should". After another 2 hours of songwriting the first verse was written and played several times.

"Back in high school, we used to take it slo-ow" Calum sang.

"Red lipstick on and high heeled stilettos".

They decided that after 2 and a half hours we should leave. They had a free night that night with no show. When we got back to the bus Luke took me aside.

"Hey" he smiled. "Do you, um, want to get dinner or something tonight? Like just you and me". I felt so bad. Of course I wanted to. More than i wanted to go out with Calum but I wasn't one to go back on a deal.

"I'm sorry" i put my hand on his arm. "But Calum and I are going out. You can come if you like?" I suggested. I didn't really mean it. I knew how awkward it would be but thankfully he shook his head.

"Don't worry about it Alexa...I'll see you tonight anyway" he said quietly. I didn't know what that meant exactly but it made me excited nonetheless.

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